首页 >  中考介词真题解析视频人教版  > 【易错题】2022年中考英语复习:介词和介词短语(课件+真题模拟训练)



中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台中考英语一轮复习易错题 介词吉林省近五年中考真题() 1. Anna is taller than me . She sits _____ _me in the classroom .betweenB. fromC. behind D. among() 2. Our country has made great progress in the fight _____ blue skies and clear waters .in B. forC. against D. between() 3. -Your village is really beautiful !-Thank you . ______ all the villages here have taken on a new look.For exampleB. In factC First of all D. As a result() 4. Space Day of China falls ______ April 24th every year .on B. byC. at D. in() 5. I eat rice ______ beef and potatoes . It’s delicious .inB. onC. withD. for() 6. We left ______ such a hurry that we forgot our tickets .on B. forC. to D. in() 7. Look ! The sun is shining directly into the car . You’d better park it _____ the tree.underB. in front of C. behind() 8. In the future, robots will play a more important role in people’s life ______ the development of technology .ahead of B. instead ofC. because of() 9. Since 1921, the Communist Party of China (中国共产党)has been leading the Chinese people _____ a better life .ofB. onC . at D. to() 10. Summer vacation is around the corner . You will have a period of time to relax and then set out on your new journey .going soonB. coming soonC at the corner D. out of the corner() 11. -______the government , the last 98.99 million people were helped out of absolute poverty (绝对贫困)。-You are right . China had achieved a “complete victory” in fighting against poverty by the end of 2020.In order to B. Thanks to C. According to() 12. The Communist party of China will have its 100th birthday ______ July 1, 2021.inB. on C. for D. at() 13. -I’m proud of our China’s Tiangong Station plan .-Me, too. We have taken another step ______ our space dream .behindB. towards C. across D. besides() 14. The Communist Party of China was set up _____ July , 1921 and we will celebrate her 100th birthday this year.onB. atC. in D. by() 15. Ms. Huang was very pleased because her husband and daughter bought a beautiful dress ______ her on her birthday .for B. fromC . to D. of2022年中考模拟训练() 1. _____Thanksgiving Day Americans usually eat the pies _______ pumpkin .For ; with B. On ; withC. In ; inD. At ; of() 2. -I joined the League ______ May 2008. What about you -I’ve been a League member ______ three years .in ; forB. on ; in C. on ; forD. in ; since() 3. -What time do you expect me back , Mom -Say , ______ half an hour .atB. before C. inD.for() 4. We tried to stop him ______ climbing the mountain on his own .fromB. by C. with D. for() 5. Even in winter , the temperature in Hong Kong is always _____ zero .aboveB. below C. over D. under() 6. Remember to spend some time _____ your loved ones , because they’re not going to be around forever .fromB. withC. inD. on() 7. -When did your uncle arrive ______ China-He got to Guangzhou ______ the morning of the 16th of April .at ; in B. in ; in C. to ; on D. in ; on() 8. It is careless ______ Tom to mistake the instrument _______ a toy again .for ; as B. of ; asC. for ; forD. of ; for() 9. -It’s very important ______ us to make a plan before a new term .-Yes. You must try to make it carefully .of B. for C. to() 10. -Guess , how much does it cost -I think it costs _____ 15 and 20 dollars .fromB. between C. amongD. with参考答案真题:1-5 CBBAC6-10 DACDB11-15 BBBCA模拟: 1-5 BACAA6-10 DDDBB21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共14张PPT)中考英语一轮复习易错题介词和介词短语人教版新目标介词【易错点+例题】易错题【1】表示“时间”的介词【2021●长春】 He’ll come back _______ a week.A. fromB. at C. after D. in【丢分探因】in a week 表示 “一周后”,与前面will 相对应。 