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关于”商业信“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Business letter。以下是关于商业信的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Business letter

We ure you that we will always provide you with the best service. We will do our best to serve you. We will be happy to serve you at any time.

We hope you will forgive us for the trouble we have caused you. We are sorry for the trouble. We believe you will forgive us for the inconvenience.

We hope you can forgive us for the trouble I believe you will ignore this trouble. We are very sorry. Please forgive me for the trouble I have caused you in this matter.

Please forgive the inconvenience caused by this clerical error. We apologize to you. We ask you to accept our regret for the clerks' mistake.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you by this mistake. We frankly admit that we are at fault, and we are eager to make up for the consequences.





Dear Mr. or Ms. X, thank you for your letter.

When I received your letter, we immediately contacted the manufacturer and urged them to deliver the goods as soon as possible, because they have not replied and the date of shipment cannot be determined. We are very sorry that we have not replied to your letter again and again. We can confirm that we will ship the goods on board the vessel Dongfeng, and we will inform you after the shipment is completed Of.




标签: 四年级作文真题格式范文
