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GRE阅读机经真题答案详细解析之:Passage 5

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市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以像“真题捕手”小程序上现有的SAT真题解析一样,讲得再清楚一点。

有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂。之前为大家推送了Passage 1、2、3、4的解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 5的解析,这篇阅读一共有6句话,带3道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

往期GRE阅读真题详细解析👉:GRE阅读Passage 解析

Passage 5

Although many hypotheses have been proposed to explain why some plant communities are more susceptible than others to invasion by nonnative species, results from field studies have been inconsistent and no general theory of invasibility has yet emerged. However, a theory based on fluctuating resource availability could integrate most existing hypotheses and successfully resolve many of the apparently conflicting and ambiguous results of previous studies. The suggested theory is that a plant community becomes more susceptible to invasion whenever there is an increase in the amount of unused resources.

The diversity in the range of resource-release mechanisms could partly explain the absence of consistent ecological correlates of invasibility. In particular, the theory predicts that there will be no necessary relationship between the species diversity of a plant community and its susceptibility to invasion, since near-complete exploitation can each occur in both species-rich and species-poor communities. Though Lonsdale found a positive association between species richness and invasion, this may arise from the tendency of diverse plant communities to be nutrient poor and therefore more responsive to the effects of human-caused influxes of nutrients.


Although many hypotheses have been proposed to explain why some plant communities are more susceptible than others to invasion by nonnative species, results from field studies have been inconsistent and no general theory of invasibility has yet emerged.





比如有一个科学家叫Jack的,想提出一个理论假说A,“在其他情况相同的情况下,地理位置纬度高的植物群落更容易被外来植物入侵,地理位置纬度低的植物群落更不容易被外来植物入侵”。为了验证这个理论,就去做实验。结果实验发现,在北半球,这个理论假说确实是正确的,但是在南半球,情况就不是这样,在南半球,有的纬度低的植物群落也容易被外来植物入侵。所以实验结果就是inconsistent的。所以科学家Jack的这个理论假说A的解释力就不够general,这个理论就无法算是一个general theory of invisibility。

另外有一个女科学家叫Rose的,也提出一个理论假说B,“在其他情况相同的情况下,气候湿润地区的植物群落,更容易被外来植物入侵。气候干旱地区的植物群落,更不容易被外来植物入侵。”结果实地观察发现,有的干旱地区的植物群落也容易被外来植物入侵,有的湿润地区的植物群落,也不容易被外来植物入侵。所以科学家Rose的这个理论假说B的解释力就也不够general,这个理论就也无法算是一个general theory of invisibility。


However, a theory based on fluctuating resource availability could integrate most existing hypotheses and successfully resolve many of the apparently conflicting and ambiguous results of previous studies.



看到这里,对fluctuating resource availability到底是什么意思,我们可能不是很明白。只能继续往下看。


The suggested theory is that a plant community becomes more susceptible to invasion whenever there is an increase in the amount of unused resources.



这句话是在进一步说明什么叫fluctuating resource availability。这句话很短,但看到这里,我们要思考,这个新的理论的独特之处在什么地方呢?之前的理论假说可能都是说哪一种植物群落容易被外来植物入侵,即认为决定植物群落是否容易被入侵的,是植物群落的某种特征和属性。而新的理论,认为决定植物群落是否容易被入侵的,是“有没有出现an increase in the amount of unused resources“,这不是植物群落的一个属性或特征,而是一个变动,一个event。再来看unused resources,我们要知道,这里说的未使用的资源是指本地原有植物未使用的资源。


The diversity in the range of resource-release mechanisms could partly explain the absence of consistent ecological correlates of invasibility.


