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2018年12月英语六级翻译真题(三篇汇总)2018-12-18 10:59:43来源:新东方在线 【好课】新东方英语六级精品课|【优惠】六级名师网课|六级名师免费课【六级报考】六级考试报名时间|入口|六级准考证打印时间|入口|六级成绩查询时间|入口【六级备考】六级阅读技巧大全|六级翻译技巧大全|六级作文精选汇总|历年六级真题及答案



China is paying more and more attention to public libraries and encouraging people to make full use of them. According to the newly released statistics, the number of public libraries in China is growing year by year. A large number of libraries have created a quieter and more comfortable environment for readers through refurbishment and expansion. Large public libraries not only provide a wide variety of reference materials, but also regularly hold lectures, exhibitions and other activities. There have also been many digital libraries in recent years,which saves the space needed to store books. Some libraries have also introduced a self-service system that makes it easier for readers to borrow books and return books, further satisfying the needs of readers.

l China is paying more and more attention to public libraries and encouraging people to make full use of them.

Ø 句意判断本句为现在进行时态;

Ø “充分利用”:make full use of;take full advantage of;

l According to the newly released statistics, the number of public libraries in China is growing year by year.

Ø “新近公布的统计数字表明”:according to the newly released statistics; newly released statistics show that;

l A large number of libraries have created a quieter and more comfortable environment for readers through refurbishment and expansion.

Ø 注意比较结构,“a quieter and more comfortable environment”;

l Large public libraries not only provide a wide variety of reference materials, but also regularly hold lectures, exhibitions and other activities.

Ø “不仅……而且……”:not only…but also…;

l There have also been many digital libraries in recent years, , which saves the space needed to store books.

Ø “出现”表存在,用存在句型;

Ø “从而”后接非限制性定语从句;

Ø “存放图书所需”修饰“空间”,可用过去分词短语作定语修饰“空间”;

l Some libraries have also introduced a self-service system that makes it easier for readers to borrow books and return books, further satisfying the needs of readers.

Ø “使读者……”“使读者……”这里可接定语从句;

Ø “进一步满足了读者的需求”可用现在分词短语作结果状语。



In recent years, more and more museums in China have been opened to the public free of charge. There has been a significant growth tread in terms of the number of museum exhibitions and visitors. Long queues are very common in front of some popular museums. These museums must take measures to limit the number of visitors. Today, the form of exhibitions is becoming more diverse. Some large museums use advanced technologies, such as multimedia and virtual reality, to make the exhibition more attractive. Many museums also hold online exhibitions where people can watch rare exhibits. However, the experience of watching the exhibits on site is still more attractive to most visitors.

l In recent years, more and more museums in China have been opened to the public free of charge.

Ø “免费”:free of charge;

Ø “今年来”,时态为现在完成时;

l There has been a significant growth tread in terms of the number of museum exhibitions and visitors.

Ø “明显增长”可用there be句型;

l Long queues can be seen frequently in front of some popular museums.

Ø “常见”是被见,考查被动语态;

l These museums must take measures to limit the number of visitors.

Ø “采取措施”:take measures;

l Some large museums use advanced technologies, such as multimedia and virtual reality, to make the exhibition more attractive.

Ø 举例可用插入语“such as multimedia and virtual reality”来表达;

l Many museums also hold online exhibitions where people can watch rare exhibits.

Ø “人们可在网上观赏珍稀展品”与前句承接,可处理为地点状语从句;

l However, the experience of watching the exhibits on site is still more appealing to most visitors.

Ø ““吸引””别重复,换种说法。:“attractive”或者“” “appealing””。



The Chinese government has further increased investment in stadium construction to better meet the people’s rapidly growing demands for fitness in recent years. In addition to building the new stadiums, many cities have also taken measures to renovate old factories and commercial buildings for the purpose of increasing the number of local stadiums. Under the support of government funds, more and more gymnasiums are open to the public for free or for a low fee. Many gymnasiums have greatly improved the quality of service through the application of modern information technology so that people can conveniently book the venue and pay in advance. It is foreseeable that with the continuous improvement of sports facilities, more and more people will do exercise in gymnasiums.

l The Chinese government has further increased investment in stadium construction to better meet the people’s rapidly growing demands for fitness in recent years.

Ø “近年来”,用现在完成时;

Ø “以”、“去”、“来”表目的,用“to do”连接即可;

l In addition to building the new stadiums, many cities have also taken measures to renovate old factories and commercial buildings for the purpose of increasing the number of local stadiums.

Ø “改造”用“renovate”;

Ø “翻新”用“rebuild”;

Ø 表目的还可用“for the purpose of”;

l Under the support of government funds, more and more gymnasiums are open to the public for free or for a low fee.

Ø “免费”、“少量费用”可译为“for free or for a low fee”;

l Many gymnasiums have greatly improved the quality of service through the application of modern information technology so that people can conveniently book the venue and pay in advance.

Ø 方式状语“through the application of modern information technology”后置翻译;

Ø “许多体育馆通过应用现代信息技术大大提高了服务质量。人们可以方便地在先预定场地和付费。”两个句子之间有因果关系,可用“so that”连接;

l It is foreseeable that with the continuous improvement of sports facilities, more and more people will do exercise in gymnasiums.

Ø “可预见”可译为it为形式主语的句子。


