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新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 5 Energy答案(U校园)

Academic exploration 1

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1

1)Para.1—— D.An...

2)Para.2——F.The definition...

3)Para.3——E.The process...

4)Para.4——B.The carbon...

5)Para.5——A.The negative...


2、Comprehension 2


2)C.Not given




三、Language focus

2、Words in use(注意变形)

1)Proponents (首字母大写,加s)【选项拼写错误了】


3)heralded (加ed)




7)  rotate






Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)What are the two conflicting views about biomass as mentioned in Para. 1?

答案:The two conflicting views on biomass are as follows: Proponents regard biomass as the answer to our ever-diminishing fossil fuel supply. Critics yet argue that biomass has a hugely detrimental impact on the environment.

2)Why is biomass generally considered as a renewable source of energy, according to Para. 2?

答案:Because biomass is derived from living, or recently living, plants and animals, which means it can be replaced in a relatively short period of time. This makes it a renewable source of energy.

3)In what way is the production process of a biomass power plant similar to that of a traditional coal-fired power station, according to Para. 3?

答案:The production process is similar except what is burnt. Coal or biomass is burned in a combustion chamber to boil water. This produces high-pressure steam that is passed through a turbine, causing it to rotate. This in turn powers a generator which creates electricity. A transformer then is used to increase the voltage of the electricity before distributing it to homes and businesses.

4)What are the reasons for and against the claim that biomass is "a carbon-neutral source of energy" according to Para. 4?

答案:Proponents claim that biomass is carbon-neutral because the amount of CO2 released into atmosphere when biomass is burned is equal to the amount captured during photosynthesis. However, critics doubt this claim for several reasons. Firstly, when forests are cut down, not only does carbon absorption cease, but the carbon stored in the trees is also released into the atmosphere as CO2 if the wood is burned or even if it is left to rot after the deforestation process. And it can take pretty long time to re-establish these forests and pay off this carbon debt. Secondly, the harvest and long-distance transport of biomass produces harmful air pollutants which are not offset during the process.

5)What is the author's attitude toward the cultivation of "energy crops" according to Para. 5? Why is that?

答案:The author's attitude is critical, because the cultivation of energy crops dedicated to the production of biofuels presents some problems, for example the pollution of water and soil from pest control, excessive consumption of water, erosion of soil, increased levels of greenhouse gases, detrimental effects on food prices, and small farmers' being forced off their land.

6)Why does the author cite the IEEP's prediction in Para. 5?

答案:The author cites IEEP's prediction to support the argument that we can scarcely afford to allocate more land to the energy sector.

7)How is Para. 6 connected with the previous paragraphs?

答案:Para. 6 serves as the conclusion of the whole text. In Para. 6, the author starts with the transitional phrase "in conclusion" and a summary of the two advantages of biomass presented in Paras. 2–3. Then the author uses "however" to clearly indicate the perspective that he / she favors, summarizes the many adverse environmental effects of biomass presented in Paras. 4–5, and finally ends the text with a clear-cut conclusion.

三、Getting the skill

1、Creating flow charts

视频中选择题的答案是:A B C

2、Practicing the skill 1






5)high-pressure steam





答案:Biomass / Methane is burned to heat water.

The boiling water produces high-pressure steam.

This causes the rotation of a turbine.

The rotation powers a generator, whichproduces electricity.

A transformer increases the voltage of theelectricity before it is distributed.

3、Practicing the skill 2

答案:Sunlight produces photons.

Photons hit solar panels.

Photons are absorbed by the panel'ssemiconducting silicon material. 

Electrons separate from the atoms and movearound the solar cell.

Direct current (DC) electricity isgenerated. 

DC electricity flows to the systemsinverter and is converted to alternating current (AC) electricity.

Academic exploration 2

Reading & understanding

一、Getting the skill

1、Annotating the text...


2、Practicing the skill 1


1)porous rock

2)vertical well



5)horizontal section

6)high-pressure fracking solution


1)Summarize the notes briefly.

答案:Fracking is a complex mining technique used to extract oil and natural gas from sedimentary rock formations rather than porous rock formations.

三、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1

1)Para.1—— D.Which...

2)Para.2——G.How are...

