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FCE作文内容要求在规定的字数内完成任务。 除已给的两个观点外,还需要提出一个全新的观点。学生需要对此级别(欧标B2)涉及话题的相关内容的优势与不足比较了解, 同时可以通过说明原因和举例支持文章观点。



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly.

2)explain its intended meaning, and

3)give you comments.



As is shown in the cartoon,in a balance, the gold of “Benefit” carries more weights than the heart of “Honesty”. In the middle of the balance, a person is sliding toward “benefit”. Honestyis the most important characteristic that a person requires to be successful in life. Only by consistently providing to behonestcan a person earn the precious trust of family members and business partners.

Trustis the basis of all successful relationships andhonestyis the only quality that can provide that foundation. To illustrate, in the business world, people with nointegritysooner or later earn the bad reputation they deserve. I know a person whowill seize any opportunity that could be profitable, and will use any means to try to achieve his financial goals. I have observed how destructive this person’s dishonesty has been to his career for success, and how his relationships with other people are purely superficial, based only on self-interest.

Sometimes lying may be much easier than telling the truth.Trustis a very valuable asset, which is easy to lose but hard to gain. In the long run, anhonestperson may not be wealthy, but they will have earned the love and respect of the people closest to them, which, in my opinion, is the greatest measure of a successful life.






Balance天平 gold黄金 benefit利益 carry more weight than 重于 honesty诚信 middle中央Slide滑 characteristic性格 require需要 consistently不断地 precious珍贵的 trust信任 partner伙伴 basis基础 relationship关系 quality质量 foundation基础 to illustrate例如Integrity诚信 sooner or later或迟或早 earn赢得 reputation声誉 deserve应得的 seize抓住Profitable赢利的 means方式 financial经济的goal目标 observe目睹 destructive破坏性的Dishonesty欺诈 career职业 purely纯粹地 superficial表面的 base on基于 self-interest个人利益 lie撒谎 truth真相 valuable宝贵的 asset财富 hard很难 in the long run长期看来 wealthy富有的 closest最亲密的 in my opinion在我看来 measure标准

