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Frequently Asked Questions

If Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is approved this may impact on how your degree classification for your UCL programme of study is calculated. Credits accrued at UCL and awarded via RPL will be counted as part of the qualification requirements and included in the calculation of the degree classification. However, credit awarded by any institution other than UCL will be counted as part of the qualification requirements but will be excluded from the calculation of the classification. Please see Chapter 1, Section 2.8 of the Academic Manual for further details. Additional information on the degree classification rules for postgraduate taught degrees at UCL can be found in Chapter 4, Section 10.6 of the Academic Manual. If you have any questions regarding the impact RPL will have on the classification of your degree please contact your academic department or the Graduate Admissions team.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will reduce the number of credits you are studying at UCL and therefore this may impact on your mode of attendance, liability for tuition fees, eligibility for forms of student finance and the final degree classification you are able to achieve. Please be aware that if your request for recognition for prior learning is approved you will not be eligible for the Postgraduate Student Loan.

Before making an application for RPL you should contact our Fees or Funding teams or your student loan provider to confirm what impact gaining accreditation for prior learning could have on your tuition fees, mode of attendance and student loan eligibility.