3)Para.3——A.How is...


5)Para.5——C.How does...

6)Para.6——E.How is...

7)Para.4——F.What other...


2、Comprehension 2


2)C.Not given





四、Language focus

2、Words in use(注意变形)


2)extract (去掉ion)

3)additives (加s)



6)sequestering (加ing)

7)  Sedimentary (首字母大写)


1)  反对水力压裂法的最大理由是,它破坏环境——其泄漏的天然气和渗入地下水的压裂液混合物会造成空气污染和水污染。


3)  从废弃物填埋场、废水和农业废弃物等回收的沼气可以进行处理,并注入现有的天然气网络,作为清洁、可靠的能源供家庭、企业及发电使用。

4)  每种可再生能源的可负担性和成本效益在很大程度上取决于当地特定的环境,这就是开发能源系统的挑战所在:要在能充分应对每种可再生能源的技术局限性的同时,使能源系统具有成本效益且人们能负担得起。

Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)Why do you think the author uses such words as "yet," "despite" and "still" in Para. 1?

答案:These words reveal the author's pity that while the global trend is to shake off reliance on fossil fuels, they are still the major energy sources for some larger industrialized countries. These words can also evoke the same feeling in the readers.

2)What are the differences between mining oil and natural gas from reservoirs and from shale?

答案:The main differences come from the techniques used. When mining oil and natural gas from the reservoir, a deep vertical well is drilled directly into the reservoir, and then oil and natural gas are pumped back to the surface. When mining oil and natural gas from shale, besides drilling a deep vertical well, the drill takes a 90-degree turn and continues horizontally; fracking solution is used to expand the cracks of shale to get oil and natural gas.

3)What are the benefits of using fracking according to Para. 4?

答案:Three benefits of fracking are stated in Para. 4. First, fracking would significantly reduce a country's dependence on foreign energy sources and could potentially lead to a new source of income. Second, fracking would provide thousands of new jobs and help lower household gas and electricity bills. Third, fracking has a positive effect on the environment as it produces up to three times less carbon emissions than coal.

4)What are the health and environmental concerns associated with fracking?

答案:The concerns are:

The volume of chemical additives being pumped into the ground is huge. The chemical additives have the possibility of contaminating food and drinking water.

The management of billions of liters of waste water generated during the fracking process is not easy. Treatment of waste water for reuse and its disposal are equally difficult.

The fracking process and its after-effects can lead to earthquakes.

5)What comments does the author make on the current treatment options for waste water generated during the fracking process in Para. 6?

答案:The author comments that treatment of waste water is expensive and difficult as few facilities currently have the capacity to deal with the waste water. Disposal would jeopardize aquatic ecosystems given that most waste water is simply injected back into porous rock formations via disposal wells or released into river systems.

6)Why does the author cite Ellsworth's argument in Para. 7?

答案:The author cites Ellsworth's argument to show his or her full openness to different opinions, including opinions that might go against his or her own view. After citing Ellsworth's argument, the author offers more details to refute it and thus strengthens his or her own argument.

7)What is the author's attitude toward fracking?

答案:Disapproving. The author discusses more concerns over fracking compared to its positive effects in the text. His or her attitude is also conveyed through the use of such expressions as "it seems crazy to take such huge risks" and "rather than wasting time and money extracting what is, after all, another finite resource" in Para. 8.

Critical thinking

一、Getting the skill

1、Identifying bias

视频中选择题的答案是:A B C

2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Does the writer give a balanced view?

答案:No, the writer seems biased and in favor of fracking. He or she gives no specific evidence to support the conclusion that "fracking has proven to be a relatively safe way of extracting shale gas." He or she dismisses environmental lobbyists' claim as "limited" and "weak" but offers no substantiated evidence.

2)What experts does the writer cite to support his or her argument?

答案:Environmental lobbyists and experts at the Kilnbrook.

3)What words indicate bias in the writer's argument?

答案:Limited, weak, experts (no specific information about the "experts").

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Earthquakes, water contamination, global warming, and damaging ecosystems show that the damage caused by fracking clearly outweighs any possible benefits.

答案:One sided—no alternative perspective is included.

