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03 2021年6月上海高考英语真题及答案解析(含听力mp3)


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2021年6月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷Listening Comprehension (第1-10题, 每题1分;第11-20题,每题1.5分;共25分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. A doctor B. An actressC. A teacherD. A waitress2. A. East Lake College is beautiful B. East Lake College is imperfectC. East Lake College is neat D. East Lake College is convenient.3.A.laugh at the man. B.hire the man. C.encourage the man. D.fire the man.4. A.The history of the painting. B.How to look up the catalog.C.Who is the painter.D.The title of the painting .5. A. She will take the subway B. She will be picked up by her workmate.C. She will walk to her office. D. She will complain the taxi driver.6.A.Read Chapter Ten.B. Talk about the ninth chapter.C. Have a discussion with Miss Taylor.D. Review for the test7.A.He’ll repair his computer tomorrow.B.He won’t attend the conference tomorrow.C. He has to phone her tomorrow.D.He doesn’t have an e-mail address.8. A. She is sorry about what she did.B. She thinks he should wash his shoes himself.C. She thinks his son is quite lazy.D. She wonders if he will go to school.9. A.She should stop working at the restaurantB. She can pack the free lunch and bring back home.C. She should eat less pizza every dayD.She can take home-made food to her workplace.10. A.He is sure he can book a room in March.B.He is busy calling to book a twin room now.C.He can only book single room in March.D.He can’t book a room in February.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions will be read twice, but the question will be spoken only one the four possible answers on your paper and decide which o you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11. A.The differences of the three companies.B.The employees work pretty hard in some companies.C.Taking a nap are allowed in some companies.D.The government has made a new law.12. A.Tom takes a nap at home at 1:30 P.M.B.Jack takes a nap at his desk for 20 minutes at 4:30P.M.C.Philip takes a 25 minutes’ nap at 1:00 P.M.D.Fred takes a nap at 10:30 A.M. after finishing the task.13. A. Taking a nap can improve the work efficiency.B. “Practice makes perfect”,especially for an accountant.C.Working as an accountant is boring and fussy.D. Computer works better than an accountant.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The disadvantages of the search engines.B. Introduce APL to the readers or learners.C. Smart phone is more convenient than computer.D. The benefit of a human over a computer.15. A. It can share several similar results for the question.B. Sometimes it provide the opposite answer for you.C.It can also link the APL specialists for help.D. It will provide too many results to make your search useful16. A. APL is a useful APP for students or teachers.B.APL was set up 40 years ago.C. APL can provide service at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday.D. APL uses AI widely these days.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Job interview B.Salaries of jobsC.Summer campD.Summer job18. A. They can work together.B. She can get more pay.C. She can make more friendsD. She can get a vote of confidence.19. A.You should dress formally to get there .B.It will last for 6 hours.C.You can’t enter job fair without résuméD.It will provide all kinds of summer jobs there. 20. A. She can easily find a job for teaching.B. She can volunteer to help the teachers.C. She can meet different people.D. She can improve herself to be the top student.【听力答案】1~10.ABCDA DACDA11~13. CCA14~16. BDB17~20.DCBA附:听力文字稿普通高等学校招生全国统一考试上海英语试卷听力原文(2021年6月)Section ADirections In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. M: Seems like I'm running a fever.W: Don't worry. I'll give you a blood test first.Q:What is most probably the woman's job 2. W:Are you checking out some Colleges East Lake college is a pretty neat school.M: But they don't offer many majors.Q: What does the man imply 3. M: I was fired. I thought my work had been valued by the company. W: Sorry to hear that. But it's not the end of the world. Cheer up! Q: What is the woman trying to do 4. W: Do you happen to know the title of this oil painting