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Woman: Sarah Williams speaking.我是萨拉·威廉姆斯。Man: Hello. It's Mark here, from Production.你好,我是马克,来自生产部。Holly should be taking some visitors around today, but she's off sick, so I was wondering...霍莉今天应该带了些参观者,但她病了,所以我在想……Woman: ... if I'd do it?我来做?Man: Exactly.没错。Woman: No problem. Who are the visitors - sales directors again?没有问题。参观的是谁——又是销售总监?Man: Not this time. It's the plant managers.这次不是,是工厂经理。There's about ten, from France, Germany ... all around Europe really.大约有10个,来自法国,德国……整个欧洲。Woman: And the programme?计划是什么?Man: I thought you could meet them at nine thirty by the packing area.我想你可以在9点半到包装区去接他们。I would suggest meeting at reception, but it'll be busy then.我建议在招待会上见面,但到时会很忙。Woman: Do you want me to show them around the warehouse first?要我先带他们参观一下仓库吗?Man: I think they've been there before.我想他们以前去过那里。Perhaps you could take them around the shop floor instead?也许你可以领它们到车间去?Woman: Good idea. What about after coffee?好主意。喝完咖啡后去哪?Man: The delivery yard maybe?可能是送货场?There's a lot going on there and visitors usually find it interesting.那里活动很多,参观者通常会觉得很有趣。I'm not sure they'd like a presentation, especially not before lunch.我不确定他们是否想要在中午吃饭前演讲。Woman: I agree.我明白了。Man: Thanks again.再次感谢。
