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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台北京市中考英语真题汇编-完型填空学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、完形填空(2022·北京·统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Our Christmas GooseOn a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommie’s on the other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it.That morning, dark clouds were coming together overhead. I knew it was going to snow on the ____1____.When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us. “Boys, I’m not ____2____ you off,” he said, “but the wind is picking up. You’d better get the goose and head for home soon.”After a quick thank-you and goodbye I took the goose and we left. Halfway up the mountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose ____3____ to me.By the time we reached the top of the mountain. it showed more heavily. And the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. “You must be cold. Open your coat!”“Are you crazy ” Rick asked. “I’ll lose what little warmth I have!” When he saw I was ____4____, he slowly opened his coat.I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气). My plan was ____5____ .On the way down, I started to shiver (发抖). Rick said. “Dave. it's your turn now.”He passed me the goose. For a long moment, I just stood and ____6____ my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body. We passed the goose back and forth (来回地) between us all the way. Finally, We got home.Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing. “We can’t have him for dinner! This goose helped ____7____ our lives,” I said.Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived out his life in the yard, bossing around the chickens and another goose we bought to keep him company. A life as the most important bird was fitting for our ____8____.1.A.mountain B.island C.lake D.beach2.A.paying B.rushing C.showing D.calling3.A.lightly B.secretly C.high D.close4.A.frightened B.regretful C.serious D.surprised5.A.working B.continuing C.improving D.changing6.A.raised B.dried C.warmed D.examined7.A.spare B.save C.treasure D.give8.A.leader B.boss C.guide D.hero(2021·北京·统考中考真题)The Picture of PeaceWhen Mike was seven, he knew his dream was to be a photographer. He kept working on it for years. Recently, he was trying to take a picture of a sunset(日落) to enter the school _____9_____ competition.“Mom, it has been cloudy these days. I don’t think I can get this picture!” Mike complained.“Why not use one of your photos on the computer ” suggested Mom.“I can’t—the rules say the photos have to be taken with a traditional camera. We hand in a roll of film, it gets developed(冲洗胶卷) , and we _____10_____ one photo for the competition. ”“Why is a sunset so important ” Mom asked.“The _____11_____ of the competition is peace,” Mike explained, “and I feel most peaceful seeing a sunset.”Zach, his six-year-old brother came out of the bedroom. “Hey, you want to take a picture of me Look! ” He put both arms over his head.“Not right now,” said Mike, laughing.That very afternoon, Mike felt excited when he saw clear skies. He carefully lined up his shot(镜头) and waited _____12_____ till the sun reached the ground.“That’s it! Perfect!” he shouted cheerfully.The next morning, Mike noticed he could take one more picture to complete the roll of film, so he walked into Zach’s room. Zach was _____13_____ quietly with a teddy bear under his arm. Mike didn’t wake Zach up, and carefully took a picture of him.A week later, Mike got the photos. The sunset picture was the one he was most _____14_____ to see. There it was! It was as nearly perfect as Mike had expected.Then, he looked through the other photos. Suddenly, he stopped. His eyebrows(眉毛) rose as he _____15_____ the photo of Zach. He looked back at the photo of the sunset, which seemed less perfect now. He _____16_____ the two choices. Finally, he decided to hand in the photo of Zach for the competition.9.A.violin B.tennis C.photo D.chess10.A.choose B.collect C.describe D.design11.A.prize B.topic C.result D.purpose12.A.politely B.bravely C.hopefully D.secretly13.A.playing B.reading C.writing D.sleeping14.A.afraid B.eager C.surprised D.confused15.A.studied B.shared C.copied D.fixed16.A.changed B.offered C.accepted D.weighed(2020·北京·统考中考真题)At the end of my first year of high school, I realized I needed to find a summer job. I was tired of having to ask my parents for ____17____ . I wanted to go to the shopping center or movies with friends without having to ask for $20 from my parents. I imagined having a job at a store or at a summer camp where I could play games with children. But what actually happened was ____18____. The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant.At first, the idea of clearing tables upset me. The thought of getting up at dawn(黎明) to go clean up after people made me ___19___ ever asking for a job. The first day was terribly busy. I was running around, racing to get a table ready for the waiting customers. I'll never forget how ___20___ I felt that day, but I'll also never forget sitting down for lunch with my co-workers for the first time. People my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days. All of a sudden I was a part of that, and it felt good to be so ____21____ .I've now worked at the restaurant for almost one year. I've learned to be happy about getting up so early, because I know there're going to be a few good ____22____ every day there.From starting there as a shy student, I've been able to grow into a person that can go up and ___23___ anyone, at work or anywhere else. I'm also not as sensitive(敏感的) as I used to be-getting an impolite customer might make me feel bad, but very soon I can laugh it off with my co-workers. The little job has given me so much, and I can't wait to go back and continue to ____24____ from my experience.17.A.food B.money C.attention D.advice18.A.exciting B.encouraging C.confusing D.disappointing19.A.forget B.enjoy C.regret D.imagine20.A.tired B.happy C.curious D.relaxed21.A.loved B.missed C.needed D.included22.A.dishes B.choices C.moments D.customers23.A.find B.greet C.push D.stop24.A.grow B.stand C.rest D.hide(2019·北京·中考真题)Run for Class PresidentTwo months ago, when our class election(选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was ___25___that people would feel bad for me if I lost.I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn’t to make promises to do things I couldn’t ___26___ but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was ___27___prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response (反应) wasn’t what I had ___28___. Few people actually listened. When it was my opponent’s (对手的)turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.It was obvious who would ___29___. For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.My ___30___ was right: I didn’t win.The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People ___31___about the election and talked to me just as they did before.I don’t regret putting time and energy into the election because I’ve learned that things aren’t always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build ___32___ —since then I’ve learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.25.A.bored B.afraid C.excited D.hopeful26.A.compare B.remember C.manage D.repeat27.A.fully B.quickly C.freshly D.physically28.A.feared B.faced C.mentioned D.pictured29.A.insist B.return C.wait D.win30.A.suggestion B.prediction C.direction D.introduction31.A.forgot B.wrote C.cared D.discussed32.A.trust B.pride C.character D.support(2018·北京·中考真题)Real Solutions(解决方法) to ProblemsThirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problemsOne day, the team was called for a ____33____in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various____34____. As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloonsThe manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective(各自的)balloons ____35____so that the balloons wouldn’t blow out. All tried, but not everyone was ___36___. Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力).Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were ___37___ out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were ___38___ and then put into a room, here and there.The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on, All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to ___39___ the right one. The second level of the game was over.Then came the final level. the engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons ___40___ the hands of the respective engineers.The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life,sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.33.A.game B.show C.concert D.party34.A.purposes B.suggestions C.thoughts D.plans35.A.quietly B.carefully C.secretly D.clearly36.A.honest B.ready C.patient D.successful37.A.checked B.helped C.ruled D.cleaned38.A.collected B.weighed C.tied D.cleaned39.A.mark B.hide C.number D.find40.A.freed B.reached C.lifted D.hit(2017·北京·中考真题)A Meaningful GiftEmily was an eighth grader. To pass her Civics course(公民课程), she had to do some volunteerservice in a nursing home for a week.One Monday, Emily went to the nursing home after school. When she arrived, she was told she would___41___ an hour every weekday with an elderly lady, Mrs. Blair. She was then led into a room, where an oldlady in a flowery dress was sitting on a sofa.Emily ___42___awkwardly(别扭地)in front of the lady. She cleared her throat and said, “Good afternoon.I’m Emily.”“Good afternoon, Emily. Take a seat, please.” Mrs. Blair replied.Then, ___43___filled the space between them. Emily wondered what to say.“Tell me about yourself, Emily,” Mrs. Blair said suddenly.“Well,” Emily started, “I don’t have any grandparents, so I can’t relate to elderly people much. I love the performing arts. I’m here mainly because I have to___44___ here to get a good grade for my Civics class.”Mrs. Blair didn’t seem to___45___. “Many people, especially teens, don’t seem to care about old peoplelike me. Now you are here, and I’m going to change that about you. Ask me anything.”Emily thought for a moment, and finally decided, “What was your job ”“I was a Broadway star in the 1950s.” Mrs. Blair answered.“Cool! Can you tell me about it ” Emily asked, amazed.Mrs. Blair smiled. “Back then, only the lead actress had the honor to wear a___46___ bracelet. I wasthe lead in almost all of the plays, so I always wore the bracelet. Till this day, I still have it.”Emily smiled along with Mts. Blair and listened to the other stories, attentively. She had become sointerested in Mrs. Blair’s ___47___ that she decided to come earlier the next day.Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday passed by quickly. Then came Friday. As she was leaving, Emilywas really___48___to say goodbye.