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(1)、在根目录下创建目录aa。((Create directory aa in the root directory.)

cd /->mkdir aa

(2)、在根目录下创建一个文件cc,然后把cc拷贝到aa下。(Create a file cc in the root directory and copy cc to aa.)

touch cc->cp cc aa

(3)、更改目录aa的权限为777,然后查看是否更改成功。(Change the permission of directory aa to 777, and check whether the change is successful.)

chmod 777 aa->ls -l

(4)、创建用户bob,更改目录aa的拥有着和组群都为bob,然后查看是否更改成功 。(Create user bob, change the directory aa owner and group to BOB, and check whether the change is successful.)

   bob aa->chgrp bob aa->ls -l

(5)、删除该目录以及该目录下的所有文件并不作提示?(Delete this directory and all files in this directory without prompt?

rm -rf aa


(1)、用命令把当前工作目录切换到"/root",并用命令查看是否切换成功。(Use the command to change the current working directory to "/root", and use the command to check whether the switch is successful.)

cd /root->pwd

