首页 >  中考英语名词专项训练真题  > 2023年中考英语名词专项练习(含答案)



名词专项练习一、单项选择1.— We’ll be free on this year’s May Day, so I suggest ________ to Huai’an West amusement park(淮安西游乐园).—Sorry, I’ll have my car ________. Something is wrong with its light.A.visiting;repair B.visiting;repaired C.a visit;repair D.a visit;repaired2.There are three ________ in the company(公司).A.worker B.workers’ C.workers3.—You look so young, Mrs Green. Could you tell me how old you are —Oh, sorry. It’s a(n) ________.A.problem B.instruction C.secret D.business4.It’s _______ time since we met last.A.one and half month’s B.one and a half months C.one and a half months’5.—Usually the biggest city in a country is its capital. But the capital of ________ isn’t its biggest city.—That’s true. Toronto isn’t a capital city.A.France B.Russia C.Canada6.Ren Ziwei and Zhang Yuting won the first champion in the 24th Winter Olympic Games, they are the ________ of Heilongjiang Province and we are ________ of them.A.proud; pride B.pride; pound C.pride; proud7.The population of China is ______ than ______. However, the birthrate is still low, so our government encourages a second child.A.larger; Russia B.more; that of Russia C.larger; that of Russia8.—Is this hat ________ —No, the red hat is ________.A.Lucy’s; hers B.Lucy; hersC.Lucy’s; her D.Lucy; her9.—Would you please give me two ________ —Sure, here you are.A.cup of tea B.cups of teas C.cups of tea D.cup of teas10.—How far is it from Beijing to Lanzhou —It’s a ________ from Beijing to Lanzhou.A.2.5 hours’ long B.2.5 hours flight C.2.5-hour flight D.2.5-hour-long11.________ the teachers in their school is 106 and three fourths of them are ________ teachers.A.A number of; women B.A number of; womanC.The number of; woman D.The number of; women12.They traveled with some ________on their trip to China.A.Germans B.Germen C.German D.Germens13.The Chengdu Marathon (马拉松) of 2022 starts at Jingsha Site Museum ________ is a famous place of interest in our city.A.where B.which C.when14.—How far is it from your home to your school —Not very far. It’s about five ________ walk.A.minute B.minutes C.minutes’ D.minute’s15.—Have you learned “When will the moon be clear and bright With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.” —Yes. Su Shi wrote the poem for ________.A.the Spring Festival B.the Mid-Autumn FestivalC.the Lantern Festival D.the Dragon Boat Festival16.At last, the poor boy was ________. But people didn’t know the reason of his ________.A.died; death B.dead; death C.dead; die D.death; dead17.The boys are sitting around together and they are playing a favorite game of ________.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs18.—Can I help you, sir —Yes, please. I’d like ________.A.two cup of tea B.two cups of teas C.two cup of teas D.two cups of tea19.We needn’t buy any CDs for them. ________ children never listen to CDs.A.Most B.Most the C.The most of20.Grandma was standing at the _________ of the stairs.A.last B.best C.bottom D.worst21.Mr. Black is a teacher of ______ . She and her classmates like him very much.A.my sister B.my sister’s C.my sisters D.my sisters’22.—What kind of porridge would you like, Alice —I would like ______.A.egg porridge B.eggs porridge C.fish porridges D.fishes porridge23. I live near the station. It’s only about five ______ walk.A.minute’s B.minute C.minutes’ D.minutes24. —It’s easy to travel from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking high-speed railway.