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Use the picture to answer the question.

Sonja and Kai share the toys equally.

How many toys will they each have?

A. 1

B. 2

✓C. 4

D. 8


【 阅读部分】

Read the passage.

Jackie couldn’t believe how much fun she had on the eld trip. 

She kept replaying the day ́s events in her mind on the bus ride back to school. 

In the word replaying, what does the pre x re- mean? 

1. after ✓ 2. again 

3. not 4. two 


【 语言使用部分】

Read the sentence.

Greg is___his father, George. 

Which phrase best completes the sentence? 

1. tallest than 

2. taller from 

✓ 3. taller than 

4. tall than

Ace解析:先读题,题目说Greg是___他的爸爸。显然这是个比较级判断,根据答案选项,是要表示G比他爸爸高的意思。那么比较级的使用,就要掌握了,比xx高,用taller than来表示。


【 数学部分】

What is 68 rounded to the nearest tens place?

A. 60

B. 65

✓C. 70

D. 100

Ace解析:首先注意几个数学词汇,rounded表示四舍五入,tens place表示十位数。如果这两个词的意思你都能理解,那么68近似到最近的十位数,答案就是70.

【 阅读部分】

Read the sentences.

My friend Chris always does what he promises to do. If he says he΄ll meet me after school, he is always there waiting for me. Chris is a reliable friend. 

What does reliable mean?

1. friendly

2. bright

✓ 3. dependable

4. capable


【 语言使用部分】

What is the correct spelling for more than one berry?

✓ 1. berries

2. berryes

3. berrys

4. berryses




Move numbers to the lines to order them from least to greatest. 

Least ___ ___ ___ ___ greatest

92,601 9,849 276,953 28,637



Read the passage.

Laura’s teacher asked to see the science project. “But Mrs. Thompson, I forgot it was due today!” Laura said. Then Laura asked if she could call her mom. “Mom, can you bring my science project to school? It’s due today!” She listened to her mother for a moment. (Passage continues.) 

How do readers learn about Laura? 

1. from what Laura looks like 

2. from what other characters say 

✓3. from what Laura says to others 

4. from descriptions of Laura’s feelings 



Read the sentence.

I ___ John to play his guitar for us until he finally agrees.

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence?

1. ask

2. asked

✓ 3. will be asking

4. will have been asking

Ace解析:这是一道典型的语法内容考试,考察将来进行时态。先看题干后面until he finally agrees,这是一个条件状语,表示直到他同意。显然这意味着当前他还不同意,那么(I___)我会做什么呢?我会一直问他。因此,表示将来发生的事情,同时强调不停地进行,使用将来进行时,will be asking。



Jorge wants to buy enough hot dog buns for 50 hot dogs. The buns come in packages of 8. He uses this number sentence to find the number of packages he will need.

50 ÷ 8 = 6 r2

What is the LEAST number of packages needed?

A. 6

✓B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

Ace解析:这道数学题,考察除法中的得数和余数,并和实际场景结合起来成为应用题。这也是MAP经常的考题方式。J想要买面包50个,面包8个一袋,问需要买多少袋?题目给出50 ÷ 8 = 6 r2 ,因此,买6袋就还少了2个,需要买7袋。


Read the passage.

A Unique Creature: The Thorny Devil 

The thorny devil is a very interesting and unusual creature. From its name, one might guess that it is large and scary.

(Passage continues.) 

Which explanation is the most likely reason the author includes a chapter heading in this passage? 

1. to explain background in formation about the subject 

✓ 2. to provide an idea of what the selection will be about 

3. to present information about key vocabulary terms 

4. to supply reasons why this is an interesting subject 



Read the sentence fragment.

Each penguin in the pool.

Which change makes the fragment a complete sentence?

1. Each penguin in the deep pool.

✓ 2. Each penguin in the pool swam.

3. Each and every penguin in the pool.

4. Each little penguin in the deep pool.


