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2023年CATTI二级笔译综合能力真题解析Passage2:Part22022-11-23 08:09:00来源:网络



This part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word is underlined, and below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

21. Once again, this assumption is implausible. The public will not be outraged if it is told that precedents will be confined to their facts.

A. unreasonable B. unbelievable

C. improbable D. insuperable

22. The researchers stress the urgency of preserving old varieties as both disease-resistant strains and ones that will thrive without high levels of pesticide or fertilizer application.

A. assistance B. proficiency

C. insistence D. prophecy

23. Never underestimate how terrified many people are when faced with the prospect of going into a solicitor's office.

A. restrained B. tempered

C. spooked D. secluded

24. The restaurant features a wide-open kitchen surrounded by wooden counters on three sides, where a brigade of assiduous chefs with white caps work in assembly-line fashion.

A. intimate B. diligent

C. eccentric D. dynamic

25. Although other nations contributed to North Sea pollution, much of the contamination was traced back to Britain.

A. tracked B. marked

C. traversed D. dated

26. Americans certainly use lots of energy, but less prodigiously than they once did. In 1985their consumption was roughly the same as in 1973.

A. prudently B. aptly

C. prosperously D. astonishingly

27. Baked beans are cheapest here but our vices are punished — cigarettes and alcohol cost more in Britain.

A. forbearances B. immoralities

C. iniquities D. vacancies

28. In the past, death struck right through the life cycle. Children were especially vulnerable, but many also died in young or middle adulthood.

A. superficial B. suspendible

C. sacrificial D. susceptible

29. After years spent in academia, he's finding it difficult to attune himself to the corporate culture.

A. aerate B. adapt

C. attribute D. adhere

30. The long and complex story is brilliantly told by a relay team of scholars assembled by the Antique Collectors' Club for this handsomely produced and lavishly illustrated book.

A. sluggishly B. prodigally

C. slavishly D. frugally

31. Real drama will use ugliness to magnify beauty.

A. intensify B. solidify

C. clarify D. citify

32. These observations on human language learning, coupled with evolutionary speculations make one realize the formidable accomplishments in teaching apes the use of a communication system.

A. alluring B. fearful

C. impressive D. acceptable

33. The kitchen staff have to cater for all diets from vegan to diabetic, and from Muslim to Jewish. Religious festivals are always observed.

A. defied B. celebrated

C. rivaled D. obeyed

34. The English and Welsh, who look back on the year 1870 (Forster's Education Act) as the effective starting point of a state system, were not the first in Europe to realize that literate workforce would be needed to meet the ever more complex demands of industry.

A. liberal B. knowledgeable

C. laborious D. educated

35. The play openly exposes the violent hatreds, frustrations and revenges which in normal farce are buried well beneath the surface, but this does not stop the play from being brilliantly funny.

A. retaliations B. aggregation

C. rewards D. vengeances

36. Therapy will extend to families of victims who often suffer their own trauma because of the abuse.

A. revolt B. injury

C. harm D. pain

37. It would be too grandiose to say that the therapy helped him to sort out his own feelings, but at least it helped him to get a feeling of recognition.

A. noble B. baronial

C. pretentious D. meticulous

38. The dispute was settled by Facebook agreeing to give consumers clear notice and obtain their express consent before sharing their information beyond their privacy settings.

A. poised B. saturated

C. puzzled D. solved

39. Her worsening symptoms — the forgetfulness and confusion, the difficulties communicating and organizing activities — weren't just stress or the normal wear and tear of aging.

A. deteriorating B. impairing

C. declining D. meliorating

40. Without action that supports women's liberation, the promises act as just a mirage for the Saudi people.

A. descent B. delusion

C. daydream D. disturbance

