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上海中级英语口译资格证书第二阶段考试真题(二十一)2013-08-10 00:02:46来源:可可英语


1、当前,中美关系面临新的机遇和挑战。总的来看,中美合作的基础在增强,合作领域在扩大。现在,两国人员往来每年超过百万人次,在美工作或学习的大陆留学生和学者超过18万。这些交流与合作造福了两国人民,也对世界和平与繁荣作出了积极贡献。我在美国前后工作近7年,到过50个州,经历了中美关系的风风雨雨。我的切身体会是,中美之间的共同利益远远大于分歧。中美应该而且也可以成为最大的合作伙伴。 参考答案China-US relations at present are faced with new opportunities and new challenges. Viewed as a whole, the foundation for China-US cooperation is getting stronger and the scope wider.As things stand now, over one million visits exchanged by personnel from two sides every year and over 180,000 Chinese mainland students and scholars studies or worked in the US. These exchanges and cooperation have benefited the two peoples and contributed to world peace and prosperity.My terms of duty allowed me to stay / I have been working in the United States for nearly 7 years, having traveled to 50 stats and witnessed many ups and downs in the Sino-US relationship.It is my guts feeling that the common interests between us far outweigh our differences and China and the US can and should become the world’s greatest partners.




参考答案The neighborhood / residents’ committee is a grass-root mass organization in China. There are usually many retired residents who volunteer to work in the neighborhood committee where they are living / reside.

With the help of local governments, the neighborhood committees take care of almost every aspect of the residents’life such as birth control, security and hygiene.

Many local resident have found that they are increasingly dependent on the various services provided by the neighborhood committee. Whenever they ask for help, they wouldn’t be disappointed.

On the whole, / Generally speaking, the neighborhood committee is something uniquely Chinese. It started early, functions well now, and is about to stay for a long time in future.
