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2023年CATTI二级笔译综合能力真题解析Passage1:Part22022-11-15 07:44:00来源:网络



Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement

This part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word is underlined, and below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

21. Dad had a hang-up about that expletive, even if he didn't totally abstain from cursing. He also got irritated when Archie Bunker said "GD" on television.

A. sustain B. attain

C. entertain D. refrain

22. Still, it was natural to be upset when someone you know has been brutally murdered.

A. viciously B. begrudgingly

C. deliberately D. briskly

23. Often, capriciousness is the reason given for doing nothing. Flexible working is an added opportunity to allow staff at the sharp, end to make their own judgments.

A. corruption B. unpredictability

C. computation D. empathy

24. There was a feeling in Parliament that the Bill would prevent the press from saying anything controversial — it would "gag the press".

A. counterproductive B. cunning

C. curative D. contentious

25. You are with us today and I assure you that all members of the class join me in conveying our love, affection and good wishes to you.

A. compassion B. aggression

C. romanticism D. superstition

26. He gazed at her ardently. When she required more coffee he leapt up, determined to prove his newfound love.

A. purposely B. earnestly

C. obstinately D. prodigiously

27. I made a steep turn to starboard and a downward movement; simultaneously I was aware of a slight tremor in the aircraft in the region of the bomb bay.

A. quiver B. rebound

C. transmitter D. slide

28. The bourgeois mythology saw the workers as mobs of the stupid and misled, instigated by agitators who could not otherwise have earned a comfortable living.

A. incubated B. implied

C. incited D. investigated

29. Today, as multimedia technology proliferates, the number of available tools is growing correspondingly.

A. burgeons B. pelts

C. ameliorates D. disintegrates

30. From 1 April, 2019, shops will be under an obligation to recycle all packaging returned to them by consumers.

A. recruit B. reclaim

C. reuse D. recess

31. Most trivial arguments are said to be based on matters of principle. Why should principles matter so much? Why cannot we be more pragmatic about our moment to moment behavior?

A. pragmatical B. realistic

C. flexible D. enigmatic

32. You will find out about these things as time goes on. Experience will show you how to readjust your strategy to get yourself back on the right track.

A. initiate B. assert

C. intensify D. change

33. If you feel like withdrawing from the hurly burly and being reclusive, then do so and take this opportunity to recharge your batteries, and your energy will return soon.

A. superficial B. inclusive

C. tentative D. solitary

34. "Oh, for goodness' sake, Laura!" he retorted angrily. "I'm just too damn tired to put up with any nonsense - especially something so totally unimportant — at a time like this."

A. overstated B. replied

C. scrupled D. chuckled

35. Miles and miles of unspoilt coastline and white sands edged the rugged Atlantic Ocean. The serenity of the green countryside and sandy dunes seemed almost a lifetime away from her present existence.

A. infinity B. solemnity

C. placidity D. scrap

36. The report also criticized the department for refusing to accept that new roads generate more traffic. Should a new road become liable to traffic jams, transport officials will suggest widening or further road construction as a solution.

A. likely B. solvable

C. negligible D. prone

37. Grubby little man he may be — he shits in my presence without embarrassment — yet in his thought I perceive he is fastidious.

A. tidy B. meticulous

C. fragile D. fortuitous

38. During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity. However, once employment had ended, it could be used or disclosed by an employee in competition with his former employer.

A. perfidy B. loyalty

C. docility D. duplicity

39. But if you wanted to take your revenge and kill me, because of some ancient grudge against somebody who's been dust for 200 years, then why didn't you just do it last night at my house?

A. garage B. wedge

C. animosity D. grumble

40. Like plants that jostle for a bare minimum of soil and light, human beings would eventually fill all the available territory, he warned. True to his predictions, the population of Europe and North America did indeed grow dramatically in the 150 years that followed.

A. compete B. push

C. rattle D. jest

