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01、广州 6.22 PET 口语Part 3真题




A: l think planting trees and flowers would be the best, It makes the school look nicer and can makeeveryone feel happier.

B: l see your point, but don't you think adding more trash bins would be more useful? lt would help keep theschool cleaner, which is really important for everyone's health.

A: Truc, cleanliness is important. But don't you agree that a nicer environment can also make us feel proudof our school? Flowers and trees could really boost that feeling.

B: l understand that, but I still think the trash bin is a better choice. More trash bins mean less litter, andthat's a big issue here. Maybe we should focus on solving that first.

A: Well, what about cleaning the playground? That could also help clean our school and make it moreenjoyable.

B: That's a good idea, but l think it's not enough, Signs and markers could also help a lot, They can guidenew students and visitors, making the school more friendly to visitors.

A: Hmm, maybe you're right. Signs are really necessary. So, are we agreeing that adding signs is the bestoption for now?

B: Yes, I think that's a decision we can both support. It's practical and helps everyone at school daily.




Some people think it's a good idea, while others disagree. Bringing amobile phone to school, in my opinion, has its upsides and downsides

On the positive side, mobile phones can be a valuable tool for students.They provide a sense of safety, allowing us to contact our parents orguardians in case of emergencies or changes in plans. Additionallymobile phones can be educational, with various apps available to helpwith learning and homework.

However, there are drawbacks to consider. Mobile phones can easilybecome a distraction, diverting our attention away from importantlessons. Some students might misuse their phones for cheating duringexams, which is not fair to others. Excessive phone use can also affectour ability to communicate face-to-face with our peers.




Hello Ben,i'm so glad to hear from you. As l know, we have to take at least 10 photos. You can take photos of the different kinds of flowers and trees in your area.l think you can take those photos in the early morning at the weekend, as the light then is perfect for taking photos.We need to hand in the photos next Monday.

Yours, Ella

04、PET 故事写作真题(6.30成都)



Jo looked at the bag on the table and smiled. Inside the bag, there was amysterious note that said, "Follow the clues to find your surprise!" Excited, Jounfolded the note and read the first clue: "Look under the big oak tree in thegarden."

With a sense of adventure, Jo dashed out to the garden and found another cluehidden under a rock near the oak tree. The clue led her to the swing set, whereshe discovered the next hint tied to the swing's rope. Each clue led her to a newspot in the garden, and Jo followed eagerly, her heart racing with excitement.Finally, after uncovering all the clues, Jo found herself back at the table where shestarted. There, waiting for her, was a beautifully wrapped present. With tremblinghands, she tore open the wrapping paper to reveal a shiny new bicycle!Jo's eyes widened with delight as she realized her surprise. She hugged herparents tightly, thanking them for the amazing gift. Riding her new bike aroundthe garden, Jo couldn't wipe the smile off her face. lt was the best birthdaysurprise ever!

05、6.22 广州 PET 口语 Part2 真题



In this picture, we see two young people on a street in the city.They are dressed to play tennis. The boy and the girl both have tennis racketsThe girlalso has a basket full of tennis balls.They are wearing sporty clothes and standing on a street with old buildingsThere are a few people walking around. They look serious. Maybe they are thinking about a tennismatch they are going to play.

It looks like a cool morning because the street is not very busy.This picture gives a feeling of a calm and quiet day in the city, ready for some sport.

06、2024.2.3 北京/2024.6.22广州


I go to school by taking the school bus, There are both good and badthings about it.

The good thing is that the school bus ls safe because it has a driver andan Adultmonitor to watch over us. We get to ride with our friends, andit's a lot of fun to chat and laugh together, it's also convenient becausewe don't have to worry about traffic or finding a parking spot.

However, there are some not-so-good things too, 'e have to be ontime at the bus stop, and we can't choose when we leave for school.Sometimes, the bus can be a bit late, especially if the weather is bad,and that can be a little frustrating, Also, the bus makes multiple stops,so it might take a bit longer to get to school compared to if my parentsdrove me directly.

In the end, taking the school bus is a safe and fun way to get to school,even though it has a few downsides.


