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2020KP改革后的第一场考试终于来啦!祈祷考试前不会再生变故!(fingers crossed)由于12月的考试为KP最新改革后的第一场考试,可供小朋友们参考、练习的题目并不多,剑桥英语官方平台为了帮助小朋友们轻松备考,也在逐步放送出新题目(与真题中的样题不同哦~),目前为止已经更新出一整套A2 Key题目啦!其中包含:阅读写作试卷听力试卷口语试卷阅读答案听力答案听力音频+文本小厚已经为大家整理打包完毕,扫描文末二维码,添加小马甲 微信,发送关键字[最新样题] 即可获取哦~WAIT!小厚的价值不仅仅是一名搬运工!本次官方样题一如既往只给出了听力、阅读试卷的客观题答案,为了帮助小朋友们踏实备考,本期厚朴少年学堂将为大家提供本次口语写作样题的参考答案,供大家参考哦~2020年A2 Key官方样题写作答案Hi Pat,I can’t wait to go shopping with you tomorrow,I want to buy a gift for my cousin’s birthday. Would you like to meet me at the bus stop at 9:00 am? Let me know if you have any problem with the arrangement.Best regards,LilyLast Saturday, I went to picnic with my family. In the morning, we packed a lot of food and drink with us. Then we arrived at the lake at noon. We sat on the blanket and enjoyed our meal. After lunch, my brother and I went swimming in the lake while our parents watching us and chatting with each other. What a lovely family time!2020年A2 Key官方样题口语答案Phrase1Phrase1 (同样适用于back-up prompts)1. My name is          . / I’m          .2. I’m           years old.3. I live in          with my family.Phrase2Phrase2 (同样适用于back-up prompts)School1. I like History best.History is my favorite subject. Because it is very interesting. (答案+原因)2. I usually wear school uniform. Because that’s a school rule. I usually wear a hoodie and jeans. Because they are very comfort.3. Normally, I finish school at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, but I like hanging out with my classmates in the school playground after school. I finish school at 5 pm, sometimes at 4. (答案+细节补充)4. I usually eat at home, my mom will cook some home dishes. I like to eat some snacks after school, then I will have dinner with my family later time. I usually eat some snacks after school, I know it’s unhealthy, but I can’t resist them. (答案+个人感受)5. I have to write a diary everyday as my homework. Because our teacher thinks this can improve our writing skill.I have a lot of homework everyday, we have so many subjects to learn, and each of the subject has a lot of things for us to do.I don’t like homework, because it takes me a lot of time, and I don’t have time to do what I want to do, which makes me very frustrated.I like doing homework, because I’m lack of self-discipline, and homework can help me work harder.Home1. I live with my parents. I’m still very young, so I live with my family.2. There are three bedrooms in our house, one for my parents, one for me, and one is used as a guest room.3. I usually watch TV in the living room. There is a TV in our living room, but we don’t use is very often.4. My favorite room is my own bedroom because I spend most of my time in there.I like my bedroom very much, because I decorated it by myself, and I had great “me time” in my bedroom.5. While I am at home, I like reading some books, or invite my friends over.I like spending weekends at home. Since I spend most of my time at school during the whole week, I really want to kill some time with my parents at home in the weekend.

Phrase 1I like reading books, painting and play instruments, but I’m not very interested in video games and soccer. Because I’m not an outgoing person, so games and sports are too noise for me, plus, I’m not really good at this kind of activities.However, reading and painting are more suitable for me. I like spending a whole afternoon reading a novel. I also like going to the park, finding a good spot, and paint the view down. These activities can help me clam down and find my inner peace.Phrase 21. That depends. If I want to have some fun, I prefer spending my free time with other people, like inviting my friends to go shopping or go to the amusement park and so on.But if I want to have a good rest, I prefer spending my free time alone by staying at home, watching movies or reading books.2. I think playing sports is more fun, because in this way, you are involving into this sport, rather than being an outsider.I think watching sports is more fun, because it is really exciting to watch the top athletes compete with each other, especially in the Olympic game, when the athletes are trying to win the honor for their country. (答案+原因+进一步细化)以上答案供小朋友们参考,希望能够帮助大家开拓自己的思路~平时多多注意积累,考试时才能有发挥的空间哦~厚朴福利

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