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本试卷共 11 页,共100 分。考试时长90 分钟。





第一节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,共15 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Recently,I took a trip home by train. I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharpeyes, who kept ___1___ a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on herlap. The woman’s eye fell on the man’s face, and she immediately looked downand ___2___ her scarf.

Asthe night wore on, people began to close their eyes, but the seats were so uncomfortablethat only a very heavy sleeper could manage to get any ___3___. The womanlooked over at the man. He was still staring at her. She looked back at him withfire in her eyes. I was beginning to get ___4___, too.

Thetrain moved on. The little boy was ___5___ awake on his mother’s lap, but thewoman dropped off to sleep. A moment later, he began to ___6___ the half-open window—oneleg went over it. The man jumped up and ___7___ the child just before he fellout.

The___8___ woke up the woman. She seemed to be in ___9___, and then reality dawned(显现).“Your child has been looking for an opportunity to climb out of the window,”the man said as he gave the child back to her. “So I have been watching the wholetime.” The woman was ___10___, and so was I.

1.A. guiding            B. bothering         C. watching          D. monitoring

2.A. adjusted          B. changed          C. packed             D. waved

3.A. air                    B. joy                   C. space               D. rest

4.A. nervous           B. embarrassed   C. angry               D. disappointed

5.A. almost             B. still                   C. hardly              D. even

6.A. drag                B. climb                C. knock               D. push

7.A. grabbed          B. rocked              C. touched           D. picked

8.A. alarm              B. quarrel              C. risk                  D. noise

9.A. sorrow            B. relief                 C. panic               D. pain

10.A. astonished   B. confused           C. concerned       D. inspired


第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分)

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1 个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。


Whydo we dream? Scientists aren’t completely sure, and they have diverse ___11___ (idea).Dreams might be a side effect of memory making. When you sleep, your brainsorts through everything ___12___ happened during the day, trying to link newexperiences to old memories. As it ___13___ (connect) things, your brain turnsthem into a story, and you get a dream.


Samis an in-real-life streamer (播主), and he live streams himself justgoing about his day. While riding his bike home ___14___ a cold night, he cameacross a sad-looking elderly woman wandering the streets by herself. The poorwoman wasn’t able to give him any information about ___15___ she lived. Samwalked her to a nearby convenience store so that she could ___16___ (safe) waitfor the police to take her home.


There___17___ (be) a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over thepast 20 years, ___18___ (cause) largely by rising global temperatures, accordingto a new report from the United Nations. From 2000 to 2019, there were 7,348major natural disasters around the world, ___19___ (result) in USD2,970 billionin economic loss. Much of this increase can be due to climate change. Thefindings show a critical need ___20___ (invest) in disaster prevention.


第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 38 分)

第一节(共14 小题;每小题2 分,共28 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Ifyou are planning to start a career in the field of education, science, orculture, then an internship (实习) at UNESCO will be ideal for you.

Who can apply?

●Youhave completed your full-time university studies; or

●Youare studying in a graduate program for a master’s degree.

●Applicantsin technical assignments must have reached the last year of theirstudies in atechnical institution.

What are the requirements?

●Youmust be at least 20 years old.

●Youshould have a good command (掌握) of either English or French.

●Youmust have an excellent knowledge of office-related software.

●Youshould be able to work well in a team and adapt to an internationalworkingenvironment.

●Youshould possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.

What do you need to prepare?

●Visa:You should obtain the necessary visas.

●Travel:You must arrange and finance your travel to and from the locationwhere you willdo your internship.

●Medicalinsurance: You must show proof of a comprehensive health insurance valid (有效的)in the target country for the entire period of the internship. UNESCO willprovide limited insurance coverage up to USD30,000 for the internship period.

●Medicalcertificate: You must provide a medical certificate indicating you are fit towork.

●Motivationletter: You should have your motivation letter ready before filling out theapplication form.

Yourapplication will be accessed by UNESCO managers and will stay in our databasefor six months. We do not respond to every candidate. If selected, you will be contactedby a manager. If you do not receive any update within six months, it means thatyour application has not been successful.

21.According to this passage, applicants are required to ______.