2)Our research shows that there are very few dangers associated with fracking. (Frank Smith, CEO of Fracking UK)

答案:Other influences—i.e. Fracking UK has funded the research.

3)Clearly, fracking is only being pushed aggressively forward due to the vast profits dubious corporate associations can gain from exploiting the fragile environment.

答案:Emotive language—clearly, aggressively,vast, dubious, fragile.

Academic writing

Writing model

一、Essay prompt

1、Essay prompt

1)Read the essay prompt. Look at the diagram of a flash steam geothermal energy power plant (闪蒸地热发电厂) and think about how the process is similar to or different from the production of hydroelectricity.

答案:The two processes are similar in that a turbine is powered to generate kinetic energy, and then the kinetic energy is sent to a transformer which converts it into electricity. During the operation of these plants, no carbon dioxide is emitted directly into the atmosphere, and the amount of electricity generated is not influenced by the availability or market conditions of traditional fuels.

They are different in that they use different energy sources to power the turbines. A flash steam geothermal power plant uses steam to power the turbine. The steam comes from reservoirs of hot water found a few miles or more below the earth's surface. The steam rotates a turbine that activates a generator, which produces electricity. Finally, the cooled-down water is injected into the ground again. Quite differently, a hydroelectric power plant utilizes the kinetic energy of falling water to turn the turbine. The hydro turbine is driven by the flow of water that rotates the shaft of the generator, thus producing electricity. The hydroelectric power plant usually gets water from a reservoir created by a dam. After the completion of power generation process the water is returned into the original stream.

二、Model analysis

1、Task 1

1)Read the student model essay. Note down the different stages of power generation in the form of a flow chart.

答案:Hot water is pumped from underground reservoirs to the surface.

The hot water is fed into largelow-pressure tanks to generate steam.

The steam is used to rotate a turbine.

The rotation powers a generator.

The generator produces electricity.

Electricity is distributed to homes and businesses around the country.

Remaining water is pumped to a cooling station.

Cold water is then injected back into the reservoir to be heated again.

2、Task 2

1)Read the student model essay. Find out the terms in this process that are provided with a definition. How are the definitions presented?

答案:Geothermal energy and turbine.

The definitions are presented within the text to give a quick explanation to readers.

3、Task 3

1)What other methods can be employed to explain a term?

答案:I can also explain a term by providing a footnote, a glossary, a key to accompany the diagram, etc.

Language for writing

一、Vocabulary development

1、Vocabulary for describing


1)dam                    G.a barrier...

2)flow                    A.(especially...

3)gear                    F.part...

4)generator            B.a machine...

5)kinetic energy     C.the...

6)shaft                   D.a thin...

7)transmission line H.the cable...

8)turbine                E.a machine...





4)flows (加s)

5)kinetic energy

6)gears (加s)


8)transmission lines (加s)



2)kinetic energy




6)transmission lines




1、Using verbs correctly



2)converts the low-speed rotation

3)uses the kinetic energy

4)generate electrical energy

5)be transmitted

6)to measure the speed

7)is transmitted

8)to rotate

9)are applied


1)extracted (加ed)



4)disappeared (加ed)

5)decreased (加d)

6)responded (加ed)

Writing skill

一、Getting the skill

2、Practicing the skill 1

1)A generator is a machine which _____.

答案:A generator is a machine which is used to produce electricity.

2)A solar panel is usually a _____ to generate electricity.

答案:A solar panel is usually a piece of rectangular equipment that uses energy from the sun to generate electricity.

3)Hybrid cars—_____— have grown in popularity.

答案:Hybrid cars—cars powered by both electricity and petrol—have grown in popularity.

4)_____, or force, from the waves turns the turbines to generate electricity.

答案:Energy, or force, from the waves turns the turbines to generate electricity.

3、Practicing the skill 2


答案:A transformer is a piece of electrical equipment which changes a voltage to a higher or lower voltage.


答案:Recycling—reusing old materials to create new products—reduces people's impact on the environment.

3)Carbon footprint

答案:Each individual's effect on the planet, or carbon footprint, measures the environmental consequences of each person's behavior.

4)Power house

答案:A power house is a structure that houses generators and turbines at a hydropower facility.
