
专题01 名词


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2022年中考英语真题分类汇编专题01 名词1.(2022·黑龙江牡丹江·中考真题)—Dierdre, why do you enjoy reading —One ________ is that reading brings me joy and happiness.A.report B.reason C.question2.(2022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the ________ of artoon characters.A.ability B.weight C.shape D.quality3.(2022·广西河池·中考真题)Don’t read in the sun.It’s bad for your ________.A.ears B.eyes C.arms D.hands4.(2022·辽宁营口·中考真题)—In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.—Oh, that’s interesting!I want to know more Chinese ________.A.events B.policies C.festivals D.traditions5.(2022·江苏镇江·中考真题)Listening to music and watching films are both relaxing forms of _______.A.achievement B.agreementC.development D.entertainment6.(2022·山东菏泽·中考真题)—Hi, Zhang Jie. Long time no see.—Hi, Wang Lei. I was on ________ in the countryside and helped Grandpa on the farm.A.time B.vacation C.business7.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·中考真题)The ________ is China’s national treasure. It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.A.panda B.tiger C.elephant8.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·中考真题)—China held the Olympics in 2008 and 2022 successfully.—We take ________ in our great country.A.advice B.price C.pride9.(2022·江苏常州·中考真题)Although the match is moving in an unexpected ________, our team will win finally, I believe.A.instruction B.introduction C.position D.direction10.(2022·广西柳州·中考真题)Here are some ________ for you to read.A.milk B.tea C.books11.(2022·广西贵港·中考真题)— I have a ________. What should I do — You should go to the dentist.A.toothache B.headache C.stomachache D.fever12.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题)—How’s the ________ in your city —Not very good. There are always long lines of cars on roads especially on rainy days.A.food B.weather C.culture D.traffic13.(2022·江苏徐州·中考真题)From my ________ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.A.tradition B.condition C.position D.situation14.(2022·四川雅安·中考真题)—What’s the matter, Dad —I have a ________. I have to see a dentist.A.fever B.headache C.toothache D.stomachache15.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)Breakfast gives you ________ for the morning.A.wealth B.talent C.humor D.energy16.(2022·贵州铜仁·中考真题)—“One tree can’t make a forest” is a famous saying.—Sure. It tells us the importance of ______.A.teamwork B.knowledge C.friendship D.housework17.(2022·辽宁辽宁·中考真题)The self-service ________ makes it convenient for us to borrow books.A.hotel B.bank C.library D.hospital18.(2022·吉林·中考真题)—Alice, could you please pass me the ________ I want to write a letter.—OK. Here you are.A.bottle B.pen C.flower19.(2022·广西·中考真题)— Mary, how about going to the ________ — Good idea. We can read lots of books there.A.cinema B.library C.hospital20.(2022·黑龙江黑龙江·中考真题)—Jack, will your family move to Shanghai —Yes. My parents has made the _________.A.problem B.challenge C.decision21.(2022·内蒙古包头·中考真题)—Why could you write so well —I read a lot, and the works of Ernest Hemingway had a strong ________ on me as a child.A.attention B.explanation C.situation D.influence22.(2022·贵州黔东南·中考真题)The journey to Congjiang is a great ________ for Steve to learn more about the magic places that he has known from books and pictures.A.introduction B.competition C.pressure D.chance23.(2022·黑龙江·中考真题)We Chinese usually stay at home with our family on ________ to welcome the new year.A.National Day B.the Spring Festival C.the Lantern Festival24.(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)—Could you please tell me how I can make more friends —Sure. I think being honest is the first ________ .A.step B.score C.sense25.(2022·广西贺州·中考真题)—How much ________ do you need —We need two cups.A.milk B.egg C.pear D.potato26.(2022·江苏泰州·中考真题)Read the Tang poem A spring morning on the right. Its theme is about ________.A spring morningMeng HaoranThis spring morning in bed I’m lying. Not wake up till I hear birds crying. After one night of wind and showers. How many are the fallen flowers!A.history B.sights C.friendship D.festivals27.