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雅思写作中心句句型多样化之not only, but also倒装句

很多同学的阅读能力远超写作能力,能读懂复杂句子,但是写出来的作文句型却很简单,尤其是作文的中心句,作为一个段落的点睛之笔,如果句型和词汇高级一些,当然就更吸引眼球了,今天新航道老师要给大家介绍一个适合很多种作文话题的中心句句型:not only,but also倒装。先让我们赏析一下这个句型吧。

Not only do IT professionals work with people who have little knowledge, but they also face pressure to achieve targets from managers.(留预读写三级P59)


Not only does our response become faster when we are faced with danger, but we also benefit from fear by becoming stronger in dangerous situations.(留预读写三级P71)


Not only are individuals recognizing the value of international education, entire countries are expanding their educational offerings, developing strategies to attract the brightest and the best, and to sharpen their global competitive edge.(留预读写四级P99)


从上面的句子我们可以看出,要用not only有这样一些前提条件:not only和but also都引导句子;not only放句首,注意:not only引导的句子部分倒装,but also后的句子是正常语序。结构总结如下:not only+疑问语序句子(若句子中有助动词或情态动词,则直接将情态动词或助动词提到主语前面,若没有则根据时态人称在主语前加do/did/does,并将该句子中的实意动词变原形),but also+陈述语序句子(also放在实意动词之前)


Not only, but also适用于很多话题的作文,可以放在主题段落中心句位置承上启下,以下面这个话题为例:The ability to maintain friendship with a small number of people over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make many new friends easily.Do you agree or disagree?对于这个话题,假设作者的观点是维持老朋友更重要,论证时作者至少提出维持老朋友的两个好处,好处一:First of all, old friends usually show stronger loyalty than those new fellows.那我们在写好处二的时候就可以通过三步写一个not only的倒装句。

Step 1:为了使词汇