M: No idea. Maybe an early 18th century work. You can look it up in the catalog Q: What are the speakers mainly talking about 5. M: Oh, it looks like the traffic is really bad. Still another hour to get to your office.W: OK. Then I will go by subway. Please stop at the next crossroads and l will get out there. Q: What can we learn about the woman from the conversation 6. M: What's the assignment for today, Miss Taylor W: Well, read Chapter Nine in your text book and get prepared to discuss what you have read next Monday.Q: What will the man be required to do next Monday 7.W: Would you please E-mail me tomorrow Let's fix the date for our next conference. M: My computer is broken. Can I call you Q: What does the man imply 8. M: Mom, where are my blue shoes I'll be late for school.W:I washed them this morning. Last night, you told me you'd have a day off school today. Q: What does the woman mean 9. W:I have gained weight since I started to work at Pizza Kitchen.M: I know they offer employees free pizza for meals. But you could pack your own healthy lunch.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do 10. W: Have you booked a twin room in West Hotel for our holiday M: Not yet. Line was busy. I'll ring later but that hotel is never full in March Q:What does the man imply Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passageIt's a daily struggle known to office workers the world over. A productive morning rewarded with a decent lunch. And then at about 3 pm. there comes the irresistible sleepiness. A short nap can promote alertness and improve performance, which are important when you're at work. Now, many companies with a strong commitment to employee wellness have realized the benefits of on-site napping Youyou Corporation, a consulting company, has a flexible approach. Employees can take a nap for 30 minutes at most any time between one P.M. and four P.M. Another company Tim and Jerry's, which already offers employees personal trainers, now supplies a room with a bed and pillows that employees can use as needed. One of its representatives says, if people need to catch a little nap during the day, we're behind it. An IT firm New Link, allows is employees to take a 20-minute power nap at their desks. Introduced two years ago, the policy has proved a huge hit. Mr. Lin, an accountant at New Link, told a local newspaper, if I use a calculator when I'm sleepy. I have to double check my work for fear of making mistakes. So it takes longer. Thanks to the policy, my work performance has improved.Now listen again.Questions:11. What is the speaker mainly talking about 12. Which of the following can employees of Youyou Corporation do at work 13. What can be learned about Mr. Lin Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.Search engines have completely changed how we access information and who we get it from. They are fast, easy and great, but there are so many questions you can't look up online. Some are too complex because they have two or more parts, and others are impossible to search, because you can't remember a name or an exact year. So you get too many results to make your search useful, or maybe you just aren't near a computer or WiFi. That's when APL can make a difference. With APL, you can put questions to an information specialist at the Pearl Library. For over 40 years, APL has been answering people's questions by looking things up in a variety of texts, recordings and other resources. And these people are expert researchers. So they know where to look for information, which is key in providing a really good quality answer.Sometimes accuracy is more important than getting millions of results in a second. Then how can you access APL You can call 21518 between 9 am and 6 pm, Monday through Saturday. One of the ten information specialists will answer your question, even if the question has multiple parts. And even if you're missing some key information, that's the benefit of a human over a computer. Plus, if you need some recommended reading, they've got that covered too.Now listen again.Questions14. What is the speaker mainly taking about 15. What will a search engine do if you type in a much too complicated question 16. Which the following is true of APL Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation M: What are you going to do this summer, Sue W: Well, I can work full time at my uncle's restaurant if l want to. The money is pretty good, but I'm thinking of getting some experience in my field. I'm graduating next year.M: Maybe you should try a different summer job. I would mean a pay cut, but it would be worth it, not only do you get experience, you make all kinds of contacts.W: But I just have no idea how to find a suitable one.M: Why not go to the summer job fair Hang on. I've got a leaflet in my bag. W: Great!M: It's next week on the 16th of the student center from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. W: That's wonderful. Should I dress as if I'm going to an interview M: It doesn't mention how you should dress.W: Shall I bring my résumé M: It's not required, but it's a good idea.W: OK. Does it say what kinds of summer jobs are available You know I want to be a teacher. M: You can try to get hired of summer camp. Several are listed on there.W: Excellent. I will try.M: You won't have any trouble. You are the top of your class W: Thanks for the vote of confidence.Now listen again.Questions17. What does the speakers mainly talking about 18. According to the man, why should the woman find a different summer job 19. What can be learned about the summer job fair 20. Why does the man recommend the woman to work at the summer camp That's the end of listening comprehension.21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2021年6月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷Listening Comprehension (第1-10题, 每题1分;第11-20题,每题1.5分;共25分)Grammar and Vocabulary(每题1分;共20分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.The Spread of DiseaseTraveling from one city to another can lead to the spread of disease. When people arrive in a new place , they may bring in bacteria that ( 21)__________( not be) present in the past. The people there have no natural protection ( 22) __________these new bacteria, so they catch the disease more easily. (23)________ it is unfamiliar, health workers may not identify it or stop it from spreading. People with the disease may continue to have contact with others. In this way, the bacteria travel from person to person through the population. This was ( 24 )__________happened, for example, when soldiers travelled back home at the end of the First World War. These soldiers brought with them the Spanish flu, and ( 25 )________cost millions of lives.Heating and cooling systems in buildings can also be a source of disease. Take old air conditioners in windows as an example. They tend to collect dirt and water, which makes it easy for bacteria (26)_____( grow). Then when the air-conditioner ( 27 )_________(turn) on, the bacteria will be blown into the home or office and make people sick. Bacteria grow fast in the water of the cooling towers. They are then sent throughout the building with the air conditioning and can affect anyone in the building. Scientists first recognized this problem in July 1976, by (28)_________ time 221 people had become seriously ill..Pollution of the oceans can also be a factor in spreading disease. The pollution may be caused by fertilizers that wash into rivers and then into the ocean, or by human waste (29) _________ ( dump ) directly into the ocean with no processing. These pollutants result in the increased growth of tiny plants that are called algae (海藻). They can form a thick mass in the water, (30) __________( provide ) a perfect environment for cholera , a fatal disease.【答案】21.were not22.against23. Because/ Since/ As24. what25. it/ thatto grow27. is tuned 28. which29. dumped30. providing【答案详解】were not【解析】考查一般过去时的否定结构。根据句子结构分析,该空所处句子结构为定语从句,修饰 bacteria,但是bacteria 为名词复数形式(类似data),又根据此处的时间状语 in the past 可知,此处需要填入一般过去时态,且该句为陈述句,故此处填入 were not。此题作为新高考英语的创新型试题,考查同学们语篇语境下的语法应用能力。Be作为助动词,其与后面的表语一起构成谓语结构。22.against【解析】考查介词。结合该空前后的相关内容,可推知,此处想要表达的是“人们没有对抗细菌的天然保护,所以更容易感染这种疾病”,再结合句子结构,此处短语作后置定语修饰protection,而 against 有“反对”之意,符合句意,故此处填入 against。23.Because/ Since/ As【解析】考查原因状语从句。结合下文可知,该句下文讲述的是相关结果,即推知前文在讲述原因。再结合句子结构分析,该空所在句子结构完整,且与主句用逗号隔开,即此处为状语从句,故此处填入 Because/ Since/As 引导原因状语从句。24.what【解析】考查表语从句。根据句子结构分析,此处为表语从句,且该空在从句中做主语。再结合下文例子,此处在讲述某件事,因此可确定此处考查固定搭配 what happened, 故此处填入 what。25. it/that【解析】考查代词。根据句子结构分析,该句中缺少主语,又结合上文内容推知。