—Yes. It’s only ________.A.eight hours ride B.eight hour’s rideC.eight-hours ride D.eight hours’ ride25.Dr. Zhong gave us much ________ on how to protect ourselves from the virus.A.idea B.suggestion C.advice D.tip26.After ________ talk, they decided to go to Beijing on holiday.A.two hour B.two hours C.two-hours D.two hours’27.If I leave my home at 6 o’clock and drive to the airport, I’ll arrive at about 8.So it’s about two ________ drive from my house to the airport.A.hour B.hour’s C.hours D.hours’28.Shuey Rhon Rhon, the mascot (吉祥物) of Beijing Paralympic Games, is a ________ of peace, friendship and happiness.A.present B.gift C.symbol29.David promised to help me with my physics last Sunday. But to my great disappointment, he never appeared that day. What does the word “disappointment” mean in the sentence A.The feeling of being nervous B.The feeling of being lonely C.The feeling of being unhappy30.There are 56 ________ in our country.A.people B.the people C.peoples D.persons31.There are 60 ________ in our school and they are all patient with students.A.woman teacher B.women teachers C.women teacher D.woman teachers32.—A boy is flying a kite over there. Who is he —Oh, he is ________ brother.A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy and Lily’s C.Lucy’s and Lily33.________ Day is a special holiday for us to show our love for our mothers.A.Mother B.Mothers C.Mother’s D.Mothers’34.—Excuse me, sir. May I take your ________ /’ :d (r)/ now —Yes, of course.A.order B.orange C.store35.June 1st is ________ Day.A.Children B.Children’s C.Child36.The ________ action film has attracted millions of young people to see.A.130-minute B.130-minutes C.130 minutes D.130-minutes’37.— You should learn how to make polite ________.— That’s true. It’s very important to ask for help ________.A.requests;politely B.require;polite C.repeat;politely D.review;polite38.I’ve learnt a lot from Journey to the West, because the four heroes go through the eighty-one ________ with the strong will.A.difficulties B.differences C.discussions39.I expect Mr. Friend to ________ my letter, but there’s still no ________.A.reply; replies B.reply to; repliesC.reply to; reply D.reply; reply40.As is known to all, ________ is very close to the equator, so the temperature there is almost the same all year round.A.Singapore B.China C.Russia41.A new study shows a ________ walk every day is enough to keep thin.A.30 minutes’ B.30 minute’s C.30-minutes D.30 minute42.There are ________ on the desk.A.three cups of teas B.three cup C.three cups of tea D.three teas43.How time flies! I still can’t forget the ________ winter holiday because we enjoyed ourselves so much.A.two month’s B.two months’ C.two-months44.—Could you tell me what your ________ of this visit to China is —Sure. I’m looking forward to seeing Tanggula Mountains (唐古拉山).A.position B.purpose C.relation45.The earth is a friend of ________. We should look after it.A.we B.us C.our D.ours46.With the ________ of the country, his hometown has changed better and better.A.develop B.development C.developing D.developed47.Fathers play an important role in their ________ growth.A.child B.child’s C.children D.children’s48.Bad luck! The _________ of the guide map made me get _________ easily in the strange city.A.lose; lost B.lost; loss C.loss; lose D.loss; lost49.It’s ________ walk from Peter’s home to school, so he often walks to school.A.ten-minutes B.ten minutes’ C.ten minutes D.ten minute’s50.I’m going to choose some online courses with a friend of ________ to improve our English.A.I B.my C.mine二、用所给单词的正确形式填空51.It is my ________ to help my parents do some housework at weekends. (responsible)52.With 3D glasses, ____________ can see the process of intestines digesting(肠胃消化). (visitor)53.A few students made a ____________ about the poor food. (complain)54.I plan to enter for a summer camp with a friend of ________. (I)55.All of us in this company like him because of his _________. (honest)56.People admire _________ because they have done something brave, new or excellent. (hero)57.Some interesting things came up in our __________ yesterday. (discuss)58.The great __________ is respected by the world. (art)59.Simon is measuring the __________ of his desk to see if it will fit the new study. (long)60.The website gives you quite a few useful ________ on interviewing for high schools. (tip)61.The ________ combines different techniques in the same painting. (art)62.Melody’s parents always tell her to make a ________ by herself. (decide)63.The secretary made enough ________ of the report for the conference. (copy)64.Last summer, I went on a trip to _____ with my father. It was great fun. (German)65.Nowadays most people choose to spend their holidays travelling to foreign ________.