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【填空-新版冲分救命题-11129】Microorganisms are the oldest,the most numerous,and the most widespread life-forms: nevertheless,because they are invisible to the unaided eye,their existence was as_____ as their impact has been profound.


【阅读&逻辑-新版冲分救命题-11638】Which of the following most logically completes the argument?


【填空-新版冲分救命题-11505】Antebellum domestic fiction was _____ by scholars through much of the twentieth century and only began to receive careful and respectful treatment when feminist literary historians turned their attention to it during the 1970s and 1980s.


【阅读&逻辑-新版冲分救命题-10832】According to the passage, which of the following statements about the sculptures produced by nineteenth-century women sculptors is true?


【阅读&逻辑-新版冲分救命题-10836】In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?


【填空-新版冲分救命题-9566】One thing both authors have in common is a striking amount of _____: they claim to know how massive institutions, some of them richly endowed, all of them central to American society and culture, should be reshaped.


【阅读&逻辑-新版冲分救命题-11730】In the context of the passage, the highlighted sentence serves to


【填空-新版冲分救命题-11163】The new art museum’s (i)_____ building augurs well for that ambitious institution because it speaks of (ii)_____ contemporary architecture on the part of the board of directors that may (iii)_____ equal astuteness about contemporary art.


【填空-新版冲分救命题-11178】When the relationship between theories and findings was first elaborated, philosophers of science thought of experimental findings as the fixed part of science, and they pondered how theories were built upon the foundations of data that experiments provided. But sociologists have since shown that the relationship between theory and data is(i)____. Empirical data may be as (ii)_____ as theories: a theory with strong prior confirmation may reduce the (iii)_____ of a conflicting new finding, just as an unexpected finding can bring a theory into question.


【数学-【新版】冲分救命题-12147】List S consists of 10 positive numbers. The range of the numbers in S is 124. Each of the numbers in S will be increased by x percent, where x>0. List T consists of the 10 resulting numbers.
