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Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, with a total length of 55 km, is an extraordinary engineering project in China. Connecting the three cities, the bridge is the longest sea crossing bridge and tunnel system in the world. The bridge reduced the travel time between the three cities from three hours to 30 minutes. This huge-span reinforced concrete bridge is a testament to China's ability to build a record-breaking giant building. It will boost regional integration and promote economic growth. The bridge is the key to China's overall plan for the development of the Great Bay area. China hopes to make it comparable to those of San Francisco, New York and Tokyo in terms of technological innovation and economic prosperity.


1. 港珠澳大桥,全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程壮举。

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, with a total length of 55 km, is an extraordinary engineering project in China.


【成句】The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, with a total length of 55 km, is an extraordinary engineering project in China.

2. 大桥将三个城市连接起来,是世界上最长的跨海桥梁和隧道系统。

Connecting the three cities, the bridge is the longest sea crossing bridge and tunnel system in the world.


【成句】Connecting the three cities, the bridge is the longest sea crossing bridge and tunnel system in the world.

3. 大桥将三个城市之间的旅行时间从3小时缩短到30分钟。

The bridge reduced the travel time between the three cities from three hours to 30 minutes.


【成句】The bridge reduced the travel time between the three cities from three hours to 30 minutes.

4. 这座跨度最大的钢筋混凝土大桥,充分证明了中国有能力建造创纪录的巨型建筑。

This largest reinforced concrete bridge is a testament to China's ability to build a record giant building.


【成句】This largest reinforced concrete bridge is a testament to China's ability to build a record giant building.

5. 它将助推区域一体化,促进经济增长。

It will boost regional integration and promote economic growth.

【核心考点】多动词情况出现,且无主次之分,动词之间为并列关系,直接用and连接就可以;“区域一体化”这样的专用名词,需要平时积累,“regional integration”。

【成句】It will boost regional integration and promote economic growth.

6. 大桥是中国发展自己的大湾区总体规划的关键。

The bridge is the key to China's overall plan for the development of the Great Bay Area.


【成句】The bridge is the key to China's overall plan for the development of the Great Bay Area.

7. 中国希望将大湾区建成在技术创新和经济繁荣上能与旧金山、纽约、东京的湾区相媲美的地区。

【核心考点】难点应该在于“大湾区”the Great Bay Area 为专有名词,但是“湾区”the bay area是常规表述,并且“相媲美”comparable to这个词组应该注意积累。

【成句】China hopes to make it comparable to those of San Francisco, New York and Tokyo in terms of technological innovation and economic prosperity.


Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



Qinghai-Tibet railway is the highest and longest plateau railway in the world, with a total length of 1956 km, 960 kilometers of which are above the altitude of 4000 meters, which is the first railway connecting Tibet with the rest of China. As the railway passes through the world's most vulnerable ecosystem, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after the construction to ensure it to be “a green railway”. The Qinghai Tibet railway has greatly shortened the travel time between the mainland of China and Tibet. More importantly, it has greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet and improved the life of local residents. After the opening of the railway, more and more people have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tibet.


1. 青藏铁路是世界上最高最长的高原铁路,全长1956公里。

Qinghai Tibet railway is the highest and longest plateau railway in the world, with a total length of 1956 km.


【成句】Qinghai Tibet railway is the highest and longest plateau railway in the world, with a total length of 1956 km.

2. 其中有960公里在海拔4000多米之上,是连接西藏和中国其他地区的第一条铁路。

960 kilometers of which are above the altitude of 4000 meters, which is the first railway connecting Tibet with the rest of China.


【成句】960 kilometers of which are above the altitude of 4000 meters, which is the first railway connecting Tibet with the rest of China.

3. 由于铁路穿越世界上最脆弱的生态系统,在建设期间和建成后,都采取了生态保护措施,以确保其成为一条”绿色铁路”。

As the railway passes through the world's most vulnerable ecosystem, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after the construction to ensure it to be “a green railway”.