A.hold a master’s degree in science

B.have international work experience

C.be fluent in either English or French

D.present a letter from a technical institution

22.What will UNESCO provide for the internship period?

A.Limited medical insurance coverage.

B.Training in communication skills.

C.A medical certificate for work.

D.Financial support for travel.

23.What should applicants do before filling out the application form?

A.Contact UNESCO managers. B. Get access to the database.

C.Keep a motivation letter at hand. D. Work in a team for six months.



Iremember the day during our first week of class when we were informed about oursemester (学期) project of volunteering at anon-profit organization. When the teacher introduced us to the differentorganizations that needed our help, my last choice was Operation Iraqi Children(OIC). My first impression of the organization was that it was not going tomake enough of a difference with the plans I had in mind.

Then,an OIC representative gave us some details, which somewhat interested me. Afterdoing some research, I believed that we could really do something for thosekids. When I went online to the OIC website, I saw pictures of the Iraqichildren. Their faces were so powerful in sending a message of their despair (绝望)and need that I joined this project without hesitation. We decided to collectas many school supplies as possible, and make them into kits—one kit, onechild.

Themost rewarding day for our group was project day, when all the efforts we put intocollecting the items finally came together. When I saw the various supplies wehad collected, it hit me that every kit we were to build that day wouldeventually be in the hands of an Iraqi child. Over the past four months, I hadnever imagined how I would feel once our project was completed. While makingthe kits, I realized that I had lost sight of the true meaning behind it. I hadonly focused on the fact that it was another school project and one I wanted toget a good grade on. When the kits were completed, and ready to be sentoverseas, the warm feeling I had was one I would never forget.

Inthe beginning, I dared myself to make a difference in the life of anotherperson. Now that our project is over, I realize that I have affected not onlyone life, but ten. With our efforts, ten young boys and girls will now be ableto further their education.

24.How did the author feel about joining the OIC project in the beginning?

A.It would affect his/her initial plans.

B.It would involve traveling overseas.

C.It would not bring him/her a good grade.

D.It would not live up to his/her expectations.

25.What mainly helped the author change his/her attitude toward the project?

A.Images of Iraqi children.      B. Research by his/her classmates.

C.A teacher’s introduction.      D. A representative’s comments.

26.The author’s OIC project group would help ten Iraqi children to ______.

A.become OIC volunteers      B. further their education

C.study in foreign countries    D. influence other children

27.What can we conclude from this passage?

A.One’s potential cannot always be underrated.

B.First impression cannot always be trusted.

C.Actions speak louder than words.

D.He who hesitates is lost.


Hundredsof scientists, writers and academics sounded a warning to humanity in an openletter published last December: Policymakers and the rest of us must engage openlywith the risk of global collapse. Researchers in many areas have projected the widespreadcollapse as “a credible scenario (情景)this century”.

Asurvey of scientists found that extreme weather events, food insecurity, and freshwatershortages might create global collapse. Of course, if you are a non-human species,collapse is well underway.

Thecall for public engagement with the unthinkable is especially germane in this momentof still-uncontrolled pandemic and economic crises in the world’s most technologicallyadvanced nations. Not very long ago, it was also unthinkable that a virus wouldshut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrously lackingin flexibility.

Theinternational scholars’ warning letter doesn’t say exactly what collapse will looklike or when it might happen. Collapseology, the study of collapse, is more concernedwith identifying trends and with them the dangers of everyday civilization. Amongthe signatories (签署者) of the warningwas Bob Johnson, the originator of the “ecological footprint” concept, whichmeasures the total amount of environmental input needed to maintain a givenlifestyle. With the current footprint of humanity, “it seems that globalcollapse is certain to happen in some form, possibly within a decade, certainlywithin this century,” Johnson said in an email.

Onlyif we discuss the consequences of our biophysical limits, the December warningletter says, can we have the hope to reduce their “speed, severity and harm”. Andyet messengers of the coming disturbance are likely to be ignored. We all wantto hope things will turn out fine. As a poet wrote,

Man is a victim ofdope (麻醉品)

In the incurableform of hope.

Thehundreds of scholars who signed the letter are intent (执着)on quieting hope that ignores preparedness. “Let’s look directly into the issueof collapse,” they say, “and deal with the terrible possibilities of what wesee there to make the best of a troubling future.”

