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Part A: Spot Dictation http://tr.hjenglish.com/


Directions: In this part of  the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the correspo nding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.

SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)       As long as we are in a relationship, there is the potential for lasting happiness as well as for serious conflict. This applies at work, ______________(1) , and at home. The simple fact is that relationships are not always ________________(2) sailing. Conflict can lead to anger, hostility, and further conflicts. On the other hand, it can be used ad __________________(3) for solving problems.

      For example,  you can handle conflict by  _______________(4) that the problem exists, smoothing it over, or trying to overpower the other person. These, of course, will___________ (5) win or lose situations.But when  you  resolve conflict  through collaboration  and compromise, you can achieve _______________(6) situations. In today's lecture, I shall outline a few steps on ________________(7) transform a conflict into a solution in which both parties win.

      First  _______________(8). Explain the problem to the other party.You should ___________(9) the conflict. It s hard to fix something  before ____________(10)on what is broken.

      Second,understand all points of view.Ste aside your own opinions for a moment and _________(11) to understand the other points of view. When  people  feel that  they  have been heard, they're often more ________________(12).

      Third, brainstorm. Dream up as many solutions as you can and _______________(13) them one by one. This step will require _______________(14). Talk about which solutions will work and _______________(15) they will be to implement. Your  solutions need to be acceptable by both  parties,  so you  should be  prepared to __________(16). Later, you'll  need to review  the _______________(17) of the accepted solution. If it ______________(18), be open to making changes or _____________(19) to bring about a new solution.

      Finally, implement. When you have both __________(20), decide who is going to do what by when. Then keep your agreements.

Part B: Listening Comprehension http://tr.hjenglish.com/I. Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must  listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

1. (A) Mr. Baker doesn't like to go to the meeting last night.     (B) Last night Mr. Baker decided to cancel this morning's meeting.     (C) Mr. Baker made up his mind not to go to this morning's meeting.     (D) Mr. Baker made a last- minute decision to hold the meeting this morning. 2. (A) Hard work often brings about discomfort in parts of the human body.     (B) If you are nervous, you may hurt yourself in performing this kind of task.     (C) Those staff members who work back to back are hard on each other.     (D) This exercise is to relax your muscles in the neck, the shoulders and the back. 3. (A) We have been working on this machine for two years.     (B) Free maintenance work is for a period of two years. http://tr.hjenglish.com/    (C) You don't have to do repair work on this machine in two years.     (D) With monthly cleaning, the oil in this machine can run for two years. 4. (A) Only those high school graduates with excellent skills can be admitted into colleges.     (B)  No  matter  how difficult  it  is, high school graduates should at least try twice to get themselves into colleges.     (C) Students should consider what they want to learn in the university.     (D) Once in the university, you will feel superior to those drop- out students. 5. (A) All the board members voted for the Chairman s proposal to open the branch office.     (B) The Chairman was not in favor of the opening of a branch office in the suburbs.     (C) the board members are expecting a new Chairman from the downtown office.     (D) The Chairman's  proposal  to set up a branch office was turned down by the board members. 6. (A) Mary had made an appointment to see the personnel manager last Tuesday.     (B) Mary has been applying for a job and is going to see the personnel manager next week.     (C) Mary is shortsighted and cannot see that personnel manager in the next office.     (D) Mary didn t get that job since she was rue to the personnel manager on Tuesday. 7. (A) The supermarket will be finished in sixty days.     (B) It took us more than sixty days to finish building the supermarket.     (C) The supermarket should have been finished sixty days ago.     (D) The supermarket had been built sixty days earlier. 8. (A) Her attendance record was severely damaged.     (B) Her attendance record was never perfect.     (C) She had once assisted in keeping the attendance record.     (D) She had kept a near- perfect attendance record. 9. (A) He didn't know what would happen if he made the suggestion.     (B) He didn't feel nervous after he had put forward the suggestion.    (C) He realized that the committee members would not adopt his suggestion.     (D) He considered it important to the committee members first. 10. (A) The Expo will be open the day after tomorrow.       (B) The Expo is rescheduled to open on Friday.       (C) The Expo's opening is delayed until tomorrow.       (D)The Expo is not likely to open on Friday.

