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Berkeley mini Math Tournament 2024

Welcome to Berkeley mini Math Tournament 2024! BmMT 2024 will be in-person,with various satellite tournaments. The tournament will consist of 4 mainrounds — Puzzle, Individual, Team, and Relay.

BmMT is open to middle school students in grades 8 or below. In particular,there is no lower age limit to compete in BmMT; advanced elementary studentsare welcome to compete. Coaches can register up to 5 students per team.There are no restrictions on how many teams/students a single coach canregister. You do not have to be local to the Bay Area or California to registerfor BmMT.

Registration Closed

We have hit our cap of 800registrations, and registration is now closed for BmMT 2024.

Registration Information Registration PortalRegistration, Waivers, and PricingDatesRegistration PeriodPrice Per StudentAdditional Notes2/1 – 3/15Regular Registration$15Shirts may be pre-ordered for $8 per student.3/16 – 3/31Late Registration$20Shirts are not guaranteed, but may be purchased day-of for $10

*All dates are in PT. That is, Regular Registration ends at 11:59 PM PT on3/15/2024.

**For students facing financial hardship, please contact team@berkeley.mtfor a fee waiver. We will not honor refunds during late registration.

Registration is performed on ContestDojo. Coaches may register up to 5 peopleper team, and ContestDojo will allow them to assign and modify teams up untiltournament day.

All contestants are required to have their parent/guardian sign UC Berkeley’sconsent waivers through this portal. Contestants will NOT be allowed to take thecontest without having a signed liability and consent to treatment waiver.

Any questions about the ContestDojo portal should be directed to us atteam@berkeley.mt.

Student EligibilityStudents must be in grade 8 or below to be eligible for BmMT.Students do not have to be local to the California Bay Area or the U.S. toparticipate in BmMT. Please see “Satellites” for other options on tournaments.Coaches may register multiple teams. We ask that for every 2 teams, there isat least 1 parent chaperone.Due to room constraints, we will cut-off registration at 800 students on afirst-come, first-serve basis.Team Finder

Students may register as a team of 1, however, it is beneficial to compete on ateam of at least 3 due to our scoring guidelines. For students who do not have afull team, we organized a Team-Finder document. Follow all outlined steps inthe document.

BmMT RoundsPuzzle Round (75 mins)

The puzzle round is a team-based round that consists of a variety ofmathematical challenges designed to promote inductive reasoning and lateralthinking.

Individual Round (60 mins)

The individual round consists of 20 short answer questions spanning varioussubjects typically found in math competitions. This includes, but is not limitedto, algebra, geometry, counting, probability, and number theory.

Team Round (60 mins)

The team round consists of 20 short answer questions. Students may work withtheir teams on these questions.

Relay Round (40 mins)

The relay round consists of 20 problems across various subjects in math. The keyfeature of this round is that some questions may depend on answers from one ormultiple prior questions.


Tiebreakers shall only be to break ties for awards, not for honorable mentionor distinguished honorable mention.

For non-puzzle rounds:

Questions are ordered from hardest to easiest based on the number of peoplewho answered correctly.Whoever solved the hardest problem among those tied is placed the highest,followed by the one who solved the next hardest, etc.


Puzzles are ordered by difficulty based on the average score of all teams oneach puzzle.

Teams are then compared on the total score of the hardest 1/3 of problems.

If teams are still tied, they are compared on the score of the hardest puzzle,followed by the second hardest, etc.

If teams are still tied, we go through the following:Combined score of the middle third of puzzlesIndividual scores of the middle third of puzzlesIndividual scores of the easiest puzzles.

For example, the splits for puzzles would look like this:8 puzzle problems = 3 hardest / 2 middle / 3 easiest10 puzzle problems = 3 hard / 4 mid / 3 easy12 puzzle problems = 4 hard / 4 mid / 4 easy

If students are still tied, we will run a tiebreaker round. If teams are stilltied, the tie will stand. Tiebreaker qualifiers will be announced at the end ofthe Relay Round, and will be a 15-minute test. The test will consist of threequestions, and be scored primarily on correctness and secondarily on submissiontime; that is, an earlier submission will be worth more than a later one withthe same number of correct answers, but less than a later one with more correctanswers.

SummaryPuzzleIndividualTeamRelayImportant DetailsLogic Puzzle basedN/AN/AQuestions may rely on answers to other questionsLocationAssigned Classrooms — See Tournament Guide# of QuestionsTBA202020Duration75 mins60 mins60 mins40 mins% of Score20%40%30%10%Important Scoring NotesN/AIf teams have less than 3 members, the remaining scores will be counted as 0N/AN/ACollaboration?YesNo, students will work individuallyYesYesAcceptable Answers

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with theacceptable test formatting document andcommon notation document for details on how theiranswers should be submitted. Answers not submitted in the listed formats will begraded as incorrect, even if equivalent.


