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B. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



6. Which season does Cindy like best?

A. Spring.

B. Autumn.

 C. Winter.


7. What would the man like for breakfast?

A. Hamburger.

 B. Bread and milk.

 C. Beef noodles.


8. Why did David look sad?

A. Because he had a bad cold.

B. Because he lost his watch.

C. Because he didn’t win the game.


9. When will the football match start this afternoon?

A. At3:30.

 B. At4:00.

 C. At4:30.


10. How can the man pay the bill today?

A. Through Ali Pay.

 B. Through Wechat.

 C. Through the bank.


11. Where will Sally go for summer holiday?

A. Fujian.

 B. Guangxi.

 C. Yunnan.

12. How long will Bill stay in Guizhou?

A. For a week.

 B. For two weeks.

 C. For three weeks.


13. When did this conversation happen?

A. In the morning.

 B. In the afternoon.

 C. In the evening.

14. Which turning should the man take?

A. The first turning.

 B. The second turning.

 C. The third turning.

15. How far is it from here to Garden Hotel?

A. About 2 kilometers.

 B. About 3 kilometers.

 C. About 4 kilometers.

C. 听独白(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

请根据所听内容. 在每小题所给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。


16. Lin Tao went for a picnic with ______.

A. his friends

 B. his family

 C. his classmates

17. They played games and took photos ______.

A. on the beach

 B. under a tree

 C. beside a stone

18. When they saw fish swimming in the river, they felt very ______.

A. excited

 B. surprised

 C. happy

19. One of them suggested ______ in the river.

A. fishing

 B. boating

 C. swimming

20. They decided to swim in the swimming pool ______.

A. the next Friday

 B. the next Saturday

 C. the next Sunday


21. Zhang Jiacheng is a one-armed boy from ______.

A. Jiangsu

 B. Guangdong

 C. Beijing

22. Zhang Jiacheng lost his right arm in an accident when he was ______.

A. 5

 B. 8

 C. 13

23. Zhang Jiacheng became famous because of ______.

A. his pictures

 B. his videos

 C. his stories

24. According to Yi Jianlian, ______ is always the strongest part of the body.

A. heart

 B. foot

 C. hand

25. Zhu Fangyu wanted to invite Zhang to ______.

A. have a meal

 B. join his club

 C. visit his team

D. 听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


                        Summer Programs

Purpose: to make the students’ life interesting and  26

Program1: sharing  27 online from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on  28  the third

Program2: choosing the most   29  photo in the class

Students are required to have a  30  and make a decision.

For more information: Please call 33256873.


1-5 CCABB 6-10 ACBCB  11-15 CBABC 16-20 ABACC   21-25 BABAC26.colorful   27.book reports  28.the morning of August29.beautiful   30.discussion
