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Unit 1

Excuse Notes

Word Bank

anthology: n. a collection of artistic works which have a similar form or subject, often those considered to be the best 诗选/文选

attest :v. to show sth. or to say or prove that sth. is true 证明

choke: v. to stop breathing 窒息,哽住

devilment : n. behavior that causes trouble but is usually intended to be playful or amusing 恶作剧

distribute: v. to give sth. out to several people, or to spread or supply sth. 分发,发送

epiphany: n. understanding 理解

forge: v. to make an illegal copy of sth. in order to deceive 伪造,铸造

gem: n. sb. or sth. that is very good, pleasing or useful 精品,非常有用的人

genuine: adj. sth. genuine is what it seems to be; real 真的

lucid: adj.clearly expressed and easy to understand or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly 易懂的,明白的,清醒的

omit: v. to fail to include or do sth. 省略,疏忽

plight: n. an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad or difficult one 处境,状态

seduction: n. the attractive quality of sth. 诱惑

superintendent: n. people who is in charge of work done in a particular department, office, etc. 主管,负责人

treason: n. lack of loyalty to one’s country, especially by helping its enemies or attempting to defeat its government 通敌,叛国罪

vulgar: adj. rude and likely to upset or anger people 无理的,粗俗的

Phrases and Expressions

be evicted from: to be forced to leave somewhere 驱逐,赶走

be worth of: deserving respect, admiration or support 值得的

glance at: to give a quick short look 一瞥

turn into: to change into 进入,(使)变成

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. According to the passage, the teacher ____D____.

A. is angry with his students.

B. does not like his students forging excuse notes.

C. blames the parents.

D. teaches a successful writing class.

2. Mikey missed school ____D____.

A. because his grandmother fell down from the stairs

B. because he did not like his teacher

C. because his parents wanted him to be home

D. because he did not want to go to school

3. When the students forged the excuse notes, they were ____A____.

A. very smart and imaginative

B. bored

C. indifferent

D. excited

4. The principal of the school ____B____.

A. blamed the teacher for what he had done in class.

B. praised the teacher for what he had done in class.

C. was disappointed with the teacher.

D. fired the teacher.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( D )

A. The students enjoyed the teacher’s writing class very much.

B. The students were very creative in forging excuse notes.

C. The teacher enjoyed teaching writing.

D. The students did not enjoy the teacher’s writing class.

II. Complete the following summary (summarize) of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.

His methods anything but conventional, Mr. McCourt created a lasting impact on his students through imaginative assignments in his (1)creative writing. He found that some of his students (2) forged excuse notes in the name of their parents. He does not angry with what the students had done; instead, he divided those notes into two (3)piles, one for the (4)genuine ones written by parents, the other for forgeries. The students were so smart that they could create a variety of (5)excuses. So the teacher decided to dig up their (6)talent in writing by asking them to write excuse notes. The students were so (7)absorbed in the writing that they almost forgot to have (8)lunch.

At last the principal (9)praised the teacher for this successful teaching method. Both the teache and the students were happy about the writing class. And the teacher realized everyone (10)needed an excuse. Understanding is essential to the teacher and the students.


I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. A number of __D___ works of art have been sold as genuine.

A. false

B. beautiful

C. famous

D. forged

2. To ___B__ one’s power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.

A. accuse

B. abuse

C. deduce

D. excuse

3. Seeing the speeding car, the policeman __B__ the driver to pull up at the curb.

A. reckoned

B. beckoned

C. softened

D. stiffened

4. Unfortunately, he hit a traffic jam and missed the train __B___ a few minutes.

A. with

B. by

C. before

D. for

5. She gave a clear and __A___ account of her plans for the company's future.

A. lucid

B. dull

C. unclear

D. ambiguous

6. Isn't it rather __C___ to talk about how much money you earn?

A. polite

B. boring

C. vulgar

D. pleasant

7. The books will be __D___ free to local schools.

A. contributed

B. tribute

C. attributed

D. distributed

8. The editor required him to __A___ some details of the article.

A. omit

B. permit

C. summit

D. illuminate

9. Few of us can be unmoved by the __C___ of the Romanian orphans.

A. light

B. might

C. plight

D. moonlight

10. I have to __B___ my reputation.

A. detect

B. protect

C. intact

D. prevent

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. superintendent choke attest forge gem

genuine lucid omit turn into excuse

glance at evicted disguise worthy imagination

1. In the US. a school is superintendent in charge of the schools in a particular area.

2. Thousands of people came out onto the streets to attest their support for the democratic opposition party.

3. The expensive purse is made of genuine leather.

4. Can you turn this article into English?

5. She took a glance at her watch.

6. I know why this happened. You don't have to find any excuse.

7. He was evicted from the pub for drunken and violent behavior.

8. This emperor is said to have paid many personal visits to various counties disguise as an ordinary citizen.

9. Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.

10. Children often have very vivid imagination.


Put the following paragraphs into Chinese.

1. Most parental-excuse notes I received back in those days were penned by my students. They'd been forging excuse notes since they learned to write, and if I were to confront each forger I'd be busy 24 hours a day.

2. My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent of schools. Neither acknowledged me. They walked up and down, peering at papers. The superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal.

3. Sooner or later, I figured, everyone needed an excuse. Also, if we sang today we could sing tomorrow, and why not? You don’t need an excuse for singing.






Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate verb forms.

1. If winter comes(come), can spring be far behind?

2. Scientists proved that the earth is(be) 49 times the size of the moon.

3. Some young expats fear that they will fall(fall) back into an old rut if they go home.

4. The leader recently declared that the mandate would allow(allow) more pupils to jump

ship in the next few days.

5. The telephone is ringing(ring), would you answer it please?

6. Human resources will achieve maximum productivity only when they have(have)access to appropriate types of physical resources.

7. Please don't come at four o'clock this afternoon, I will be having(have) a meeting then.

8. While the children were playing in the shade, their parents were working(work) in the scorching sun.

9. Wherever he travelled in those years, he wrote(write)down what he saw and heard.

10. Look at those black clouds. it is going to rain(rain).


Turn the following sentences into Chinese.

1. There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.

2. Actions speak louder than words.

3. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

4. Admission by valid tickets only!

5. It is but a step from the sublime to the ridiculous.








Below are some expressions about fine arts.

backward inference 逆向推理

biological rhythm 生物节律

classical conditioning 经典条件反射

introspection 反省

associative memory 联想记忆

attribution process 归因历程

depth perception 深度知觉

hierarchy of needs 人类需求层构

mental defense mechanism 心理防卫机制

placebo effect 安慰剂效应