To calculate the individual score, we will take the average of every teammember’s score on their individual portion if the team has 3, 4, or 5 members.If the team has fewer than that many members, we will add 0’s until the team hasreached at least 3 scores, of which we will take the average.

While individuals are allowed to register a 1-person team, we highly encouragestudents without a team to use the Team-Finder to create a team of at least 3.

Scores for a given round will be normalized by either the top 10 scores or thetop 10% score, whichever is greater.


The event will run from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM.

TimeStudent Event8:00 AMCheck-in / Pick-up9:00 AMPuzzle Round + Individual Round12:00 PMLunch1:15 PMTeam Round + Relay Round4:00 PMActivities5:30 PMAwardsActivitiesStudent Activities

Countdown [Dwinelle 145] Countdown is an individual activity wherecompetitors will race to see who can correctly answer simple math questions thequickest! 64 students will enter, going through a single elimination bracketuntil only one remains!

Estimathon [Dwinelle 155] A team-based contest that combines trivia, gametheory, strategy, and mathematical thinking. Teams of ~3 will be under a timelimit to work on a set of 13 Fermi-style problems.

Origami [Hearst Field Annex A1] Do you want to bring home a cute souvenirfrom BmMT? Come make your own origami dice! We will be offering multiple paperpatterns and instructions, and teaching from the basics of modular origami. Noprior craft experience is needed!

Minigames [Dwinelle 215 & 219] Would you like to play a game??? Manygames??? Many minigames??? Compete against students in classic math challenges.See who can manipulate numbers through factoring, operations, and tricks in avariety of games

Parent Activities

9:00 AM: Po Shen Loh Talk [Dwinelle 155] Come join us for a 90 minute talkfeaturing CMU Professor, founder of Expii, and USA IMO coach Po-Shen Loh.

11:00AM: Campus Tours [Dwinelle 155] Take a walk around and learn whatmakes the UC Berkeley campus so unique.

Coach Lounge

We've also assigned two rooms: Dwinelle 225 and Dwinelle 279 as silent rooms incase you wish to work / grade assignments in peace. Each room has a capacity of~15-20 people.

Day of LogisticsWhen you get here

Head intoDwinelle Hallwhether you checked in online or not. If you have not yet checked in, you'llneed to do so in Dwinelle 145. If you have checked in online, you'll need topick up your t-shirts and materials for the tournament in Dwinelle 155.

Room Assignments

BmMT will give out room assignments to teams where they will take every testduring the day. Classroom assignments will be posted closer to the competitiondate.


We will be running awards in three different auditoriums! To minimize the chaos,we've pre-assigned where everyone should head to get to awards, based oncontestDojo organization name:

Dwinelle 145: A-BDwinelle 155: C-RaHearst Field Annex A1: Re-Z

Frequently Asked QuestionsAre calculators or other reference material allowed?

Graph paper and calculators are prohibited, but protractors, rulers, andcompasses are permitted. Blank white scratch paper will be provided for allparticipants. All answers must be exact, reduced, and simplified. Illegibleanswers will not be graded. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated, andfailure to comply with all rules may result in immediate and irreversibledisqualification.

Can elementary school students compete? What if I don’t have a team?

Yes! BmMT is open to any student in 8th grade or below, including those whohaven’t entered middle school. While students are allowed to compete asindividuals under “LAST_NAME Homeschool” or some other variation, we highlyrecommend that students compete on a team of at least 3 due to our scoringguidelines. To calculate the overall Individual score, we will take the averageof every team member’s score on their individual portion if the team has 3, 4,or 5 members. If the team has less than that many members, we will add 0’s untilthe team has reached at least 3 scores, of which we will take the average.

How are awards handled?

Awards will be physically presented to contestants at BmMT 2024’s closingceremony.

I’m in a different timezone or non-local and can’t compete live. What are my options?

There will be BmMT Satellite competitions held through our partners across theglobe for competitors wishing to compete in a different time zone.

Will lunch be provided?

Lunch is not provided for BmMT 2024. Students, coaches and parents are freeto find food in Berkeley. Restaurants can be found on the south side of campus(~5 minute walk from home rooms) and downtown (~15 minute walk from home rooms).

Where can I find parking / How can I get around Berkeley?

BmMT will not be providing parking or travel arrangements for students — it isup to coaches and/or parents to handle travel logistics. There are a number ofparking garages around the campus, including Underhill Structure, Lower HearstStructure, and the RSF garage. In addition, UC Berkeley campus is very publictransport friendly. If you are staying in Emeryville, Bus Line 36 will take youdirectly to campus, and the Downtown Berkeley BART station is next to campus.
