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中国民航飞行员英语考试900句 PEPEC考试900句(4)

中国民航飞行员英语考试900句 PEPEC考试900句(4)

时间:2015-12-09 12:49来源:飞行员英语培训网 作者:ICAO4 点击:次

第四章 进近通话术语

295. Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then direct to BK.

296. Direct to JO, descend to FL50.

297. Passing FL70.

298. Descending to 4000 feet QNH1005, expect ILS approach Runway 24.

299. Request straight-in ILS approach Runway 24.

300. Cleared straight-in ILS approach Runway 24, descend to 3000 feet, QNH1011.

301. Airfield in sight, request visual approach.

302. When established on the localizer, descend on the glide path.

303. Established on the localizer.

304. Fully established Runway 24.

305. Cleared VOR-DME approach Runway 24, descending to 3000 feet QNH1007.

306. Runway in sight.

307. Number One, contact Tower 118.7.

308. Passing outer marker.

309. Report MQR outbound.

310. Procedure turn completed, localizer established.

311. Request visual approach.

312. Cleared visual approach Runway 24.

313. Request holding instructions.

314. Hold over BKM VOR at FL100, inbound track 280 degrees, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.

315. Request holding procedure.

316. Hold on the 265 radial of BKM VOR between 25 and 30 miles DME, FL100, inbound track 085, right hand pattern, expected approach time 1022.

317. Hold at 20 DME of ST VOR, FL100, inbound track 260 degrees, left turns, limiting outbound distance 24 DME.

318. Overhead YV, maintaining 3000 feet, entering hold.

319. Leaving BKM VOR heading 110.

320. Leaving FL60, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1008.

321. Position 10 miles north east of LN.

322. Turn right heading180 for base leg.

323. Reduce to minimum approach speed, turn right heading 230, cleared for ILS approach Runway 27.

324. No ATC speed restrictions. Contact Tower 118.9.

325. Three sixty turn left for delay.

326. Continue present heading, expect through the localizer for spacing.

327. Surveillance radar approach Runway 27, maintaining 2200 feet.

328. QNH1003, threshold elevation 196 feet.

329. Precision radar approach Runway 27 heading 260, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1014.

330. Cleared to JEMMY via BK 1A Arrival.

331. Descend to reach 5000 feet by BK.

332. When ready, descend to FL200. Report leaving FL300.

333. Descend immediately FL250.

334. Descend to altitude 12000 feet QNH 1000.

335. Descend to height 2000 feet QFE 997 hectopascals.

336. Descend to 8000 feet at 1000 feet per minute or greater.

337. Maintain own separation and VMC, descend to FL50.

338. Increasing rate of climb.

339. Unable expedite climb due weight.

340. Climb to 6000 feet, follow KODAP 01 Departure.

341. Passing altitude 2300 feet, climbing to FL80.

342. Climb to FL210, level restrictions of KODAP 01 Departure canceled.

343. Climb to FL 210, cross AU at FL100 or below.

344. Climb to FL290, level at time 55.

345. Unable FL390 by boundary, request FL330.

346. Descend to FL100, cross YU FL150 or above.

347. After passing North Cross, descend to FL150.

348. We are far above profile. Request holding.

349. Stop descent at 5000 feet.

350. Expedite descent until passing FL80.

351. Expect descent after AK.

352. Continue approach Runway 36R, maintain visual separation with preceding traffic.

353. Contact Control 80 miles after BK.

354. Request change to London Control.

355. Monitor Tower 118.1.

356. Remain this frequency.

357. We can see the approach lights at 200 feet.

358. Cleared VOR approach Runway 36, followed by circling to Runway 18.

359. Expect commencing approach at time 50.

360. Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.

361. Request RNAV approach.

362. RNAV approach not available due FMS database. Request VOR approach.

363. Cleared for LDA approach Runway 24.

364. Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival.

365. Unable RNAV, loss of RAIM, request NDB approach

366. GPS primary lost, going around.

367. RAIM alert, going around.

368. Negative RNAV.

369. Proceed to AK, hold as published, expect approach clearance at 30.

370. Request hold for weather improvement, visibility below company minima.

371. Hold at BKM VOR FL250, right hand pattern, expect further clearance at 23, landing delay at destination airport 30 minutes.

372. Holding northwest of W VOR FL120, what is the delay for approach?

373. Request to extend the holding pattern for accomplishing the checklist.

374. Request extended holding to burn fuel to reduce the weight.

375. Cleared for CAT II ILS approach Runway 24.

376. Join right hand downwind, visual approach Runway 24.

377. Continue approach, prepare for possible go around.

378. Disregard. We made the wrong transmission.

379. Roger, request continue approach.

380. Stand by. We are carrying out procedures.

381. Wilco, words twice.

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