28.What does the underlined word “germane” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Scientific.      B. Credible.      C.Original.       D. Relevant.

29.As for the public awareness of global collapse, the author is ______.

A.worried         B. puzzled         C.surprised     D. scared

30.What can we learn from this passage?

A.The signatories may change the biophysical limits.

B.The author agrees with the message of the poem.

C.The issue of collapse is being prioritized.

D.The global collapse is well underway.



Earlyfifth-century philosopher St. Augustine famously wrote that he knew what timewas unless someone asked him. Albert Einstein added another wrinkle when he theorizedthat time varies depending on where you measure it. Today’s state-of-the-art atomic(原子的) clocks have proven Einstein right.Even advanced physics can’t decisively tell us what time is, because the answerdepends on the question you’re asking.

Forgetabout time as an absolute. What if, instead of considering time in terms of astronomy,we related time to ecology? What if we allowed environmental conditions to setthe tempo (节奏) of human life?We’re increasingly aware of the fact that we can’t control Earth systems withengineering alone, and realizing that we need to moderate (调节)our actions if we hope to live in balance. What if our definition of timereflected that?

Recently,I conceptualized a new approach to timekeeping that’s connected to circumstanceson our planet, conditions that might change as a result of global warming. We’renow building a clock at the Anchorage Museum that reflects the total flow of severalmajor Alaskan rivers, which are sensitive to local and global environmental changes.We’ve programmed it to match an atomic clock if the waterways continue to flowat their present rate. If the rivers run faster in the future on average, theclock will get ahead of standard time. If they run slower, you’ll see theopposite effect.

Theclock registers both short-term irregularities and long-term trends in river dynamics.It’s a sort of observatory that reveals how the rivers are behaving from their owntemporal frame (时间框架), and allows us towitness those changes on our smartwatches or phones. Anyone who opts to go onAlaska Mean River Time will live in harmony with the planet. Anyone whoconsiders river time in relation to atomic time will encounter a majorimbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel orsupporting greener policies.

Evenif this method of timekeeping is novel in its particulars, early agricultural societiesalso connected time to natural phenomena. In pre-Classical Greece, for instance,people “corrected” official calendars by shifting dates forward or backward to reflectthe change of season. Temporal connection to the environment was vital to theirsurvival. Likewise, river time and other timekeeping systems we’re developingmay encourage environmental awareness.

WhenSt. Augustine admitted his inability to define time, he highlighted one of time’smost noticeable qualities: Time becomes meaningful only in a defined context. Anytimekeeping system is valid, and each is as praiseworthy as its purpose.

31.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A.Timekeeping is increasingly related to nature.

B.Everyone can define time on their own terms.

C.The qualities of time vary with how you measure it.

D.Time is a major concern of philosophers and scientists.

32.The author raises three questions in Paragraph 2 mainly to ______.

A.present an assumption       B. evaluate an argument

C.highlight an experiment      D. introduce an approach

33.What can we learn from this passage?

A.Those who do not go on river time will live an imbalanced life.

B.New ways of measuring time can help to control Earth systems.

C.Atomic time will get ahead of river time if the rivers run slower.

D.Modern technology may help to shape the rivers’ temporal frame.

34.What can we infer from this passage?

A.It is crucial to improve the definition of time.

B.A fixed frame will make time meaningless.

C.We should live in harmony with nature.

D.History is a mirror reflecting reality.


第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2 分,共10 分)


Musichas long been considered to be an enjoyable pastime for many people. ___35___Themental health benefits from music can’t be argued. Music could also be helpingyou with many other health problems behind the scenes.

___36___However, for the same reason, music can be very beneficial if one is in pain.By distracting (分心) the mind from thepain, music, people say, can lower stress and anxiety levels. This, of course,can lead to less pain.

Manypeople enjoy relaxing music in the evening prior to going to bed. ___37___ Whilethe validity of the idea is still being assessed, the lowered stress can evenbe tied back to blood pressure. Similarly, according to researchers, listeningto just 30 minutes of soft music every day may help with healthy blood sugarlevels, through the lowering of stress and anxiety.