(2022·湖北鄂州·中考真题)—What’s the _________ of Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 —Together for a Shared Future!A.plan B.symbol C.theme D.sport28.(2022·福建·中考真题)—Betty, you’d better follow the doctor’s ________ and do more exercise.—I will. Thank you.A.advice B.agreement C.information29.(2022·四川·凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Because of wars, many people are homeless.—Yes, nobody wants wars. We are all thirsty for ________.A.peace B.chances C.courses30.(2022·四川·凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Grandpa, there are few vegetables in the fridge.—I’ll get some ________ after lunch.A.carrots B.apples C.juice31.(2022·湖北湖北·中考真题)—What’s your favorite ________ —Winter. I can make a snowman.A.subject B.season C.animal D.sport32.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)The ________ of oil goes higher and higher because of the war.A.price B.pride C.progress D.promise33.(2022·湖北武汉·中考真题)—Why do you practice Tai Chi every day —Because this Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner (内心的) ________.A.voice B.quality C.beauty D.peace34.(2022·新疆·中考真题)—I find there are more and more overweight children in our school.—Exactly, so we should have good eating ________.A.tasks B.choices C.grades D.habits35.(2022·湖南岳阳·中考真题)So many young people regard _______ as the most delicious drink.A.salad B.porridge C.milk shake36.(2022·四川·乐山市教育科学研究所中考真题)— Do you like black coffee, Miss Green — No, I’d like sweet coffee. Please put some ________ in it.A.ice B.salt C.sugar37.(2022·天津·中考真题)Most parents think it is a good ________ to take a school bus because it’s quite safe.A.risk B.choice C.game D.pity38.(2022·江苏扬州·中考真题)We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of ________.A.achievement B.department C.treatment D.entertainment39.(2022·云南昆明·中考真题)— Do you know March 21st is World Sleep Day Sleep is important to us.— Yes. A good sleep gives us ________ and makes us happy.A.truth B.fame C.energy D.culture40.(2022·甘肃平凉·中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.A.telephone B.doorbell C.clock D.bike41.(2022·云南·中考真题)Miss Li has lots of teaching ________. She has her own ways to make classes lively and interesting.A.exercise B.excitement C.experience D.environment42.(2022·浙江温州·中考真题)—Jack, I have no idea for the report.—Me neither. Why don’t we ask the teacher for ________ A.help B.jokes C.food D.tickets43.(2022·江西·中考真题)Which ice cream do you want, Mary You can’t have all of them. You have to make a ________.A.wish B.survey C.choice D.call44.(2022·安徽·中考真题)—I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body.—It’s a good habit. It helps you keep in good ________.A.time B.touch C.health D.silence45.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.A.size B.style C.colour D.material46.(2022·四川达州·中考真题)—I want to learn more about the history of Tang Dynasty.—Why not use the Internet to find more ________ A.information B.messages C.advice D.discussions47.(2022·重庆·中考真题)It’s raining heavily. Please take the ________.A.stone B.flower C.umbrella D.postcard48.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)With the introduction of the “double reduction” policy (双减政策), one of the ________ ________ that the students have less homework.A.changes; is B.change; is C.changes; are49.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)________ father is a pilot. He has been to many countries around the world.A.Tony and Peter’s B.Tony’s and Peter C.Tony’s and Peter’s50.(2022·重庆·中考真题)This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.A.Child B.Child’s C.Children D.Children’s参考答案:1.B【解析】句意:——迪尔德丽,你为什么喜欢阅读?——一个原因是阅读给我带来了快乐和幸福。考查名词辨析。report报道;reason原因;question问题。根据“why do you enjoy reading”可知,询问原因,故选B。2.C【解析】句意:我奶奶擅长剪纸。她能把图片剪成卡通人物的形状。考查名词辨析。ability能力;weight重量;shape形状;quality质量;根据“cut out pictures in the...of cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选C。3.B【解析】句意:不要在太阳下看书。这对你的眼睛有害。考查名词辨析。ears耳朵;eyes眼睛;arms手臂;hands手。根据“Don’t read in the sun.”可知在阳光下看书对眼睛有害。故选B。4.D【解析】句意:——在中国,我们用红纸来表示红包,因为红色意味着好运。——哦,真有趣!我想了解
