首页 >  中考真题汇编45套英语听力音频  > 听力2(2024·英语·高考45套·老高考)


这是2024高考优秀模拟试卷汇编第二模拟英语科的听力部分,该部分分为第一、第二两节。  听力考试正式开始。

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M: The bus is usually very crowded at this time of day.Would you like me to drive you to work?

W: No,thank you. I'd like to try walking today.

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W: Do you have change for a pound?

M: Yes, you're in luck. I do have some.What do you need it for?

W: I need some change for the bus.

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W: I can't decide what to do about the party tomorrow.

M: You don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'll be glad to give you a ride if you do.

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W: Hi! How can I help you?

M: I'd like to have a look at your cheapest rooms.

W: I'm sorry,but none is left now.Could I interest you in some others?

M: No,thanks.I'm a new college graduate,so I'm a little short of money right now.I have to watch my expenses.

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W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party last night.How come she's got so many friends?

M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child.

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W: When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come tonight?

M: Not tonight. I promised to go to the cinema with my sister.

W: Well...How about Friday then?

M: That sounds fine.

W: Good.Shall we say seven o'clock?

M: I'll be there!You're still an excellent cook, aren't you?

W: That'll be for you to decide. I've got a new dish that I want to try out on you.

M: I'm ready. I think I won't eat anything all day Friday!

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W: There's a good chance that Jane will get home today.

M: I've already known that.I got a letter from her friend Rose yesterday, and she said that Jane would probably arrive today.

W: Well, I hope she drives carefully. You know how terrible the traffic is at this time of year.

M: Don't worry. Jane is a good driver — and pretty careful,too.

W: That's true,but that doesn't mean that all the other drivers are careful.There are a lot of wild drivers out there.

M: I have confidence in Jane.

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W: Hi Tom,I heard that you were busy preparing this year's Campus Film Festival, right?

M: Yeah Tina. Are you interested in that?

W: I don't really know about that. Can you tell me something about the festival?

M: Sure. It was started by our Students' Union six years ago and has grown every year. It's held over 4 nights during the study break. The films are normally shot by students from different universities.

W: Cool! Then who picks the films?

M: It's up to the organization committee.

W: Last year I went to see some of the films during the festival and especially liked the video interviews. How much does a ticket cost, by the way?

M: It only costs 10 yuan per film.

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M: Can I help you, madam?

W: Oh yes, please,but you're closing, aren't you?

M: Well, yes, madam.The shop shuts in five minutes.

W: I won't keep you long then. It's about the dishes you had in your window last week.

M: Last week? Oh,I remember!The dark brown color country-style dishes.

W: Yes,that's right.They were on sale.A real bargain. They were reduced to a quarter of the original price.

M: Yes, they were. But they were sold out.

W: Really? I don't think so. My neighbor,Mrs.Green,told me she saw some here only yesterday.

M: Well, they're all new products in the window now.Er,well,madam, we are just closing.

W: Well, I will come here tomorrow.

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W: Welcome back to Modern Parenting. We've already talked about being open and honest with your kids,but there is one thing that all good parents do,and it's surprisingly simple: read to your kids. Studies show that children are better prepared for school and tend to get better grades later on if their parents make a habit of reading to them from a young age. One study from Harvard University found that the number of books in the home was the biggest factor related to success in school, more than the education or income of the parents!Reading is fun and it can be an important part of relaxing at bedtime. Best of all,it gives parents an opportunity to communicate with their children and teach them about the world. It's never too early to start reading to your children. Many parents buy books for their kids long before they can talk, and some even start reading to their children before they are born!Trips to the library or the bookstore can be fun activities for young families to do together. So parents, if you're wondering what to do with your kids tonight, remember: All you need is a good book!That's all for Modern Parenting. This is Lesley,on 105.7 FM. Good night.

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