首页 >  catti三口真题故宫  > 最全回忆版丨2016年11月份CATTI三口真题


I was it a high school boy at that time. It was quite an exciting, extraordinary honour. For a boy in high school, it was a incredible experience. At that time, I was thinking, asking myself, what should I do for my country? I thought that because Korea was so poor at that time, I needed to do something for my country’s economy and political stability. This dream changed my life. I decided to dedicate myself to public service. At that time, I reflected on a Confucian teaching which says: 修身齐家治国平天下 It means, “To put the world in order, you must first put your country in order; then to put the country in order, you must have a very harmonious family; then to put your family harmoniously in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.”I have been living with those guidelines and teachings.

As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I deal with the worst problems of the world – war, hunger, poverty and disease. All of these things we must prevent. Abuses of people’s legitimate human rights. Environmental degradation and climate change. These are things we must address all together. It is easy to lose hope – but I feel always motivated and encouraged by the energy of youth. Young people like yourselves.

China has made remarkable progress that contributed to our global MDG results. Worldwide, since 1990, some 700 million fewer people lived in conditions of extreme poverty. Six million fewer children die each year from preventable diseases. More than 2.3 billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources.In all these achievements, China played a very important role. For example, when the world was able to lift at least half of the extremely poor people out of poverty, it was due to China’s help, that you have lifted most of your people out of poverty.

But still, millions of people live in degrading conditions and die from preventable diseases. Now is the time for youth to drive global action. That is why working for and working with young people – that is one of the United Nations’ priorities. China makes up the largest share of the largest generation of youth in history. We need you to succeed. One of China’s first democrats, the Qing Dynasty scholar Liang Qichao, said: “If the youth are wise, society will be wise; if the youth are rich, society will be rich; if the youth are strong, society will be strong; if the youth are independent, society will be independent; if the youth are free, society will be free; if the youth progress, society will progress.” This is what I learned from China which you should learn! I have high hopes for the great youth of China.

Part 3 Chinese to English Interpreting





