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完整版:CATTIzhenti/20201115/ Master of the Intricacies of the Human Heart爱丽丝·门罗,洞悉人心的大师By Michiko KakutaniOct. 10, 2013 Alice Munro, named on Thursday as the winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, once observed: “The complexity of things — the things within things — just seems to be endless. I mean nothing is easy, nothing is simple.”爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro)于本周四获得2013年诺贝尔文学奖,她曾说过:“事物的复杂性,即蕴含在事物之中的事物,似乎无穷无尽。我的意思是,没有任何事是轻松简单的。” That is also a perfect description of Ms. Munro’s quietly radiant short stories — stories that have established her as one of the foremost practitioners of the form. Set largely in small-town and rural Canada and often focused on the lives of girls and women, her tales have the swoop and density of big, intimate novels, mapping the crevices of characters’ hearts with cleareyed Chekhovian empathy and wisdom.这番话亦是门罗那些宁静闪光的短篇小说的绝好写照,这些作品为她奠定了短篇小说界一流作者的地位。她的小说主要发生在加拿大的乡村小镇,描绘女孩与女人们的生活,带着契诃夫式洞悉一切的同情与智慧勾勒出笔下人物心灵的罅隙,亦有着长篇小说所具备的冲击力与厚重。 Fluent and deceptively artless on the page, these stories are actually amazingly intricate constructions that move back and forth in time, back and forth between reality and memory, opening out, magically, to disclose the long panoramic vistas in these people’s lives (the starts, stops and reversals that stand out as hinge moments in their personal histories) and the homely details of their day-to-day routines: the dull coping with “food and mess and houses” that can take up so much of their heroines’ time.她的短篇小说行文流畅,文风表面质朴无华,实则结构精美复杂,在时间之中往复穿梭,在现实与记忆之间转换;故事神秘展开,揭开笔下人物生平的全貌景观(在关键的转折点中突出个体人物生活史中的开端、停顿与逆境),乃至日常生活中的平凡琐碎细节:她会平淡地描述 “食物、琐事与家务”,这些事占去了她笔下女主人公的大部分时间。 Ms. Munro’s stories possess an emotional amplitude and a psychological density. Her understanding of the music of domestic life, her ability to simultaneously detail her characters’ inner landscapes and their place in a meticulously observed community, and her talent for charting “the progress of love” as it morphs and mutates through time — these gifts have not only helped Ms. Munro redefine the contours of the contemporary short story, but have also made her one of today’s most influential writers.门罗的小说既有情感的广度,亦有心理的深度。她深深了解蕴含在家庭生活中的音乐;在描绘笔下人物内心世界细节的同时,无微不至地勾勒出社区的状态,并点出人物在社区中的位置;此外她还擅长书写“爱的进程”,在时间的演进中为爱的变形与变异画出图谱。这些特质令她重新定义了当代短篇小说的外延,也使她成为当今世上最重要的作家之一。 In short fiction that spans four and a half decades, Ms. Munro has given us prismatic portraits of ordinary people that reveal their intelligence, toughness and capacity to dream, as well as their lies, blind spots and lapses of courage and good will. Such descriptions are delivered not with judgmental accountancy, but with the sort of “unsparing unsentimental love” harbored by a close friend or family member.门罗创作短篇小说已有45年。在这些作品中,门罗为普通人的生活描绘出五光十色的画像,展现他们的智慧、坚韧与梦想的能力,与此同时也有他们的谎言和盲点,乃至勇气和善意的偶尔缺失。她的描写不带评判色彩,只有“不夹偏私,冷静理性的爱”,如同来自亲密的朋友或家庭成员。 Like Ms. Munro, many of the women in these stories grew up in small towns in Canada and, at some point, faced a decision about whether to stay or to leave for the wider world. Their lifetimes often span decades of startling social change — from a time and place when tea parties and white gloves were de rigueur to the days of health food stores and stripper bars.和门罗一样,她小说中的女人们也多在加拿大小镇上成长,在某个时刻面临留在家乡还是奔赴广大世界的抉择。她们在数十年的人生中往往历经社会巨变,从举办茶会、社交场合必须戴白手套的年代和地点一路走到健康食品店与脱衣舞酒吧的时代。 For that matter, Ms. Munro’s women often find themselves caught on the margins of shifting cultural mores and pulled between conflicting imperatives — between rootedness and escape, domesticity and freedom, between tending to familial responsibilities or following the urgent promptings of their own hearts.因此,门罗笔下的女人经常发现自己被困在文化道德转型的边缘,在互相矛盾的义务中挣扎——坚守与逃避、家庭与自由,对家族的责任与内心冲动的迫切召唤。 In story after story, passion is the magnet or the motor that drives women’s choices. Love and sex, and marriage and adultery are often mirrors that reveal a Munro heroine’s expectations — her fondest dreams and cruel self-delusions, her sense of independence and need to belong.在一个个故事里,激情就像磁石或马达,吸引和驱动着女人们做出选择。对于门罗的女主人公们来说,爱情与性爱,婚姻与外遇通常就像镜子一样映照出她们的渴望——她们最美好的梦想与最残酷的自欺,她们的独立意识与对归属感的需求。 Ms. Munro is adept at tracing the many configurations that intimacy can take over the years, showing how it can suffocate a marriage or inject it with a renewed sense of devotion. She shows how sexual ardor can turn into a “tidy pilot flame” and how an impulsive tryst can become a treasured memory, hoarded as a bulwark against the banalities of middle age.门罗还擅长描写多年亲密关系的多种复杂情况,显示这样的关系如何扼杀一段婚姻,或为婚姻注入新的奉献精神。她展示了性爱可以变为“蔓延的火势”;一时冲动的幽会可以成为珍贵的回忆,汇聚为对抗平庸中年生活的堡垒。 Illness and death frequently intrude upon these stories, and the reader is constantly reminded of the precariousness of life — and the role that luck, chance and reckless, spur-of-the-moment choices can play. Some of Ms. Munro’s characters embrace change as a liberating force that will lift them out of their humdrum routines, or at least satisfy their avid curiosity about life. Others regard it with fearful dismay, worried that they will lose everything they hold dear — or at least everything familiar.疾病与死亡也是她小说中经常出现的主题,读者经常会感受到生命的珍贵,以及运气、机遇和轻率莽撞的选择在人生中扮演的角色。门罗笔下的一些人物把改变视为解放自身的力量,可以让他们摆脱一成不变的生活,或者至少能满足他们对人生敏锐的好奇心。另一些人则将改变视为可怕的不幸,担心会失去手中珍贵的一切,至少那是他们所熟悉的一切。

