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ACCA SBL战略商业领袖



SBL中Part A、B中的职业道德、D、F是目前P1的考纲内容,Part A(除职业道德)、Part C、E中的big data和E-business、G、H中的change management是现在P3的考纲内容。Part E中的云计算和移动终端技术、IT系统的安全性和控制、H中performance excellence、I是SBL的新增考点。具体考纲变化见下表:

战略商业领袖(Strategic Business Leader “SBL”)考试大纲

A Leadership

1. Qualities of leadership (P3)

2. Leadership and organisational culture (P3)

3. Professionalism, ethical codes and the public interest (P1)

B Governance

1. Agency(P1)

2. Stakeholder analysis and organisational social responsibility (P1、P3)

3. Governance scope and approaches (P1、P3)

4. Reporting to stakeholders (P1)

5. The board of directors (P1)

6. Public sector governance (P1)

C Strategy

1. Concepts of strategy (P3)

2. Environmental issues (P3)

3. Competitive forces (P3)

4. The internal resources, capabilities and competences of an organisation (P3)

5. Strategic choices (P3)

D Risk

1. Identification, assessment and measurement of risk (P1)

2. Managing, monitoring and mitigating risk (P1)

E Technology and data analytics

1. Cloud and mobile technology (SBL新增)

2. Big data and data analytics (P3)

3. E- business: value chain (P3)

4. IT systems security and control (SBL新增)

F Organisational control and audit

1. Management and internal control systems (P1)

2. Audit and compliance (P1)

3. Internal control and management reporting (P1)

G Finance in planning and decision-making

1. Finance function (P3)

2. Financial analysis and decisionmaking techniques (P3)

3. Cost and management accounting (P3)

H Innovation, performance excellence and change management

1. Enabling success: organising (P3)

2. Enabling success: disruptive technologies (P3、SBL新增)

3. Enabling success: talent management (P3)

4. Enabling success: performance excellence (SBL新增)

5. Managing strategic change (P3)

6. Innovation and change management (P3)

7. Leading and managing projects

I Professional skills

1. Communication (SBL新增)

2. Commercial acumen (SBL新增)

3. Analysis (SBL新增)

4. Scepticism (SBL新增)

5. Evaluation(SBL新增)

以上就是ACCA新考试科目战略商业领袖(Strategic Business Leader “SBL”)的考试内容及考试大纲,希望同学们有所了解,关于SBL的考试形式及评分标准,楷博君将在下一篇文章中详细说明,请大家继续关注。返回搜狐,查看