故选D。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理表示“时间”的介词(1) 表示 “在何时”常用介词at , on , in 等(2) on用来表示“某天或某天上午、下午、晚上”。(3) in用来表示“一段时间”,还可用在月、季节、年等时间短语前。D介词【易错点+例题】易错题【2】表示 “时间”的介词、【2021●珠海】 I hear the 20006 World Cup is held in Germany _______ June 9th_____July 9th .A. on ; andB. from ; toC. between ; onD. during ; to【丢分探因】由句意 “我听说2006年世界杯6月9日到7月9日在德国举行”可知,A、C两项明显错误,答案应填from ...to ... “从....到...”【查缺补漏】:知识梳理表示“在....期间”,常用介词during , for , from ...to ... 等。(1)during the summer holiday 在暑假期间(2) for 表示“达,计”(3)from...to...表示“从....到....”B介词【易错点+例题】易错题【3】表示 “时间”的介词【2021●贵州】 We have been good friends ______ we joined the same ping-pong team.A. after B. before C. since D. until【丢分探因】由题干可知本题是现在完成时,含有 since的句子,通常用现在完成时,since后接一个一般过去时的句子或一个过去的时间点。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理其他可表示时间的介词(1)before表示“在...之前,早于...”,after 表示 “在....之后”,都常用于时间点前。(2) since , for 常用于现在完成时中引导时间状语。since用与时间点前,for用与引导时间段。C介词【易错点+例题】易错题【4】表表示 “时间”的介词【2021●安徽】-Hurry up . The bus is coming .-Oh, no . We mustn’t cross the street _____ the traffic lights are green.A. afterB. since C. while D. until【丢分探因】D not....until..译为 “直到....才....”【查缺补漏】:知识梳理其他可表示时间的介词(1)until /till 译为 ”直到...” 常用于 not ...until..结构中,表示“直到....才...” ,until后跟时间点。(2) between 常与and连用,表示 “在....之间”,后需跟表“时间点”的名词。(3)by译为 “不迟于”D介词【易错点+例题】易错题【5】表示“方式”“方法”“手段”的介词【2021●吉林】 -How are you going to the Summer Palace -We’re going there _______ bike .A. forB atC . of D. by【丢分探因】根据题意可知是用某种交通方式去颐和园。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理介词by的用法by表示 “用(方法、手段、途径等)”或“乘坐(交通工具)”,后面接的名词前面通常不用冠词。D介词【易错点+例题】易错题【6】【2021●湖北】We can solve this problem _____ a great variety of ways .A. on B. inC. at D. before【丢分探因】句意“用....方法能解决这个问题”既in a ...way固定搭配。in表示 “用”,故选B。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理in表示 “用(方式、材料、途径、语言)”,也可用表示交通方式,用“in+one’s+car”等。B表示“方式”“方法”“手段”的介词介词【易错点+例题】易错题【7】表示“方式”“方法”“手段”的介词【2021●四川】Here are some flowers _____ you ______ our best wishes .A. to ; for B. for ; withC. of ; toD. from ; to【丢分探因】第一空译为 “这些花是送给你的” 用for , 第二个空是 “同时送给你我们的祝愿”用with ,采用直接选择法。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理with表示“带着,伴随”,后接具体的工具、手段、材料或其他行为的方式。B介词【易错点+例题】易错题【8】-I’m not good ______ remembering phone numbers .-Neither am I .A. inB. atC. on【丢分探因】be good at 译为 “擅长于.... “【查缺补漏】:知识梳理1.表示 “在...方面”常用的介词有in , at 等,常用于be godo at 或do well in 中。2. on 表示“论述”,常与speak , talk , write , lecture等词连用。3. about 表示 “关于”4. of 表示 “关于”。表示其他含义的介词B介词【易错点+例题】易错题【9】表示 “代替”的介词【2021●江苏】 _______ spending our vacation in a hotel , why not ry hiking in the country A. Instead ofB. Because ofC. Thanks toD. As for【丢分探因】为什么不到乡村远足而要在旅馆度假呢? 根据题意选A。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理instead , instead of 二者都有“代替”的意思,但用法不同,instead 是副词,可放在句首或句尾; Instead of 是介词短语,表示 “代替”意义时,后接名词或动名词。A介词【易错点+例题】易错题【10】表示 “除...以外”的介词【2021●沈阳】All the clerks went home _______ Mr. Wang , for he had to finish his work.A. except B. eitherC. withoutD. besides【丢分探因】except “除...以外(不包括在范围内)besides “除...之外” ,还有(包括在范围内”“without” 没有 ,由题意可知选A。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理(1)except 表示 “除...以外(不包括在范围之内)。(2)besides 表示 “除...以外,还有”,所指包括在叙述范围内 。(3) but表示“除....之外” ,多与nobody , none , no one , nothing , anything , everyoneall , who 等连用。A介词【易错点+例题】易错题【11】在固定搭配中的介词【2021●杭州】 We all agree ______you . Let’s start _______ once .A. to ; in B. at ; for C. with ; atD. on ; at【丢分探因】同意某人的意见用agree with , at once 是固定短语 “立刻,马上”。【查缺补漏】:知识梳理介词有很强的搭配能力,常与名词、动词和形容词连用,用来表示不同的意思。Chttps://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

