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2023年CATTI三级口译综合能力真题解析Passage2:Part1答案解析A2023-03-03 07:28:00来源:网络


Part Ⅰ A


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到的内容与题干所表述的事实信息是否一致的判断能力。本题的考查要点是“first met in Australia”和“fell in love in New Zealand”是否准确,原文“My husband Rory and I are both originally from Sydney,Australia,and met in Auckland,New Zealand,where we fell in love”,所说的是我们都来自澳大利亚悉尼,在新西兰相识并坠入爱河,而题干所说的是这对夫妻在澳大利亚相识相恋。因此,题干表述与原文是不一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到的内容与题干所表述的事实信息是否一致的判断能力。本题的考查要点是“wife loved Southeast Asian drawings”和“decided to visit Cambodia”是否准确,原文“Rory was offered an opportunity to run an advertising agency in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. As a designer, I have always been drawn to Southeast Asia, so we decided to have an adventure”,所说的是丈夫在柬埔寨有了一个工作机会,妻子是设计师并对东南亚感兴趣,然后决定去柬埔寨,而题干所说的是妻子喜欢东南亚的画。因此,题干表述与原文是不一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到的内容与题干所表述的事实信息是否一致的判断能力。本题的考查要点是“when it was recovering after the war”与原文是否一致。原文“The country was in the process of picking up the pieces after the war.I started a small business”,所说的是这个国家正在战后重建,我开始做小本生意。题干表述与原文是一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对数字信息有关内容的掌握准确程度,听力材料中的数字信息是命题重点。本题的考查要点是“2006”所关联的事实信息是否准确,原文“In 2006,we set up a land-holding company that would allow us to buy,sell,and develop land”,所说的是2006年我们成立了一个土地交易开发公司,可以实现买卖和开发土地,而题干所说的是我们成立了一个景观设计公司。因此,题干表述与原文是不一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对数字信息有关内容的掌握准确程度,听力材料中的数字信息是命题重点。本题的考查要点是“Eighteen miles off the Cambodian coast”所关联的事实信息是否准确。原文“…a business friend told Rory about an amazing island with a virgin rainforest and pure white sand beaches 18 miles off the coast of Cambodia”,所说的是离柬埔寨海岸18英里有一座岛,岛上有原始雨林和白沙滩,题干表述与原文是一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到内容的基本事实要素掌握是否准确。本题的考查要点是“all villagers”和“fishermen”是否与原文一致。原文“The only residents there were fishermen”,所说的是所有的居民都是渔民,题干表述与原文是一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到的内容与题干所表述的事实信息是否一致的判断能力。本题的考查要点是“visited the island”与“were attracted by its reserves of natural crystals”是否与原文一致。原文“Our experience there was life-changing.We were attracted by the crystal-clear water,and we were welcomed with openness by the locals”,所说的是我们在那里的经历足以改变人生,我们被清澈的海水深深吸引着,而题干的意思是我们被天然水晶储备所吸引。因此,题干表述与原文是不一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对特定时间或情境下事实的准确认定能力。本题的考查要点是在岛的主人想回到大陆的情境下,“the couple exchanged some of their paddy fields for possession of the island”是否准确。原文“the family who owned the land,but wanted to sell it and go back to rice farming. We returned to Phnom Penh and came back with a brown paper bag full of money”,所说的是岛的主人想卖掉这座岛回去种植水稻,我们就拿了一大笔钱把岛买了下来,而题干说的是我们用稻田来换取这座岛的所有权。因此,题干表述与原文是不一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对所听到的内容与题干所表述的事实信息是否一致的判断能力。本题的考查要点是“employed all local residents who stayed”是否准确。原文“We guaranteed that any villager who wanted to stay on could do so and would have a job for life”,所说的是我们保证任何想留下的村民都会有一份终身的工作,题干表述与原文是一致的。


[解析]该类型题考查考生对特定时间或情境下事实的准确认定能力。本题的考查要点是在“more than two years of construction”这个特定时间背景下“the island attracts tourists with picturesque villas”是否准确。原文“It took us two-and-a-half years to clean up the island and build our dream tourist resort with over-water, jungle, and ocean-view villas”,所说的是我们用了两年半的时间来清理这座岛并且建造了含有水上别墅、丛林别墅和海景别墅的梦想度假胜地,题干表述与原文是一致的。


originally adv. in the beginning, before other things happened or before other things changed原始的,初始的

virgin adj. land etc. that is still in its natural state and has not been used or changed by people未开发的,未使用的

crystal-clear adj. absolutely clear and transparent like glass清澈的

guarantee v. if you guarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or provide it for someone保证

resort n. a place where a lot of people spend their holiday度假胜地

be drawn to be attracted to被……吸引

pick up the pieces收拾残局,重建

