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一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. We often___________(play) on the playgound.2. He _________(get) up at six o’clock.3. __________you _________(brush) your teeth every morning.4. What____ (do) he usually _____(do) after school?5. Danny _______(study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.6. Mike sometimes __________(go) to the park with his sister.7. At eight at night, she ________(watch) TV with his parents.8. ________ Mike________(read) English every day?9. How many lessons ______your classmate____(have) on Monday?10. What time ____his mother_________(do) the housework?11. He often ______(have) dinner at home. 12. Daniel and Tommy___ (be) in Class One.13. We____ (not watch) TV on Monday. 14. Nick _____(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.15. They______ (like) the World Cup? 16. What ____they often ____(do) on Saturdays17. Your parents________ (read) newspapers every day?18. The girl______ (teach) us English on Sundays.19. She and I _______(take) a walk together every evening.20. There_______ (be) some water in the bottle. 21. Mike ______(like) cooking.22. They_______ (have) the same hobby. 23. My aunt______ (look) after her baby carefully.24. You always____ (do) your homework well. 25. I_____ (be) ill. I’m staying in bed.26. She_____ (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 27. Liu Tao _____(do) not like PE.28. The child often______ (watch) TV in the evening.29. Su Hai and Su Yang ______(have) eight lessons this term.30. -What day ______(be) it today? - It’s Saturday.31. Don’t make a noise. Grandpa __________(sleep).32. Tom’s family__________(watch) TV.33. It ________(take) me two hours to finish my homework last night.34. What ______ your mother _______(do) every evening? She _______(wash) clothes.35. _______ it ______ (rain)every day?36. What _______(do) you _______ on Sundays ? We ________ (play) football.37. There ________ (be) a football match on TV every morning.38. They often ________ (visit) the Great Wall.39. Who _______ (dance) the best in your class?40. He _____________ (not come).41. The earth __________ (move) round the sun.42 She ________ (buy) a sweater.43. Mr. Wang often______( go) to Shanghai.

二、改句子1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)2. I have many books. (改为否定句)3. Gao Shan’s sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)6. David has a goal. (改为一般疑问句)7. We have four lessons.(否定句)8. Nancy doesn’t run fast (肯定句)9. My dog runs fast. (一般疑问句)(把10—14小题变否定句,一般疑问句和划线提问)10. Mike has two letters for him.11. I usually play football on Friday afternoon12. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day14. Tom does his homework at home.

三、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:1. wash_________ match _______guess______ study______ finish_________ go________ snow______ carry_________2. stop______ see________ drive ________let_______ carry______ keep_____ join______ find_______ think________ teach______ catch______3. stay_______ begin______ forget_______ forget______ lie________ die _______ run_______ prefer______ give________ ring_______ dance______ hope_______

四、单项选择:1. There _____ an English film at the cinema now.A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is2. The picture _______ nice.A. looks B. is looked C. look D. is looking3. She ______ down and soon falls asleep.A. live B. lain C. laid D. sits4. They _____ the office in time very morning.A. reach to B. arrived C. went D. get to5. We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____ back next week.A. will come B. came C. would come D. come6. The plane ______ over there.A. is B. are D. was7. I see her ____ the room this morning.A. to enter B. entered C. enter D. enters8. The teacher ________us to come to school on time.A. ask B. asking C. asks D. asked9. John always ______ others.A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help10. He ______for eight hours every day.A. working B. to work C. works D. worked11. You’d better ______ at home and ______ your homework.A. to stay, do B. stay, do C. to stay, to do D. stay, to do12. He sits down and ______ a rest.A. having B. have C. to have D. has13. Uncle Wang never ______ a cake.A. make B. to make C. making D. makes

五、翻译1.他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。(No. 3 Primary School)2.父亲每天早晨都浇花。3.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐。4.桑迪放学后打乒乓球吗?不。她学习很用功。放学后她总是看书。5.我们九点上科学6.我最喜欢的课是英语7.我们不是2:30上化学8.你们是下午3点回家吗9.8点开始上课10.我爸爸周日早上看报纸11.她天天做作业

六、改错1. Is your brother speak English?2. Does he likes going fishing?3. He likes play games after class.4. Mr. Wu teachs us English.5. She don’t do her homework every evening.作文: My School Day____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