【核心考点】“采取了生态保护措施”为无主句,考虑写成被动语态“ecological protection measures have been taken”;“以……”为典型的目的状语表述;“绿色铁路”这种说法是一种形象的表述,因此在译文中也应该用引号引出来。“a green railway”

【成句】As the railway passes through the world's most vulnerable ecosystem, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after the construction to ensure it to be “a green railway”.

4. 青藏铁路大大缩短了中国内地与西藏之间的旅行时间。

The Qinghai Tibet railway has greatly shortened the travel time between the mainland of China and Tibet.


【成句】The Qinghai Tibet railway has greatly shortened the travel time between the mainland of China and Tibet.

5. 更重要的是,它极大地促进了西藏的经济发展,改善了当地居民的生活。

More importantly, it has greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet and improved the life of local residents.


【成句】More importantly, it has greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet and improved the life of local residents.

6. 铁路开通后,愈来愈多的人选择乘火车前往西藏,这样还有机会欣赏沿线的美景。

After the opening of the railway, more and more people have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tibet.


【成句】After the opening of the railway, more and more people have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tibet.


Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



Beijing Daxing International Airport, located 46 kilometers south of Tiananmen Square, was put into operation on Sept 30, 2019. Work on the giant project began in 2014. At the peak of construction, there were more than 40,000 workers on the ground. The compact design of the terminal allows the maximum number of aircraft to be parked directly near the center of the terminal, providing great convenience to passengers. It takes passengers less than eight minutes to get to any of the terminal's 82 gates after passing through security. Designed to handle 300 takeoffs and landings per hour, the airport is expected to handle 100 million passengers a year by 2040, making it the busiest airport in the world.


1. 北京大兴国际机场位于天安门广场以南46公里处,于2019年9月30日投入使用。

Beijing Daxing International Airport, located 46 kilometers south of Tiananmen Square, was put into operation on Sept 30, 2019.



【成句】:Beijing Daxing International Airport, located 46 kilometers south of Tiananmen Square, was put into operation on Sept 30, 2019.

2. 该巨型工程于2014年开工。

Work on the giant project began in 2014.


【成句】:Work on the giant project began in 2014.

3. 建设高峰时,地上有四万多工人。

At the peak of construction, there were more than 40,000 workers on the ground.

【核心考点】:简单句考察,there be句型(某地有某物)

【成句】:At the peak of construction, there were more than 40,000 workers on the ground.

4. 航站楼设计紧凑,可以允许最大数量的飞机直接停靠在最靠近航站楼中心的位置,这给乘客提供了极大的方便。

The compact design of the terminal allows the maximum number of aircraft to be parked directly near the center of the terminal, providing great convenience to passengers.



【成句】:The compact design of the terminal allows the maximum number of aircraft to be parked directly near the center of the terminal, providing great convenience to passengers.

5. 航站楼共有82个登机口,但乘客通过安检后,只需不到八分钟,就能抵达任何一个登机口。

It takes passengers less than eight minutes to get to any of the terminal's 82 gates after passing through security.


【成句】:It takes passengers less than eight minutes to get to any of the terminal's 82 gates after passing through security.

6. 机场的设计可确保每小时300架次起降,机场年客运量2040年将达到一亿人次,有望成为世界上最繁忙的机场。

Designed to handle 300 takeoffs and landings per hour, the airport is expected to handle 100 million passengers a year by 2040, making it the busiest airport in the world.


【状语】: “机场的设计”和“机场年客运量”是同一个主语,也就是说,整个句子是一个主语,由于机场是被设计,所以可以用过去分词作状语,“有望成为世界上最繁忙的机场”是指当机场2040年达到一亿人次之后的结果,所以结果状语用现在分词。

【成句】:Designed to handle 300 takeoffs and landings per hour, the airport is expected to handle 100 million passengers a year by 2040, making it the busiest airport in the world.



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