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这幅漫画象征性的描述了一个倒在地上的瓶子,一些牛奶洒了出来。在这个瓶子的旁边站着两个人,一个垂头丧气的说“全完了!”,而另一个则说“幸好还剩点儿!”。这幅画所表达的内容既意义深远又发人深省。这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们在生活、工作和学习中遇到挫折时,不同的人持有不同的态度。积极乐观的人总是能够发掘事情好的一面,而消极悲观的人总是为他失去的东西伤心抱怨。总之,一个人的态度能够决定他的成败。在我看来,我们应该向那个积极乐观的人学习。在生活中无论遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该用积极乐观的态度来面对。只有这样,我们才能取得成功。范文This cartoon token describes a bottle that fell to the ground, some milk spilled out. The bottle stands next to two people, a dejected saying "is all over! "While another said" Fortunately have left! ".The contents expressed in the painting is both meaningful and thought-provoking.This cartoon is designed to tell us to live, work and learning are down, you, different people hold different attitudes. Optimistic people can always discover what's good side, and negative and pessimistic people always losing things sad for him to complain. In short, a person's attitudes can make or break him.In my opinion, we should learn from the positive and optimistic man. No matter what difficulties she met in life, we should use a positive and optimistic attitude to face. Only in this way, we can be successful.


