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2007年英语专业八级考试听力真题(附mp3及答案)2015-02-27 11:40:47来源:网络 【专八】专八听力怎么练手把手教你写专八作文专八成绩查询入口专八真题及答案【专四】专四作文高分句型汇总专四听力50篇2020专四词汇表专四真题及答案【近期关注】2020专八词汇下载pdf版2020英语专四、英语专八报名条件


In this section you will hear everything once only.Listen carefully and then answer the questions thatfollow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.

Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

6 what happened on Monday?

A. A train crash occurred causing minor injuries.

B. Investigator found out the cause of the accident.

C Crews rescued more passengers from the site.

D A commuter train crashed into a building.

Question 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will begiven 20 seconds to answer the questions.

7. Which of the following was not on the agenda of the G20 meeting?

A. Iraq debts

B. WTO talks

C. Financial disasters

D. Possible sanctions

8. The G20 is a (n) ________ organization.

A. International

B European

C Regional

D Asian

Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will begiven 20 seconds to answer the questions

9.The UN Charter went into effect after

A It was signed by the 50 original member countries.

B It was approved by the founders and other member countries.

C It was approved by the founding members

D It was signed by the founding members.

10. Which of the following best describe the role of the charter?

A. the Charter only describes powers of the UN bodies.

B the Charter mainly aims to promote world economy.

C The charter is a treaty above all other treaties.

D The charter authorizes reforms in UN bodies.


In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.Listen carefully and then answer the questions thatfollow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet. Question 6 isbased on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds toanswer the question

Now listen to the news.

The death toll rose to 74 on Tuesday in Japan’s deadliest rail crash in decades as crews pulledmore victims from the wreckage. Investigators focused on whether excessive speed or thedriver’s inexperience had caused the train to derail and slam into an apartment building. The7-car commuter train carrying 580 passengers left the rails Monday morning in Amagasaki, asuburb of Osaka, about 250 miles west of Tokyo, it injured more than 440 people.

Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will begiven 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

20 of the world’s top economies promised to help Iraq lower its debt and to help restart globaltrade talks after a 2-day meeting in Mexico on Monday. Officials from the group of 20, G20Nations, also discussed the possibility of sanctioning countries that refused to cooperate in thefight against terrorism. Possible sanctions were not outlined at the meeting. In a declarationreleased at the end of the meeting, ministers called on World Trade Organization, WTOmembers, to restart the trade talks that collapsed in Kankoon last month. Nations must quicklyreenergize the negotiation process, recognizing that flexibility and political will from all areurgently needed, it said. G20 ministers also talked about the possibility of creating a VoluntaryCode of Conduct to govern negotiations between creditors and countries on the verge ofdefaulting on debt. The code would outline the steps that should be taken to prevent afinancial crisis. Created in 1999 to avoid financial disasters and to keep the global economystable, the G20 is made up of the European Union and 19 other countries including Australia,Brazil, China, Japan and the US.

Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will begiven 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now listen to the news.

The United Nations celebrated the 60th anniversary of its Charter on Monday, the speakersaddressing the UN General Assembly. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said the UN had bothsuccesses and failures in carrying out the pledges in the Charter. The UN Charter is theconstitution of the organization. It was signed in San Francisco on June 26th, 1945 by the 50original member countries. It took effect on October 24th, 1945 after being improved by the 5founding members: China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United Statesand the majority of the other countries that signed the Charter. The Charter is a constitutionon trading or countries that signed it are bound by its articles. It states that the Charter comesfirst above all other treaties. Its main purposes include the prevention of new conflict, buildingpeace and protecting human rights and social progress. The most important chapters arethese dealing with enforcement powers of UN bodies. They describe, for example, the SecurityCouncil’s power to investigate and mediate disputes. They also describe its power toauthorize economic, diplomatic and military sanctions as well as the use of military force toresolve disputes. The UN, late last year, revealed a proposal to overhaul the organization,including the Security Council. This could be the most comprehensive UN reform since itsfoundation. This is the end of listening comprehension, please proceed to the next part.

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