释放资源的机制有好多种,这部分可以解释为什么(之前的科学家做了好多实验)都找不到(the absence)和植物群落被入侵性呈现正相关的生态相关物。

这句话的开头的The diversity in the range of resource-release mechanisms和结尾的ecological correlates of invasibility都是非常难理解的。

首先,什么叫resource-release mechanisms?下面举两个例子:

有一片小树林,一直是外来植物侵入不进去的状态,因为没有多余的resource被release出来。突然来了一种害虫,把树林中的好几种树共几千棵全部害死了,就导致小树林中的土壤资源和水资源一下就多了起来。这就是一种resource-release mechanism。

有一片大草原,一直是外来植物侵入不进去的状态,因为没有多余的resource被release出来。突然以前常在这片草原上的几万头羊搬家到别的地方去了,这时候原有的草不会被不断吃掉,也就不需要不断长出新草来,也就不需要耗费那么多土壤资源和水资源了,也就导致这片大草原中的土壤资源和水资源一下就多了起来。这是另一种resource-release mechanism。

像上面两个例子里面的mechanism有很多种,所以句子开头就说有The diversity in the range of resource-release mechanisms。

再来看ecological correlates of invasibility,就是指和invasibility相关的一种ecological character,比如“干旱的生态环境”或“所含物种丰富的生态环境”。如果我们发现,只要一个植物群落原本干旱的生态环境变得不干旱了,它的invasibility就改变了,那我们就可以说“干旱”是invasibility的ecological correlate。

那为什么无法找到consistent ecological correlates of invasibility呢?因为如果我们说“干旱的生态环境”是ecological correlates of invasibility”,但是我们会发现,无论是在干旱还是湿润的生态环境,都可能出现一种resource-release mechanism,从而释放出的本地原有植物用不完的多余的resource。所以我们无法把“干旱”或“所含物种丰富”等ecological character看成是始终如一的invasibility的correlates。

注解:correlaten.互相关联的事物之一each of two or more related or complementary things


In particular, the theory predicts that there will be no necessary relationship between the species diversity of a plant community and its susceptibility to invasion, since near-complete exploitation can each occur in both species-rich and species-poor communities.


新理论做出了这样一个预测,“植物群落中的植物种类是多是少”跟“植物群落是否容易被外来植物入侵”,这两件事之间不会有必然的联系。(这句话尤其针对第6句话Lonsdale发现的“正相关”,新理论认为那种“正相关”是一种假象,这个我们必须看第六句话才能理解。)无论是在植物种类丰富的植物群落中,还是在植物种类不丰富的植物群落中,都可能出现near-complete exploitation的状态。

near-complete exploitation指植物群落内资源处于接近平衡状态,未出现资源fluctuation的状态。根据新理论,处于near-complete exploitation这种状态下,植物群落不容易被入侵。言下之意是,无论是在植物种类丰富的植物群落中,还是在植物种类不丰富的植物群落中,也都可能处于incomplete exploitation(即出现资源fluctuation的状态),一旦出现这种状态,就会容易被入侵。


Though Lonsdale found a positive association between species richness and invasion, this may arise from the tendency of diverse plant communities to be nutrient poor and therefore more responsive to the effects of human-caused influxes of nutrients



但这种正相关的关系背后有一个问题,Lonsdale没有想到。即,包含植物种类丰富的植物群落,整个植物群落往往有一种处于营养贫瘠状态的tendency(即所包含植物种类丰富的植物群落,整个植物群落往往处于营养贫瘠的状态)。处于营养贫瘠状态的植物群落,对外来营养物质的反应是很快很积极的。一旦有人为导致的营养物质的大量流入,处于营养贫瘠状态的植物群落,就会积极反应(进而出现明显的an increase in the amount of unused resources)。

而人为导致营养物质大量流入这种情况,又是经常出现的。所以所包含植物种类丰富的植物群落,就容易出现明显的an increase in the amount of unused resources,也就会容易被外来植物入侵。

也就是说,Lonsdale确实发现了 “植物群落中的植物种类的丰富度”,跟“植物群落容易被外来植物入侵”,这两件事之前有一个正相关的关系。但这个关系之所以存在,关键还是因为所包含植物种类丰富的植物群落容易出现an increase in the amount of unused resources,也就是fluctuating resource availability;真正的决定性因素不是因为其所包含的植物种类丰富。

