


【阅读&逻辑-逻辑10套-5198】If the information presented is true, which of the fol- lowing can most reliably be concluded on the basis of it?


【数学-【新版】冲分救命题-12064】 Signs A, B, and C are positioned on a 1,000-meter-long airplane runway. Sign A is 100 meters from the beginning of the runway and it followed by sign B and C in that order. The distance between sign B and sign C is 120 meters more than twice the distance from sign C to the end of the runway. The distance between sign A and sign B is 1/2 the distance between sign B and sign C. What is the distance, in meters, from sign C to the end of the runway?


【阅读&逻辑-逻辑10套-5259】If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true on the basis of them?


【数学-【新版】冲分救命题-12047】 If a


【数学-【新版】冲分救命题-12192】Polygon P has n sides (n > 4).


【填空-刷题团题目-9820】In American art the line between the good and the goods is not a hard-and-fast boundary, for in a commercial society the membrane that separates spirit and store is always _____.


【填空-刷题团题目-9852】Some climatologists dismiss as (i)_____ the debate among geophysicists over the role of carbon dioxide in global climate change across many millions of years. These climatologists say the evidence of a tie between carbon dioxide and planetary warming over the last few centuries is so (ii)_____ that any longer-term evidence against such a link must somehow be (iii)______.


【填空-刷题团题目-9846】For a time in the early Middle Ages, Latin culture came close to (i)_____: the witness to that is the (ii)_____ of manuscript copies of texts datable to the period. The process of copying manuscripts, the only way in which the fragile products of centuries of accumulating knowledge could be preserved, (iii)_____, a situation that did not change for two and a half centuries, until the time of Charlemagne. In the intervening period, much of Classical literature was lost to use forever.


【填空-刷题团题目-9839】Hidebound by cloying commercial radio and clueless record executives, the American pop music scene has frequently depended on cities at the edges of the cultural map to provide a much- needed shot of (i)_____. Seattle, Minneapolis, Austin, Texas, and Athens, Georgia, have all served as temporary pivot points, churning out bands and defining the sound of the moment. Even Omaha, Nebraska, has its 15 minutes not so long ago. The momentary (ii)_____ seems to come out of nowhere—as if someone blows a whistle only those in the know can hear, and suddenly record executives and journalists are crawling all over what had previously been an obscure locale.


【填空-刷题团题目-9836】Saul’s particular combination of intellectuality and vitality was not paradoxical; it was category-shattering. (i)_____ was, in a way, his very theme. Was ever a bookish soul so cracklingly unmediated, so (ii)_____ raw life? He was as vivid physically as he was mentally, almost perversely alert, completely at home in the world of matter, repulsed by (iii)_____.