该空处指代的是上文提及的 the Spanish flu,故此处填入代词it/that。26.to grow【解析】考查动词不定式。根期从句的谓语动间 makes 判定此处非讲语结构。而且根糖句子结构分析,此处考查固定搭配 make itradj to do sth意为“使某事助的怎么样",故此处填入to grow。27.is turned【解析】考查一般现在时的被动。根据相关句意分析,可知此处的空调是“被打开”,即需要填入动词的被动语态,又因为该空前 the air-conditioner 的提示,可知从句中的主语用的是单数形式,故此处填入 is tuned。28. which【解析】 考查非限制性定语从句。根据句子结构分析,可知该空所在句子为非限制性定语,修饰上旬所述相关情况,再结合句意分析,此处主要强调的是相关的时间,又因为该空前有介词 by,故需要用 by which 代替 when 充当引导词,故此处填入 which。29. dumped【解析】 考查过去分词。根据主句谓语动词 may be caused 以及or 引导的并列状语,判定空格处的动词为非谓语动词。而且句子结构分析,该空处做后置定语修饰 human waste,再结合上文内容推知,此处想要表达的是“未经加工直接被倾倒到海洋中的人类废弃物”,即此处需要填入动词的过去分词形式,故此处填入 dumped。30. providing【解析】考查现在分词。根据句子的谓语动词 can form 判定空格处的动词为非谓语结构,在从句子结构分析,该空构成分词短语作状语,再根据相关句意分析,此处想表述的是“它们可以在水中形成厚厚的团块,为霍乱这种致命疾病提供一个完美的环境”,即此处需要填入动同的现在分词,故此处填入 providingSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.allowB.botheringC. gapD. inaccessible E. inefficientF. jumped G.customizedH. place I. purchase J. skipping K. strategiesGrocery Shopping in Person Or Online: Which Is Better Karen Spade knows how to collect coupons(优惠券) and price match. She runs her own savings website to teach others to shop and save as she does.Yet when a nearby grocery store started offering online shopping about a month ago, Spade (31)_______at the chance to try it. She didn't even care there was a delivery fee and the store did not (32) ______ paper coupons or price matching for online orders. Why would a power shopper be willing to give up some of her favorite savings (33)_________ to shop online "For shoppers(34)___________to collect coupons and price match, shopping in-store will bring bigger savings"Spade explained. But many people are never going to do that and, for them,online shopping is another way to save, because you can keep an eye on your running total as you shop to stick to your budget.“So Spade took the plunge and managed to ( 35 )__________ her first order. "I went to the store afterwards to test out what the price (36)_________ would have been, she said, "and I found everything ordered was the same price at the store.”So if this is the case, then it's all about whether you can make back the delivery fee. Stores charge between$7.95 and$12.95 to deliver your groceries, depending on the size of your(37)___________.You offset(抵消) little of that money right away because you do not have to pay for gas. but the biggest benefit is the time saved by(38)_________ the trip. Shopping online saves time in another way. Even on your very first online shopping trip, if you enter your loyalty card number,all the products you've bought before at the store should pop up as a(n(39)shopping list Just clicks the ones you'd like to buy again and you’re done No(40) __________ wondering in the store.【答案】31-40 FAKBH, CIJGE【解析】31.F【解析】根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入动词,再结合该空之后提及的 She didn't even care there was a delivery fee 相关内容,可推知 Spade 非常急迫地想抓住这次机会,结合相关选项 jump at the chance 意为“抓住机会”,符合文意,故选 F。32.A【解析】根据句子结构分析,该空处需要填入动词,结合该空前提及的 She didn't even care there was a delivery fee 和该空后表述的 paper coupons or price matching for online orders 推知,此处想要表述的是“她甚至不在乎送货费,商店也不允许 (allow) 纸质优惠券或网上订单的价格匹配”,故选 A。33.K[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入名词,再结合该空前提及的 some of可知,此处需要填入名词的复数形式,结合选项分析,只有 strategies 符合文意,故选 K。34.B[解析]根据句子结构分析,该空处所做成分为后置定语,即此处需要填入分词来构成分词短语修饰 shoppers,结合该段相关内容和该空之后的 collect coupons and price match,可知此处想要表达的是“这些购物者是费尽心思收集优惠券和比价的”,即此处表示的是主动关系,需填入现在分词,结合选项分析bothering 符合文意,故选 B。35.H[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入动词原形,再结合该空之后提及的 her first order 可知,这里表述的是“Spade 的大胆尝试是她下了她的第一个网上订单”,结合相关选项分析,place one's order 有“下某人的订单”之意,故选H36.C[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入名词,结合选项以及下文提及的and I found everything ordered was the same price at the store 可知,该空处想要表述的是“后来她去商店测试了价格差距gap),发现所有订购的东西在商店都是样的价格”,故选 C。37.1[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入名词,再结合该空前提及的有关送货费用的相关内容 可推知此处想要表达的是“商店送货的费用在 7.95 美元到12.95 美元之间,这取决于你购买(purchase) 的商品的大小”,故选 1。38J[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处结构为 by doing sth,该空需要填入动词的ing形式,结合该空之前提及的 the biggest benefit is the time saved 可推知,此处想要表述的内容是“网上购物省时省力”,即网上购物通过跳过 (skipping) 旅行来节省时间,故选J。39.G[解析]根据句子结构分析,此处需要填入形容词做定语修饰 shopping list结合相关选项和上下文内容推知,此处想要表述的是“如果你输入了你的信用卡号,那么你之前在商店购买的所有产品部应该以定制的 (customized) 购物清的形式弹出”,故选 G。