“Don’t be sad. You can still visit me,” Mrs. Blair comforted her. She then handed a small box to Emily,“It’s my gift to you.”Emily___49___opened the box and was surprised to see what was inside. “It’s the bracelet that youwore. Thank you!” Emily said, with tears in her eyes. “I’m sure to visit you whenever I’m free.”On the way home, Emily thought of her own love for the performing arts. She touched the bracelet andmade a ____50____that she would keep her word to Mrs. Blair.41.A.waste B.spend C.plan D.exercise42.A.asked B.sat C.stood D.danced43.A.warmth B.sadness C.happiness D.silence44.A.study B.live C.volunteer D.play45.A.mind B.fear C.insist D.regret46.A.strange B.special C.common D.private47.A.dreams B.hobbies C.stories D.jokes48.A.upset B.confused C.surprised D.nervous49.A.proudly B.secretly C.worriedly D.carefully50.A.promise B.change C.judgment D.choice(2016·北京·中考真题) Molly ran back home from school and dropped her schoolbag on the sofa. Then on the table she saw “Mum’s Wish Book” – a mail order catalog(商品目录) from a gift shop. “Mum,” she said excitedly to herself, “this year you’ll get the gloves you want!” Molly had walked a dog for a neighbor and saved her ___51___ all year to buy Mum the gloves.She opened “Mum’s Wish Book” and hoped that she could find these ___52___ in it. Teas ran down her face when she saw the gloves in the catalog. Mum wouldn’t buy them for herself, because the family had a ___53___ time on the farm. She once heard Mum say to Dad, “Maybe some day, I’ll have the money to get them.”Molly ran out by the back door and went straight to the post office. There she carefully filled out the order form torn from the catalog.“I need to buy a stamp to ___54___ the form.” She said to Mr. Smith, the only worker in the post office.“Umm, a pair of gloves ” said Mr. Smith, as he passed a stamp to her.“Yes, It’s a Christmas gift for Mum, but please don’t tell her. It’s our ___55___, OK ” Molly didn’t realize how white Mr. Smith’s beard was until that moment. In face, he reminded her of Santa Claus.As Molly walked back home, she decided to tell Dad her secret. “You’ve got to check the mailbox every day,” said Molly ___56___ to Dad. He nodded, with a big smile.Coming home from school every day, Molly peeked at (偷看) Dad when Mum wasn’t ___57___, but every time he shook his head.On Christmas Eve, Dad came back from mailbox, still empty handed. Molly felt ___58___ when she went to bed, because she didn’t have the gloves for Mum.Before Christmas dinner, as Mum took the apple pies out of the oven, Molly began __59__ the table. Suddenly, they heard someone pulling up the driveway. From the window they saw Mr. Smith making his way to the door, with a box in his hand. Mr. Smith __60__ Mum the box, “I believe this is yours.”Mum looked from Dad to Molly and opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the gloves. “Oh, who bought these for me ” she asked.“Santa did,” said Molly smilingly.“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” Mr. Smith, with a loud laugh.It was Christmas that no one would ever forget.51.A.time B.money C.energy D.food52.A.flowers B.sunglasses C.gloves D.chocolates53.A.hard B.lonely C.short D.busy54.A.design B.check C.complete D.send55.A.secret B.choice C.dream D.task56.A.patiently B.doubtfully C.proudly D.quietly57.A.working B.looking C.smiling D.talking58.A.sad B.strange C.angry D.tired59.A.pushing B.changing C.setting D.booking60.A.bought B.handed C.lent D.returned(2015·北京·中考真题)It was getting dark. Paul looked out of the window and signed (叹气). Dad said he could come home by 5:30, but it was almost 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it wouldn’t be much fun playing ____ in the dark. Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner. He tried to do some homework, but couldn’t.The phone rang at about 8:00. It was Dad: “Paul, I’m ____ , but I couldn’t play baseball with you tonight. I have to finish my work at the office. Maybe we can play this weekend. Oh no. How about next weekend ....”Paul couldn’t understand why Dad was so ____ . He threw himself into the sofa and soon fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.The next day at school, Paul didn’t hand in his homework and ____ a test. Mrs. Green, his teacher, asked him to stay after school. “Paul, you didn’t do your homework.You didn’t pass the test and only got a D.This isn’t like you. What’s wrong ”Paul just sat there ____ . “Paul, if you don’t want to talk, I will. I know that something’s worrying with you, but you have to get it out. You need to tell someone.”As Paul walked home, he thought of what Mrs. Green said. Maybe he didn’t do his homework because he wanted to get his dad’s ____ . He knew Mrs. Green was right. He decided to take her advice.When Paul got home, he ____ his dad. But there was no answer. Then it went to voicemail (语音信箱). Paul began talking: “Dad, I can’t play with you next weekend. I’ve got lots of problems with my homework. Also, I really don’t want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. Whenever you ____ our plans, Dad, it hurts me. It’s not too late to rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help me with my ____ sometime. Dad, I love you.”As Paul ended the call, he felt much relaxed. He didn’t know whether his dad would be different, but it didn’t matter. He himself ____ . He expressed his feelings to the right person. He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.61.A.baseball B.cards C.chess D.toys62.A.lucky B.sorry C.surprised D.pleased63.A.famous B.helpful C.lazy D.busy64.A.made B.missed C.failed D.chose65.A.cheerfully B.comfortably C.hopefully D.quietly66.A.attention B.message C.praise D.trust67.A.saw B.thanked C.called D.greeted68.A.prepare B.break C.follow D.question69.A.choice B.homework C.speech D.decision70.A.regretted B.ComplainedC.insistedD.changed参考答案:1.A2.B3.D4.C5.A6.C7.B8.D【导语】
