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GRE计算机专项考试题 保存


1. In-Order表达式到Post-Order表达式转换的最佳工具是: A. Array B. List C. Stack D. Binary tree E. Hash table 2. 以下哪些集合是完工的(用他们的组合可以表示所有的逻辑运算) A. {⌉, ⋁} B. {⌉, ⋀} C. {⌉, ⊕} 3.关于WORLD Wide web(WWW),下面哪些说法正确 A. WWW is a satellite-connected.NETwork that connects computers world wide. B. WWW is a computer-mediated network. C. WWW is associated with a group of software that work on computers which are connected to the Internet. 4关于packet switch network ,哪些正确 A The packets of the same message must follow the same route B the packets of the same message m