40.E[解析]文章该段内容主要讲述了网上购物的好处,它不仅节省时间还能触展现相关购物清单,这在一定程度上能够提升购物效率,结合选项分析,该空然想要表述的是“在商店里没有效率低下的 (inefficient) 疑惑”,故选 E。Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contextPeople believe that having pets is overall a good thing for children. But does this belief hold up to (41) __________ The new field of human-animal interaction aims to find out.Ten years ago, when psychologist Joan Smith reviewed the literature on child-animal relationships, she reported that interacting with animals led young children to better understand biology than pet-less children. Kindergartners who had cared for goldfish were more(42) _________ when responding to questions like "does a goldfish have a heart " They also more easily(43) __________biological information from one species to another, inferring that baby frogs get bigger just like goldfish do. She also reports that those kids who turned to their pets for emotional support were less (44)__________ than these who didn't.The past ten years have seen some advances, but literature on the topic is still rather (45) _______. A recent paper by researcher Meg Brown at Lakeside University (46)________ some important information to the discussion.She turned to a data-set that includes information from 7, 000 kids, ranging in (47) _________ from thirteen to nineteen years. For the study, both pet owning and other types of (48) _______ activities, like horseback riding, were considered as human-animal interaction experience.She found that adolescents with animal experience were more likely to see themselves as important(49)__________ to their communities, such as doing community service. She also found that the higher the level of(50)________between a teenager and animals, the higher they scored on measurements of emotional connectedness in general. While causality(因果关系)cannot be determined, Brown says that it is at least(51)_________ that children and adolescents can learn about healthy social relationships from their experiences of interacting with animals.“If a connection exists between the skills required for these relationships,then it might be useful to make use of animal relationships as a way to (52)_______ the development of social skills," she says.Brown is aware of the limitations of her study. It can't reach any conclusions about the causal role of animals in kids’ lives, and it's limited to (53) __________ nationwide. Besides, the study was not designed to (54)_________ any potential negative effects of human-animal interaction experiences.Some other studies, for example, have shown that pet owners have higher levels of (55)_______ , like depression, than non-pet owners.41. A. common sense B. scientific evidenceC. universal assumptionsD. natural tendencies42.A. enthusiastic B. curiousC.accurateD. serious43. A. transferredB. collectedC. judged D. spread44.A. cautious B. vigorousC. ambitiousD.anxious45.A. limited B. reliableC. varied D. fascinating46. A. owes B.addsC. restricts D.adapts47.A.status B.age C. heightD. performance48. A. animal-watching B. animal-ledC. animal-friendly D. animal-related49. A.donatorsB.delegatesC.contributorsD. witnesses50. A. difference B. isolationC.attachment D. disapproval51. A. possible B.questionableC. misleadingD. uncertain52.A.block B. stress C. involve D. promote53.A.teenagers B.researchersC. pet-less childrenD. pet owners54. A. do away withB. throw light onC. take advantage ofD. make up for55. A. needs B. tests C.explanations D.disorders【答案】41-55 BCADA.BBDCC,ADABD【解析】41.B[解析]此处是一个问句,且表转折,结合前面的“人们认为,总的来说养宠物对孩子是件好事”,分析选项可知此处句意为“但是这种观点是否有科学依据呢(scientific evidence) ”其余选项与文意不符,故选 B。common sense 常识scientific evidence 科学证据; universal assumptions 普遍假设; natural tendencies自然倾向。42.C [解析]根据“she reported that interacting with animals led young children to better understand biology than pet-less children.”可知养过宠物的小朋友会对生物学更了解,分析选项可知此处想要表示的是“在回答“金鱼有心吗 ”这样的问题时养过金鱼的幼儿园小朋友的回答更准确(accurate )”,故选 C。enthusiastic ad热情的;热心的;curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;accurate adj.精确的:正确无误的;serious adj.不好的:严重的;有危险的。43.A[解析]此处讲的是儿童如何运用自己所了解到的生物学知识,结合语境分析选项可知此处句意为“它们也更容易将生物信息从一个物种转移(transferred )到另一个物种,由此推断青蛙宝宝会像金鱼一样变大”,故选A。transferred v.(使)转移,搬迁: collected v. 收集;采集;收:judged v. 判断:断定,认为;spread v.传播:展开;打开。44.D[解析]该段闸述的是养宠物的儿童相较于不养宠物的儿童会获益
