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艾易艾斯(aeas)写作范文欣赏 (十二)记叙文(10

本期写作范文欣赏要跟各位家长和学生分享一下AEAS 10-12年级常考的书评文章写作技巧和范文。书评虽然不像议论文那么要求严密的逻辑说理,但是艾易艾斯(aeas)成功的书评的写作也是对结构和内容有严格要求的。

在结构上而言,书评一般需要涵盖以下几点:1. 关于书的内容简介;2. 对书本内容的优缺点简评; 3. 这本书的推荐人群; 4. 简要叙述对书的总体评价。


Write a book review for a book you read and loved.


Review of If I Never Forever Endeavour

I have read a book entitled If I Never Forever Endeavour many years ago, but I was deeply impressed and inspired the by encouraging thoughts of not being frightened to try new things. I still can relate myself to it though several years passed. Today, I’d like to write a book review of it, hoping that my review can shed some light on those who are looking for inspirations for overcoming uncertainty.

This book portrays a little bird who did not yet know how to fly. It come to the point when the bird has to decide whether or not it will try to fly, but it was totally not sure if it wanted to try or not. The bird thought “if I never forever endeavor”, I will not ever learn. In one thought, he worries he may fail if it glides down from its net; in the other thought, he thinks of how he may succeed. Though he worries that he may get lost in the world if he tries, but he took

out all of his courage and flaps his wings quick and high. Then, he tumbles out of his nest and sets off…

I think this is a really successful book that can help children to learn a sense of courage. They can be inspired that trying new things can be scary, but we can find things that make us happy when we try new things, The joy of trying out definitely beats the worry about something ahead.

I would recommend this book to boys and girls who are aged 7-12 because it teaches about trying new things and how it is important to get past being scared so that you can learn something new.

I give this book 5 starts since it get the idea of being brave to try new things across in such a delightful way.


* 预估考场分数16-18分。总体而言,文章结构给读者呈现了清晰的思路,令读者很容易跟随作者的陈述,每一段的主题大意都简洁明了,字字写到点子上。

* 文章有复制句式的运用,如首字母押韵词汇的运用,使得文章读起来韵律感。另外,文章的选词囊括了书面大词和口语正式语,恰当地照顾到了书评的文体需要。

* 文章粗体词汇是学生可以借鉴积累的词汇。
