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2019年MBA考研英语二真题及解析(1-20题)2019-12-15 15:37:06来源:​网络 【点睛】3h掌握考研全科备考方案    名师辅助择校及考研备考    22考研复试调剂攻略&23考研上岸指南 【考试入门】考研阅读个性化精准提分攻略    2h掌握考研数学基础考点 【热点】2022考研查分入口——晒分得奖学金




Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1____ , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2____ .

As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 ____on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 ____the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5____ my goals.

I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6____ of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7____ altering your training program. The most 8____ changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost.

For these 9____ , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10. Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11____ my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12____ any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13____ my training program.

I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 ____ to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15____ and dropping weight, this is a 16____ that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.

The 17____ to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18____ morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19____ I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale.

Rather than 20____ over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level.

1.[A]Besides[B]Therefore[C]Otherwise [D]However

2.[A]helps[B]cares [C]warns[D]reduces


4.[A]recording[B]lowering [C]explaining[D]accepting


6.[A]definition[B]depiction [C]distribution[D]prediction

7.[A]due to [B]regardless of[C]aside from [D]along with

8.[A]orderly[B]rigid[C]precise [D]immediate

9.[A]claims [B]judgments [C]reasons[D]methods

10.[A]instead[B]though [C]again [D]indeed

11.[A]track [B]overlook [C] conceal[D]report

12.[A]depend on[B]approve of[C]hold onto [D]account for

13.[A]share[B]adjust[C]confirm[D] prepare

14.[A]results [B]features[C]rules [D]tests

15.[A]bored[B]anxious [C]hungry[D]sick

16.[A]principle[B]secret [C]belief [D]sign

17.[A]request [B]necessity [C]decision[D]wish

18.[A]disappointing[B]surprising [C]restricting[D]consuming

19.[A]if because[B]unless[C]until [D]consuming

20.[A]obsessing [B]dominating[C]puzzling[D]triumphing


1. [答案] 【D】 However

[解析] 此处是逻辑关系考点。前面说到定期称重可以帮助我们关注自身体重的明显变化,这是正面描述,但是后面说的是负面描述,我们可以从词汇hurt上面感觉到语气的转变,所以,我们这里选择D,However(然而). 所给的答案中[A]Besides(除此之外),[B] Therefore(因此), [C]Otherwise(否则),意思都不符合题意。

2. [答案] 【A】helps

[解析] 此处是考查词义复现。所在的句子的意思是说:这种习惯的坏处有时候要比...多,很明显想表达的意思是弊大于利,所以处应该写表示利的同义词,这里所给的答案中,A helps(有帮助)复合题意,其他[B]cares(关心),[C] warns(警告),[D] reduces(减少)带入句中都不符合题意。

3. [答案] 【B】solely

[解析] 此处是词汇考查。所在的句子的意思是:每天称重会让我转译注意力到体重的数值上,而不是宽泛的身体健康上。此处和后面的4题的数值也很匹配,所以答案是B solely表示仅仅。而其他答案[A] initially(最初地)[C]occasionally(偶尔地) [D] formally(正式地)都不合题意。

4. [答案] 【B】lowering

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在的句子的意思和上文3的意思想对应,我虽然体重增加是由于肌肉的增强,但是我所想的是体重秤上的数字增大了,所以会关注怎样把数字降下来,所以这里应该选择是B (lowering)降低的意思。 其他选项[A]recording(记录) [C]explaining(解释)[D]accepting(接受)都不能表达此意。

5. [答案] 【D】reach

[解析] 此处是固定搭配题。达到目的是reach the goal这句话的意思是:上面的关注点的改变和我为了达到目的锻炼身体的计划相违背。和目标goal相匹配的是reach。 其它选项[A]modify(修改)[B]set(设立)[C]review(复习)都不符合题意。

6. [答案] 【B】depiction

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在的句子在这段话的首句,和上段是并列的位置,我们可以从用词also看出其中的逻辑。所以这段话说的是这个关注点改变的不利方面。前面是精准的(accurate), 后面应该是数值显示的意义,所以这里B 答案depiction (描述)是复合题意的。其它选项[A]definition(定义)[C]distribution(分配)[D]prediction(预测)都不符合题意。

