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康奈尔大学应用经济与管理硕士(MPS in Applied Economics and Management)项目简介




项目名称:Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Economics and Management

地理位置:Ithaca, New York

项目时长:Full Time (one year)

所在院系:Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management


项目费用:Tuition $56,550

基本要求:学生需要获得或者即将获得相当于美国四年制本科的学位,康奈尔大学本科生需要完成商科辅修(Business Minor),非康奈尔大学本科生需要完成相当于康奈尔大学商科辅修的课程要求:Coursework will be evaluated to determine equivalency to the Cornell Business Minor (must include Financial Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Management, Statistics, and Intermediate Accounting I)。




MPS in Applied Economics and Management开设的目的就是为了帮助未来的业界精英在进入真实的商业世界更好地解决现实世界中的各类经济管理问题,包括5个不同方向。

MPS in Applied Economics and Management concentrations:

Applied Behavioral Economics and Individual Choice (ABEIC)

Technology Management

Environmental Energy and Resource Economics (EERE)

International and Developmental Economics (IDE)

Food and Agricultural Economics (FAE)



Applied Behavioral Economics and Individual Choice (ABEIC)----应用行为经济学和个人方向属于行为经济学,它结合了心理学、社会学或其他社会科学的见解,为消费者、公司和政府制定双赢的解决方案。

Individuals who want to take on the big issues perplexing the industry by using the emerging tools of behavioral economics; including those with undergraduate degrees in any major who are looking for an applied context to leverage their skills.

Individuals interested in high-impact careers in behavioral sciences but who are still exploring various domains including economics, psychology, marketing, public health, nutrition, communication, and food science

Three Tracks: Behavioral Marketing, Sustainability and Behavior, Behavioral Finance

Technology Management----技术管理方向旨在依托于康奈尔大学约翰逊商学院和农业与生命科学学院,帮助训练在生物技术、生物能源、农业技术等领域创新者,以及培养市场创新者创造成功的企业。

Students with a BA or BS degree from an accredited school with at least one semester of calculus

Individuals from a science and technology background who are interested in learning about business and economics in order to become leaders in their fields

Engineering and science majors who wish to build professional careers in technology and innovation

Undergraduate business majors who would like to learn about technology topics and connect with technical students

Environmental, Energy, and Resource Economics (EERE)----环境能源与资源经济学方向为有志于就当代环境和资源政策问题和方法进行应用研究的人才提供专业知识和研究培训。

Individuals with interest in contemporary environmental and resource-policy issues and methods, including bio-economic modeling, energy economics, experimental economics, Non-market valuation, Computational sustainability, and policy analysis

International and Development Economics (IDE)----国际与发展经济学方向为有志于从事国际经济发展问题研究和探索解决方法的人才提供培训,包括学习和研究:增长对分配和福利的影响、农业发展和粮食政策、新兴市场、经济增长对国家、家庭和社区的环境影响。

Individuals interested in the international and development economics community who work in a wide variety of areas, including emerging markets, agricultural development and food policy, and distributional and welfare impact of growth

Food and Agricultural Economics (FAE)----粮食和农业经济学方向旨在为解决整个农业和粮食部门的综合纵向(从土地到消费者)问题的从业者和研究者提供专业学习和培训。

Students interested in food industry or agribusiness, including management, marketing, or finance specializations

Individuals interested in learning to address the comprehensive vertical (from land to consumer) problems, including marketing, demand analysis, and quantitative methods






Statement of Purpose 

Transcript (Minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA: 3.3)


GRE/GMAT(GMAT preferred,建议GRE325+,GMAT720+)

Two letters of recommendation












Cornell的Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management一直是美国TOP名校中较为特殊的存在,专注于培养能够解决各类复杂现实经济和商业问题的专业性人才,学院独特的课程设置和对现实世界的关注,提供了远超传统本科商业课程的教育机会和体验,学院开设有3个研究生项目:MPS in Applied Economics and Management,MS in Applied Economics and Management,PhD Program in Applied Economics and Management。

MPS in Applied Economics and Management开设时间较晚,是在MS in Applied Economics and Management分化出来的专业型项目,因此MPS项目整体招生倾向与MS项目较为相似:首先是比较看着申请者的经济学和商科背景,经济学相关专业和商科专业申请者录取较多,从招生的先修课程要求上就可得出这点,尤其是偏向于农业、环境或资源经济学专业背景的学生会更具优势;其次是偏好录取数理能力较强的申请者,因为不管是MPS还是MS项目都较为强调数据调查、建模分析和量化分析的能力,因此建议数理背景有瑕疵,数学和统计能不不是特别强的同学,可以自学或通Coursera,eDX补充一些数学和统计软件以及量化处理方法,并在之后的实习中增强自己实际应用的能力。

Cornell's Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management从开设之初起就一直保持着小班精英教学模式,因此不管是硕士还是博士项目的招生人数相较于同类型项目都要少很多,MPS in Applied Economics and Management目前每年班级规模在30人左右,因此在录取上倾向于硬件背景更优秀的学生,一般情况下建议大家最好能达到GPA ≥ 3.6+,TOEFL≥105 / IELTS 7.5,GRE≥ 325。略有不足也可以申请。


