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官方真题Official2托福听力Conversation2文本+真题+答案解析2018年01月09日14:15 来源:小站整理参与(0)阅读(25926)摘要:官方真题Official托福模考软件是目前市面上最好用的托福备考资料了,托福考生一般都会拿官方真题Official来进行托福考试的练习。这里小编将为大家整理了完整理了官方真题Official2托福听力Conversation2文本+真题+答案解析,帮助大家更好的进行托福听力备考




Choosing Courses

Girl: Did you register already for your classes next semester?

Boy: Yes, I did.

Girl: What are you taking?

Boy: Um…contemporary literature, English style, um… the teaching seminar, and I still have to do my student teaching. I’m gonna help teach a writing class of the junior high.

Girl: That’s a heavy schedule.

Boy: Yeah, it will be really busy and I’m also taking a theory class. But I have to quit my job a couple of weeks cause it will be just too much.

Girl: Where do you work at?

Boy: Buster’s coffee shop, but just till the end of the month. What are you doing next semester?

Girl: Actually a teaching seminar too. And I will have to start writing my thesis. You know, I’m also going for my master’s degree.

Boy: So you are not writing any poetry, I imagine.

Girl: No, I was actually thinking about revising some of my poems and sending them into places for publication.

Boy: Cool, you should. Um, did you hear about that new poetry club, The Poetry Kitchen?

Girl: Yeah, no time.

Boy: It’s fun; it’s Sunday night. You don’t do anything at Sunday nights?

Girl: I do homework Sunday nights.

Boy: Well, it’s only from 7 to 9.

Girl: Is it every Sunday?

Boy: Last Sunday of every month. I don’t know about this month, cause it’s probably a little too close to Thanksgiving, so they might move it up. I don’t know what they are gonna to do, but it’s a good time, it’s fun, some really impressive readings.

Girl: Who? From our class?

Boy: Some people from our class are reading. A lot of them go, sometimes even the professor.

Girl: Really? I don’t know if I would want to read in front of her.

Boy: You wouldn’t have to read, you can just watch. I just watched the first time, but it’s a good environment to read them, I think anyway.

Girl: I probably have to write something new, so maybe during the summer, I just can’t now.

Boy: Yeah, it wouldn’t be the same just reading old stuff. Are you going to do summer school?

Girl: Definitely, otherwise, I will be short 6 credits. I have no choice.

Boy: Yeah, me too. This is the second summer. I’ll have to take classes. I gotta go now, my Shakespeare class starts in twenty minutes.

