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Man: Hello. Can I help you?男:你好,有什么能帮到您的么?Woman: My name's Sue Bentley. Is Amy Johnson there?女:我叫苏·宾特力。艾米·约翰逊在么?Man: I'm afraid not. I'm her assistant. Can I take a message?男:不在。我是她的助理。要留言吗?Woman: I'm running a seminar in Amy's department next Thursday. The provisional title was 'Dealing with Overseas Clients'.女:下周四,我们要在艾米的部门举行一个讨论会。暂定标题为《与海外客户打交道》。Could you please tell Amy I've changed it to 'International Communication' instead?麻烦你告诉艾米,我将这个标题改为了《国际交流》。Man: Certainly. Anything else?男:好的,还有其他的么?Woman: Yes. I've seen the rooms Amy recommended... I like the presentation room best,女:还有,我看了艾米推荐的房间...我最喜欢那个展示室,but it's too small for all twenty participants, so I'd better have the boardroom.但是太小了容不下20个人,所以我还是选会议室。One more thing: I can deal with photocopying the slides myself, but if Amy could provide the photocopies of the feedback form for everyone, that'd be great.还有一件事:复印幻灯片的事我可以自己搞定,但如果艾米可以为每个人提供反馈表复印件,那就再好不过了。Man: OK. Got that.男:好的。明白了。Woman: And could you also mention that she's welcome to keep hold of one of the books I've lent her—Working Overseas—女:还有你跟她说一下我借给她的那些书,她可以把《海外工作》这本书留下—but I do need the other one back in time for the seminar—it's called Global Partnerships. That's all! Thank you for your help.但其中有一本叫做《全球伙伴关系》的书要换给我,我在讨论会上要用。就这些了!谢谢你。Man: You're welcome.男:不客气。