这里需要说明一下,以上讲解是TD GRE教研组找到了这篇文章的论文Fluctuating resources in plant communities: a general theory of invasibility,读了数千字的原文全文才完全弄清楚然后写出来的,这样才算完全搞懂了more responsive to the effects of human-caused influxes of nutrients。


1. The passage is primarily concerned with

A.assessing the empirical success of a theory

B.explaining why no consistent theoretical account of a phenomenon has been possible

C.advocating a potential solution to a theoretical impasse

D.deducing testable predictions from a proposed theory

E.describing the difficulties involved in explaining certain empirical results






解析:作者确实解释了这么一个事,但是这不是文章的primary concern”。好比我现在在解释为什么B选项不对,我确实揭示了B为什么不对,但这不是我的primary concern,我的主要目的还是为了解释C选项为什么对。


解析:因为之前存在多种不同的theories,这就是一个theoretical impasse(证据在文章第一句话),一个新理论可以整合这些theories(文章第二句话)。所以选C。

注解:impasse n. (尤指意见不同造成的)僵局(a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement)






2. It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following assessments of the results from field studies?

A.Many of the results contradicted predictions of susceptibility to invasion that are based on the availability of resources unused by the community.

B.If fluctuating resource availability were taken into account, many of the apparent inconsistencies among the results could be explained

C.The apparent inconsistencies and ambiguities in the results are caused by trying to make them fit an inadequate general theory of invasibility.

D.No general theory of invasibility has emerged because none of the studies has been able to assess the degree of an invasion accurately.

E.The results tend to show a degree of susceptibility to invasion that is lower than would be expected given the prevalence in the wild of nonnative species.



A. 根据文章第二句话,基于植物群落年内未使用的资源的理论是可以解释各种实验results的。所以A错误。

B. 根据文章第二句话,B选项正确。

C. “因为试图把实验结果和一个不太行的通用理论去匹配,才导致实验结果出现一些自相矛盾和含糊不清。”选项中说的两件事并没有因果关系,所以C错误。

D. “因为没有任何研究可以精准估计出植物群落被入侵的程度,所以才提不出来一个具有普遍解释力的理论。”这个选项是无中生有,文章没有提到。

E. 由于在大自然中,外来的物种的是非常普遍的(科学家们都知道这一点),而文章中的那些研究得出的结果显示出的植物群落被入侵的程度,都会比科学家们的预期低一些。这个选项也是无中生有,文章没有提到。


3. According to the author, the theory based on fluctuating resource availability might resolve “apparently conflicting and ambiguous results” because

A.It explains how a particular circumstance can produce disparate effects.

B.It does not assume that all of the results are instances of the phenomenon that the theory is intended to explain.

C.It predicts that seemingly minor variations in research methodology can have a dramatic effect on results.

D.Its account is based on a statistical tendency rather than on the supposition that the results arise from a causal connection.

E.It indicates why a similar outcome may be preceded by very different circumstances on different occasions.



首先我们明确,对一些自相矛盾和含糊不清的(实验)结果,先前的其他理论都解释不通。为什么解释不通呢?根据文章第五句话,near-complete exploitation can each occur in both species-rich and species-poor communities,即无论是在植物种类丰富的植物群落中,还是在植物种类不丰富的植物群落中,都可能出现near-complete exploitation的状态。即不同的环境之后会出现相似的结果。所以选E。


无论是在植物种类丰富的植物群落中,还是在植物种类不丰富的植物群落中,也都可能处于incomplete exploitation(即出现资源fluctuation的状态),一旦出现这种状态,就会容易被入侵。这个事情,这个不同的circumstances出现相同的outcome,是之前的几个理论都解释不了的,新的理论才可以解释。


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