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Dear Ryan,

I am Li Hua, one of your students. Regarding the grouping method for the oral training course, I would like to raise some concerns and suggestions. While it is true that randomly mixing up students can encourage more communication and interaction, there may also be some potential issues to consider.

Firstly, random grouping can result in students with vastly different speaking abilities being paired together. This may make some students with stronger communication skills feel inhibited, while those with weaker speaking skills may feel overwhelmed. Additionally, some students may feel uneasy and uncomfortable having to work with unfamiliar classmates.

Therefore, I suggest that a more thoughtful grouping method be adopted, such as grouping students according to their exam grades, verbal performance, or interests. This would allow each student to practice their spoken English with peers who are of a similar proficiency level, and ones with similar interests, which would serve to enhance student motivation and confidence. This approach also ensures that students with varying abilities have opportunities to develop their language skills.

I hope that my suggestions will be considered. Thank you for your attention.


Li Hua


Dear Ryan,

My name is Li Hua, one of your esteemed students. I write to express my opinion concerning the grouping strategy proposed by you for the oral training course. While it may be true that random pairing of students can foster greater interaction and communication, there are potential drawbacks to consider.

Caution must be exercised in randomly grouping students, particularly in a scenario where their communication abilities vastly differ. It may lead to a situation where high-level communicators feel violated and inhibited, while those lacking are bogged down by the overwhelming challenges of the class. In addition, some students may feel uneasy working with unfamiliar classmates.

With this in mind, I propose that a thoughtful grouping strategy be adopted, albeit grouping students according to their exam scores, verbal proficiency or individual interests. This, in turn, ensures that every student can practice speaking English with like-minded peers, thereby boosting their motivation and confidence. More importantly, it guarantees that students with varying communication abilities have equal opportunities to develop their language skills.

It is my fervent hope that my suggestions would gain approval, and taken into account. I thank you for your unwavering attention.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Ryan

I think it's not a good idea to randomly pair up students for the spoken English training class. I have a few reasons for my opinion.

Firstly, randomly pairing up students may lead to imbalanced language abilities within the groups. Some students might have advanced speaking skills while others may struggle with basic conversation. This can hinder the progress of both students as the more advanced one may dominate the conversation, leaving little room for the other student to improve.

Secondly, students may feel uncomfortable or less motivated if they are paired with someone they don't get along with or have difficulty communicating with. Building a positive and comfortable learning environment is crucial for effective language practice, and randomly assigning pairs might undermine this.

Instead, I suggest implementing a system where students can choose their own partners based on their language abilities and personal preferences. This allows students to collaborate with someone they are comfortable with, ensuring a supportive and productive learning environment.


Li hua


Dear Ryan

I am your student, Li Hua. I have some questions and suggestions regarding the grouping of students in the oral training class. While random grouping can encourage communication and interaction to some extent, there may be potential problems.

Firstly, students with significant differences in speaking skills may be grouped together, which may make stronger speakers feel restrained and weaker speakers feel overwhelmed. Moreover, some students may feel uneasy and constrained when paired with unfamiliar classmates.

Therefore, I suggest adopting a more reasonable grouping method, such as grouping students based on their exam scores, speaking ability, or interests. This would allow each student to practice speaking English with peers at a similar level and shared interests, boosting their motivation and confidence, and promoting mutual improvement among all levels of students.

I hope my suggestions will be accepted. Thank you!

Best regards,

Li Hua



标题:Lighting the Candle: A Wild Ride

作者:Carmen Agra Deedy

出处:The Horn Book Magazine




When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher encouraged me to enter a writing contest, sponsored by an organization in our hometown. I demurred.

I loved history.

I did not love writing.

I was a Cuban refugee, and English had been my nemesis from the moment I first shoved a chunky No. 2 pencil up and down the dashed lines of D’Nealian paper.

My teacher knew my writing was cursory. And I knew that I lacked discipline. (What neither of us knew was that I was also dyslexic.)

Writing was so excruciating that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic as an oral report — a one-act play, where I played all the parts. No one wheeze-laughed harder than he.

So, why the sudden hectoring to do something at which I was sure to fail? His reply: “Because I love your stories. And if you’re willing to apply yourself, I think you have a good shot at this.”


Few things motivate a writer like a bit of shameless flattery.

I chose Paul Revere’s horse as my subject. The story would come straight from the horse’s mouth. Not a brilliant notion, but funny; and unlikely to be anyone else’s choice.

What did the horse think, as he ripped through the night, his coat sloughing sweat, his eyes wide with adrenaline? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit?

I sympathized immediately. I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to quit.

But, like Revere’s fabled horse, I kept going.

I worked hard. I checked my spelling. With a dictionary. I enlisted my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half-dozen books on Paul Revere from the library. I even read a few of them.

When I handed in the finished essay, my teacher read it, laughed out loud, and said, “Great. Now, write it again. And no name. Entries are anonymous.”

I wrote it again. And again and again. If I didn’t win, I didn’t care. I had poured a wobbly writer’s blood and sweat into something that made my teacher proud.





我是一名古巴难民,从我第一次用粗粗的2号铅笔在D 'Nealian纸上的虚线上下划起,英语就成了我的克星。





* * *











Weeks passed. I forgot the competition. Thoughts of winning — a pipe dream to begin with — gave way to the enticements of a Georgia spring.

Then came the news.

There were two winners from each grade. A lanky, sweet-natured redhead in my class won second place.

I won first place.

That may have been the first time in my chatty life I was struck dumb, in any language.

Our teacher hooted with delight, my classmates stared at me in open disbelief, and Second-Place Red gamely shook my hand.

The following week, the winners met with the head of the sponsoring organization. We stood in the office, clutching our plaques and tittering to one another, when a small, birdlike woman entered. She spoke to the adults, then made her way down the line of winners, congratulating each of us and shaking hands. Red and I were last. We introduced ourselves. She looked from one to the other.

She didn’t speak.

She didn’t extend her hand.

After a few awkward seconds, she cleared her throat and explained that there had been an embarrassing mistake.

Then she gently reached down and took our plaques — hands crossing at the wrists, she re-assigned them — and apologized for the error.

I was now the second-place winner.

No one challenged her.

It wasn’t until later that I remembered. Our entries were anonymous. How could she have known which child had won what?


I can’t tie a bow on the end of this strange tale and make it pretty. It’s not that kind of story. But there is this: I got a taste for writing that spring. I learned to respect a writer’s labor and perseverance. And — despite the challenges of both dyslexia and a second language — I never stopped writing.