(country)66.Modern new ________ can calculate quite fast and seldom make mistakes. (calculate)67.With the w__________, the birds can fly.68.There were no more fish for _________ (fisherman) to catch.69.As time goes by, the ________ (high) of the mountain can change.70.The doctors and nurses who are fighting against the disease are ________ (hero) in my heart.71.The ________ (art) talent helps him go further on the road to his dream.72.The ________ (leaf) turn yellow in fall.73.Computers and ________ (print) are now widely used in many companies.74.In China, the ________ (pronounce) of dumpling sounds the same as”交子”.75.There are two ________ (choose) for you — try your best to make it or give up all you’ve got.76.The two __________ (Canada) have lived in China for over 10 years.77.Could you tell me who is the ________ (invent) of the telephone 78.People think the old man is wise and when they don’t know what to do they always ask him for some ________ (advice).79.Tony’s father often takes him to climb the mountains on ________ (Sunday).80.More and more people in the world have realized the ________ (important) of the Belt and Road(一带一路).81.Parents and teachers encourage us to take part in more ________ (active) to train our living skills.82.He said that you could not cut it into two ________ (half).83.I can give you some ________(advise)to learn English well.84.After two ________ (hour) discussion, they finally reached an agreement.85.What do you think of his ________ (speak ) 86.Recycling has been a ________—nearly half of the household waste is recycled. (succeed).87.Damin is an elderly but strong ________ who still works every day. (fish)88.Several soldiers moved towards the target under cover of ________. (dark)89.There were many ________ (hero) who lost their lives for our great country in history.90.Giant pandas live on bamboo shoots and _________, and most of them live in China. (leaf)91.This pink watch doesn’t belong to me. It might be _______ (Amy).92.Many doctors and nurses have taken part in preventing COVID-19. They are our _______ (hero).93.I was full of joy at the _________ of meeting my old friend in an hour. (think)94.Our _________ in the government grows because people are living a better life. (confident)95.Wealth does not always brings _________ (happy) to people. But a knowledgeable mind does.96.Thanks to these _________ (farmer) hard work, we have so many kinds of vegetables and foods to enjoy.97.The task is too difficult. He has no ________(choose) but to ask others for help.98.Are there any ________ (Canada) in your hotel 99.I’m going to the university to get further ________ (educate) after finishing senior high school.100.Some ________ (German) are going to come to our school for a visit tomorrow.参考答案:1.D【详解】句意:——今年的五一劳动节时我们有空,因此我建议去参观淮安西游乐园。——对不起,我将修理我的车。车灯出了毛病。考查非谓语动词和名词。visit(参观)当用作动词用时,后面直接接宾语;当用作名词时, 后面可接to,然后接地点名词。suggest(建议)后面可接名词或动词的ing形式,如果选A和B的话,后面不需要加to,因此可先排除A和B。表示主语让别人做某事可用“have/has+名词+过去分词”表示。故选D。2.C【详解】句意:公司有三名工人。考查名词的复数。worker工人,可数名词;根据“three”可知此处用复数名词workers。故选C。3.C【详解】句意:——格林夫人,你看起来好年轻。可以告诉我你的年纪吗?——噢,对不起。这是一个秘密。考查名词辨析。problem“问题”;instruction“指导”;secret“秘密”;business“生意”。从题干可知,格林夫人不想告知,年龄是个秘密。选项C符合。故选C。4.C【详解】句意:自从我们上个月见面已经有一个半月的时间了。考查名词所有格和数量表达。“一个半月”可以表达为one month and a half或one and a half months。这里表示已经有一个半月“的”时间了,所以用所有格形式,时间地点的名词的所有格在后面加’s。以s结尾的复数,只加’。故选C。5.C【详解】句意:——通常,一个国家最大的城市是它的首都。但是加拿大的首都并不是最大的城市。——这是真的。多伦多不是首都。考查常识以及名词辨析。France法国;Russia俄罗斯;Canada加拿大。根据“Toronto isn’t a capital city”及常识可知,多伦多是加拿大的一个城市,由此可知,Canada“加拿大”符合题意。故选C。6.C【详解】句意:任子威和张玉婷在24届冬奥会上获得第一个冠军,他们是黑龙江省的骄傲并且我们以他们为荣。考查词义辨析。pride骄傲,名词;proud骄傲的,形容词。pound英镑。根据the...of可知第一空应填名词,而be proud of“以……为骄傲”,所以第二空应填形容词作表语,故选C。7.C【详解】句意:中国的人口比俄罗斯多。然而,出生率仍然很低,所以我们的政府鼓励生二胎。考查形容词辨析和代词。larger更大的;more
