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If you’ve been thinking of going back to school to get a master’s degree — but are too busy with work or family — you might want to consider an online master’s.


But how do you find legit masters degree programs in a sea of mediocre programs and outright scams? By going straight to some of the best universities on the planet.

但是,如何在平庸的课程和彻头彻尾的骗局中找到合法的硕士学位课程呢? 直接进入地球上一些最好的大学。

These online master’s degrees can be much less expensive than in-person masters, and offer considerable flexibility — you don’t have to report to a campus, and you can watch the lectures and do the assignments at your convenience.


Top universities have collaborated with Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers to launch their online master’s degree. The first MOOC-based degree was announced back in 2013. It took two years for the next one to be announced in 2015. But in the last year or so, MOOC providers have announced seven more completely-online master’s degrees. In fact, Coursera plans to offer 20 such degrees by the end of 2019.

顶尖大学已与大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)提供商合作,启动了其在线硕士学位。 第一个基于MOOC的学位课程于2013年宣布。下一个学位课程于两年后于2015年宣布。但是在过去的一年左右的时间里,MOOC提供商又宣布了另外七个完全在线硕士学位。 实际上,Coursera计划在2019年底之前提供20个此类学位。

The advantage of MOOC-based master’s degrees is that many courses that are part of the degree are completely free to take. So you can preview a part of the content before committing to anything.

基于MOOC的硕士学位的优势在于,该学位课程中的许多课程都是完全免费的。 因此,您可以在提交任何内容之前预览部分内容。

Also, all of these degrees are based on the pay-as-you-go model. You only pay for the courses that you’re currently taking. Some also have the option to earn partial academic credits.

同样,所有这些学位都基于现收现付模型。 您只需为当前正在修读的课程付费。 有些还可以选择获得部分学术学分。

One thing to be aware is that each degree has its own application process (and deadlines), as well as minimum requirements like a bachelor’s degree or minimum work experience. Many require you to submit different standardized test scores, like the GRE, GMAT, or TOEFL.

要知道的一件事是,每个学位都有自己的申请流程(和截止日期),以及最低要求,例如学士学位或最低工作经验。 许多要求您提交不同的标准化考试成绩,例如GRE,GMAT或TOEFL。

If you’re not interested in a formal credential and just want to learn, check out Class Central for over 7,000 MOOCs taught by 700+ universities around the world.

如果您对正式证书不感兴趣而只想学习,请访问Class Central ,了解由全球700多家大学教授的7,000多个MOOC。

Without further delay, here are nine completely online master’s degrees that have been announced so far.


1.佐治亚理工大学和Udacity:计算机科学在线硕士(OMSCS) (1. Georgia Tech and Udacity: Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS))

Announced Back in 2013, Udacity and Georgia Tech’s completely online Masters in Computer Science was the first degree announced by a MOOC provider. The entire degree was going to cost less than $7,000.

早在2013年宣布,Udacity和Georgia Tech的完全在线计算机科学硕士学位是MOOC提供商宣布的第一个学位。 整个学位的费用不到7,000美元。

The tuition fee has since then increased from $402 per three-credit hour to $510.

从那时起,学费从每三个学分时的402美元 增加到510美元 。

Things were really slow at the beginning. It took two years before the first batch of eighteen students graduated in December 2015. A year later, in December 2016, around 200 students had graduated.

一开始情况真的很慢。 第一批18名学生于2015年12月毕业,历时两年。一年后的2016年12月,大约200名学生毕业。

But the OMSCS is gaining momentum. There are now over 4,500 students enrolled in the spring 2017 semester.

但是OMSCS正在获得发展势头。 2017年Spring学期现在有4,500多名学生。

You can find more details here: https://www.omscs.gatech.edu/

