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2022年6月英语六级听力真题(第1套) 长对话(1)

Conversation One长对话一Mr. David Jackson, a staff writer at The New Yorker, is known for his non-fiction books of adventure. 大卫·杰克逊先生是《纽约客》的特约撰稿人,他以写非小说类冒险作品而闻名。Today, we go on a different kind of adventure: Jackson’s life of parenting his offspring. 今天,我们要进行一场不同的冒险:杰克逊养育子女的生活。David, as a parent of an 11- and a 14-year-old, what is the most interesting issue you are dealing with right now?大卫,作为一个11岁和14岁孩子的家长,你现在面对的最有趣的问题是什么?It's easy to focus on the challenges but so far, I find these ages to be kind of wonderful.专注于挑战很容易,但到目前为止,我发现这些年龄段的人很棒。They are independent, and they have their own curiosities and obsessions. 他们独立,他们有自己的好奇心和痴迷的事情。You can talk to them about fairly sophisticated subject matter such as politics.你可以和他们谈论相当复杂的话题,比如政治。Yes, that does sound refreshing compared with talking to younger children. 是的,与年纪更小的孩子交谈相比,这听起来确实令人耳目一新。Do they ask you to proofread their essays?他们会让你校对他们的文章吗?Certainly, with writing they do.当然,他们会让我校对他们的文章。I really just try to be encouraging. 我真的只是试图鼓励别人。I think at this age, editorial guidance is less important than encouragement.我认为,在这个年龄段,编辑指导比鼓励更重要。Are there books that you think are important that your children read, and that all children read?有没有你认为适合你的孩子阅读和适合所有孩子阅读的重要的书?My general thought is to read widely and to incorporate a love for reading. 我一般认为(他们应该)广泛阅读并融入对阅读的热爱。Learning to love to read, I think, is the optimal thing, because it gives you a skill you can take anywhere.我认为,学习热爱阅读是最佳事情,因为它给了你一种你可以带到任何地方的技能。So you’re not too concerned like some parents with the content they're reading? 所以你不会像一些家长一样太过担心他们阅读的内容?I know I have some worries about that.我对此有一些担忧。Yeah, read what you like. 是的,读你喜欢的内容。If a child loves graphic novels or comic books, whatever it is, that is turning them on to read and turning on their imagination.如果孩子喜欢漫画小说或漫画书,不管是什么,都会让他们对阅读产生兴趣,激发他们的想象力。I feel that children's tastes in books change as they reach adolescence. 我觉得随着孩子们进入青春期,他们对书籍的喜好会发生变化。I know that mine certainly did when I was a teenager. What do you think?在我十几岁的时候,我对书籍的喜好就发生了变化。你觉得呢?I think it's especially important as they get older to read subject matter that'll open their eyes to the world and people. 我认为,随着他们年龄的增长,阅读能打开他们对世界和人的视野的题材的书尤其重要。So I think both fiction and non-fiction are really important because they give you the power to begin to perceive the world through the lives of others.所以我认为小说和非小说都很重要,因为它们给了你一种力量,让你开始通过其他人的生活来感知世界。Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.请根据你听到的对话回答问题1至问题4。Q1: What do we learn about David Jackson from the conversation?问题1:我们从这段对话中了解到有关大卫·杰克逊的什么信息?Q2: What does the man think of young teenagers?问题2:男士觉得青少年怎么样?Q3: How does the man help his kids with their essays?问题3:男士是如何帮助他的孩子写文章的?Q4: What does the woman say about herself when she was a teenager?问题4:关于十几岁的自己,女士说了什么?