II. Talks and Conversations http://tr.hjenglish.com/Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not  find them written on the paper; so you must  listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 11~14 11. (A) Mr. Powell telephoned.                   (B) The woman dated Mr. Powell.       (C) Someone came to see him.              (D) There was a traffic jam. 12. (A) Because she hasn't recorded the phone message.       (B) Because she hasn't let Mr. Powell in.       (C) Because she hasn't invited him to lunch.       (D) Because she hasn't phoned him. 13. (A) Mr. Powell's name card.       (B) The restaurant's phone number.       (C) Some money to make a phone call. http://tr.hjenglish.com/      (D) The name of a well- known department store. 14. (A) the woman was not careful about the man's name card.       (B) The man was expecting someone to bring some important information.       (C) The man was not available when Mr. Powell came in.       (D) The woman accepted the man's apology for his mistake.

Questions 15~18 15. (A) In 1961.                      (B) In 1963.       (C) In 1970.                      (D) In 1971. 16. (A) Learning materials.            (B) Laboratory facilities.       (C) Summer course.                (D) Party invitations. 17. (A) Some laboratory tests can be done at home.       (B) All the college course are available.       (C) registrations are all the year round.       (D) Invitations to parties are free to all the students. 18. (A) part- time students may get cheaper snacks.       (B) Students are able to get TV study programmes.       (C) Students can attend lectures once a week.       (D) Students may participate in summer school courses.

Questions 19~22 19. (A) A lawyer.                          (B) An artist.       (C) A student.                         (D) A physician. 20. (A) She thinks that it is a well- paid profession.       (B) She considers herself to be fit for it.       (C) She is unable to find other jobs for some time. http://tr.hjenglish.com/      (D) She wants to live independently of other people. 21. (A) She can speak several languages.               (B) She is more careful and kinder.       (C) She can serve women clients better.           (D) She is likely to get more sympathy. 22. (A) Because it is well known for its educational excellence.       (B) Because it is inexpensive in terms of school tuition fees.       (C) Because it offers married students' apartments.       (D) Because it allows students to practice during the school terms.

Questions 23~26 23. (A) studying socio- linguistics.                  (B) Talking about the weather.       (C) Saying hullo to each other.                 (D) Listening to weather forecasts. 24. (A) Linguists.                                    (B) Drivers.       (C) Teachers.                                   (D) Students. http://tr.hjenglish.com/25. (A) He is probably trying to begin a conversation.       (B) He is earnestly requesting an answer.       (C) He is carefully planning an out- door excursion.       (D) He is tentatively preparing a composition on social conventions. 26. (A) English people like to begin a conversation when the climate is favorable.       (B) Foreign visitors are sometimes annoyed by the variability of the weather in England.       (C) England is said to have the most effective transportation system in the world.       (D) The weather conditions in England are not as bad as some people have imagined.

Questions 27~30 27. (A) 20,000.                                       (B) 200,000.       (C) 2,000,000.                                  (D) 2,500,000. 28. (A) The family owners.                                (B) The pressure groups.       (C) The government and the councils.           (D) The local housing committees. 29. (A) Because the rents are too high.       (B) Because there are not enough hostels.       (C) Because the local councils are inefficient and indifferent.       (D) Because some state- run homes are less comfortable than prisons. 30. (A) A state- run apartment building for the homeless.       (B) An efficient local housing committee in the metropolis. http://tr.hjenglish.com/      (C) A southern city that has solved the housing problem.       (D) A charity organization that offers help to the homeless.

Part C: Listening and Translation I. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences.You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write  your version in the corresponding space in your ANAWER BOOKLET.






II. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. http://tr.hjenglish.com/



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