Whenit comes to heart health, there is speculation (推测)that it’s not the style of music, but rather the tempo that makes it so goodfor your heart health. In one European study, participants listened to music asthe researchers monitored their heart rates and blood pressure. ___38___ On theother hand, when the music slowed, the participants’ stress and anxiety levelsbecame lower and the effects on heart rates appeared to follow suit.

___39___But there is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radiocould be beneficial for, which is what makes music so valuable.

A.This feeling can also result in many other health problems.

B.Some experts say that music can be harmful if it is too loud.

C.This idea is a little off-the-wall but still has scientific backing.

D.They say it can play a big role in calming the brain enough to sleep.

E.The implications of music on overall well-being are really impressive.

F.It is also highly popular due to the individualized effects on stress andanxiety.

G.Interestingly, the more cheerful the music was, the faster their heart rateswere.


第三部分书面表达(共两节, 32 分)

第一节(共4 小题;第 40、41 题各 2 分,第42 题 3 分,第43 题 5 分,共12 分)


Recentresearch suggests that if an argument gets resolved, the emotional response tiedto it is significantly reduced or almost completely erased. Thus, it may beworth bringing up issues with your friends, family members, or classmatesrather than holding them back.

Thereis a difference between arguing and fighting. Arguing is that you and your opponentpresent your concerns and discuss the feelings and issues related to those concerns.You can engage in an argument respectfully without stirring up (激起)anger. Fighting, however, usually involves personal attacks, raising of voices,and storming out.

Discussingyour issues and resolving them instead of stuffing them down can improve youremotional health. In a study, 2,000 people were asked to record their feelingsand experiences for eight days in a row. When people had an argument that they consideredresolved, they had half the reactivity (情绪反应)of those who avoided an argument. Reactivity is an increase in negativeemotions or a decrease in positive emotions. In other words, resolving anargument cuts your negative feelings by half. One day later, people who had aresolved argument reported no increase of negative emotions compared with thosewho avoided an argument. This means that resolving an argument can feel likeyou have reached a state of resolution—and you are less likely to be annoyed.

Moreover,the older you are, the more likely you will come to a resolution after an argument.This may be because more life experience usually leads to more defined priorities.You are more likely to distinguish between what matters and what does not.

Itis easier to avoid a discussion, but risking talking about it may eventuallylead to a better outcome.

40.According to this passage, what is arguing?

41.Why is it that “the older you are, the more likely you will come to aresolution after an argument”?

42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline itand explain why.

Resolvingarguments can improve your emotional health, because it increases yourreactivity and reduces the chance of you getting angry.

43.In addition to improving emotional health, what do you think are some other benefitsof resolving an argument? (In about 40 words)


第二节(20 分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你和英国好友Jim 原定本周末一起外出,你因故不能赴约。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:




1.词数 100 左右;








2021 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)


第一部分知识运用(共两节, 30 分)

第一节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共15 分)

1.C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A

第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共15 分)

11.ideas 12. that 13. connects 14. on 15. where 16. safely 17. has been 18. caused19. resulting 20. to invest

第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 38 分)

第一节(共14 小题;每小题 2 分,共28 分)

21.C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. C

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2 分,共10 分)

35.F 36. B 37. D 38. G 39. E

第三部分书面表达(共两节, 32 分)

第一节(共4 小题;第 40、41 题各 2 分,第42 题 3 分,第43 题 5 分,共12 分)

40.Arguing is discussing your worries, related feelings and problems with theother party.

41.It is because more life experience may help people better identify prioritiesin life.

42.Resolving arguments can improve your emotional health, because it increasesyour reactivity and reduces the chance of you getting angry.

Resolvingarguments helps to decrease your reactivity.


英语(北京卷)参考答案第 2 页(共2 页)

第二节(20 分)



I’msorry that I won’t be able to go hiking with you this Saturday.

Ibegan to cough yesterday morning, so I went to see a doctor. She told me it wasa bad cold, and I would have to stay at home for a few days.

I’dreally like to spend some time with you. Is it OK with you if we take a trip toZhangjiakou next Saturday? It’s one of the host cities for the 2022 WinterOlympics. Please let me know what you think.

Again,I’m sorry about the inconvenience.

Hopeto hear from you soon.