7. [答案] 【A】due to

[解析] 此处是短语辨析题。看所在句子的意思是:由于计划的调整,三个星期到一个月后,我才发现我的体重有明显的变化。[A]due to表示因为,复合题意。其他三个选项[B]regardless of(尽管)[C]aside from(除了)[D]along with(随着)带入句子都通顺,所以不入选。

8. [答案] 【D】immediate

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。这句话的意思是:最明显的改变将会体现在技能水平,力量和尺寸三个方面。其他三个选项[A]orderly(有顺序的)[B]rigid(严肃的)[C]precise(精准的)和后面changes 搭配都不符合句意。

9. [答案] 【C】reasons

[解析] 此处是固定搭配辨析题。由于这个原因(For these judgments),我停止了每天称重并且改为每月两次称重的频率。其它选项:[A]claims(要求,索赔),[B]judgments(判断),[D]methods(方法)带入都不符合题意。

10. [答案] 【A】instead

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在的句子是在描述两个不同的现象,所以有取代关系,我们选择A instead表示取而代之,复合题意,其它选项 [B]though(尽管),[C]again(又再)[D]indeed(确实)都不符合题意。

11. [答案] 【A】track

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在句子的意思是:因为降体重不再是我的目标,所以每周都跟踪我的体重就变得不再重要。所以我们选择A track表示的是跟踪。其它选项:[B] overlook(忽视)[C] conceal(隐藏)[D] report(报道)都不符合题意。

12. [答案] 【D】account for

[解析] 此处是逻辑和固定搭配辨析题。这句话的意思是:每隔两周称重可以使我观察到明显变化并会找到变化的原因。所以我们选择D account for 表示解释的意思。其它选项:[A]depend on(依据),[B]approve of(同意)[C]hold onto(坚持)都不符合题意。

13. [答案] 【B】adjust

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。这里根据上文说的每两周称重的好处,下面的句子是说这一切可以告诉我何时调整我的锻炼计划。根据选项,我们可以找到B adjust 调节是正确的选择项。其他选项:[D]prepare(准备)[A]share(分项)[C] confirm(断言)都不符合题意。

14. [答案] 【A】results

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。 根据句子尾部的as well, 我们可以知道这句话的意思是对上一段的延续,表达的是:我利用我的体重增加的数量可以了解我的营养摄入情况。所以这里选择A results 表达增重的结果。其它选项[B]features(特点)[C]rules(规则)[D]tests(实验)都不符合题意。

15. [答案] 【C】hungry

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。这句话主要是承接上文说到的营养摄入,所以我们选择C hungry 表示饥饿,和后面体重下降也有因果逻辑关系。其它选项: [A]bored(烦闷的),[B]anxious(焦虑的),[D]sick(有病的)都不符合题意。

16. [答案] 【D】sign

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在的句子表达的意思是:上面的现象是一种迹象,题型我需要增加日常的卡路里的摄入,和上文讲到的营养摄入相呼应。其它选项:[A]principle(原则)[B]secret(秘密)[C]belief(信仰)都不符合题意。

17. [答案] 【C】decision

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。前面有定冠词,所以此处应该是名词,这句话表达的意思是称重计划的改变对我自身已经有了明显的效果。Wonders是个积极面的词汇,所以这件事情已经发生了,选择C decision 是最符合题意的。 其它选项:[A]request(要求),[B]necessity(必要性),[D]wish(愿望)都不符合题意。

18. [答案] 【A】disappointing

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。处应该是形容词,修饰后面的morning, 这句话的意思是说:我不再担心早上会增加体重,之前只要发现增加体重就会感到失望,所以我们选择Adisappointing(令人失望的)。其它选项: [B]surprising(令人惊奇的),[C]restricting(限制性的)[D]consuming(浪费的)都不符合题意。

19. [答案] 【A】because

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。前后的逻辑关系是因果关系,句意是:因为我根据我的目标而不是数值锻炼身体,所以我成功取得了健身的效果。所以A because表示原因复合题意。其他选项:[B]unless(除非)[C]until(直到)[D] if(如果)都不符合题意。

20. [答案] 【A】obsessing

[解析] 此处是词义辨析题。所在的句子rather than的意思是而不是,所以后面应该是关注体重数值,所以,我们选择A obsessing 表达的意思是沉迷于,这句话的意思是:与沉迷于数值不同,把关注点放在自我感受,衣服的宽松和整体的能量上才是更好的。 其它选项[B]dominating (统治的)[C]puzzling(迷惑的)[D]triumphing(成功的)都不符合题意。
