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全国2021年4月自考00837《旅游英语选读》真题来源:诚为径教育   时间:2021年05月06日分享:









Ⅰ. Multiple choice: (1%×15=15%)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and blacken thecorresponding letter A, B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. Tourism may be defined as the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the

interaction of tourists,_ host governments, and host communities.

A. travel agents

B. business suppliers

C. tour guides

D. attraction providers

2. Mass tourism is a phenomenon of large-scale packaging of standardized leisure services

at_....prices for sale to a mass clientele.

A. fixed

B. fair

C. floating


3.The WTO is a(n)__organization.

A. national

B. international

C. regional


4. There has been less progress towards_on definitions of domestic travel than for international travel.

A. attitude

B. understanding


D. reflection

5. Those who say they travel "to escape”or "to relieve tension" can be seen as seeking to satisfy_

A. the need of safety

B. the need of basic physiology

C. the need of self-actualization

D. the need of esteem

6. The WTo defines a domestic_ as a visitor traveling in his country of residence for different purposes, but who stays less than 24 hours at the destination.

A. excursionist

B. tourist

C. visitor

D. traveler

7.Thomas Cook originated as a_, only expanding later to retail travel services.

A. tour wholesaler

B. tour operator

C. travel agent

D. travel dealer

8.Tourism is a(n)_.product which customers are obliged to purchase without having the opportunity to inspect it, and often from a base of very inadequate knowledge.


B. tangible

C. invisible

D. visible

9. Airlines operating on major routes between“hub" airports within a country are referred to


A. national flag-carriers

B. trunk route airlines


D.commuter airlines


may be all-important to the business traveler.



C. Speed/time



..played an important role in the early history of hospitality.

A. War


C. Religion

D. Migration

12. The lifeblood of the organization refers to the

A.sales department

B. accounting department

C. personnel department

D. food and beverage department

13. The largest lodging chain in the world is_

A. Hilton


C.Holiday Inn


14. What is meant by "airport art"”?

A. lt refers to the mass production of poorly crafted works.B. lt refers to the crafted works sold in airport.

C. lt refers to the crafted works exported to other countries by air.D. lt refers to the crafted works which are expensive and less creative.15. The entire tourism industry rests on a base of_

A. service industry

B. safety of the destinations

C. natural resources

D.environment protection

II. Reading comprehension: (2%×10=20%)

Directions: Read the following passages. Make your proper choices and blacken thecorresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.


Haven't been to Las Vegas yet? You're in a crowd that's getting smaller all the time.Last year,800,000 Asians made the pilgrimage to the neon Mecca in the Nevada desert.Led by the Japanese,Asian travelers make up Vegas's largest overseas market.JAL nowruns five non-stop flights weekly from Tokyo. While there's no direct service from otherAsian cities, remember that Vegas is less than an hour's flight from Los Angeles.

What makes Vegas such a draw for people from this part of the world ? Perhapsresidents of Asia's sprawling mega-cities appreciate its compactness: Vegas lets youcombine gambling,flashy culture and theme park in one heck of a holiday.And then thereare those otherworldly hotels,the buildings that look as if they've been transported toVegas in a time machine.The latest in this long, gaudy line is 760 million in Paris,whichincludes a 50-story reproduction of the Eiffel Tower, a two-thirds scale replica of the Arcde Trimophe and cobble-stoned streets lined with fancy boutiques.The only things missingfrom the full Paris experience are surely waiters and overflowing gutters.Another newresort,Mandalay Bay, is built in the shape of upright bars of gold bullion and attempt toconjure up a semi-imaginary locale that is part Bali.

Aside from the arresting architecture,what makes these hotels interesting is theiraffordability. "High season" here is every Thursday,Friday and Saturday, so the best timeto get a good price on a posh room is mid-week.At the deluxe Four Seasons, the onlyproperty in town without a casino,low-tide rates start at a modest 195 US dollars for astandard room, and Bellagio can house you for as little as 139 US dollars. At peak time,those prices can double.

What can you do in Vegas besides gamble? Plenty. In less than four hours you can bewhisked from your hotel to the Grand Canyon via helicopter and enjoy a champagne picnicdown on the canyon floor.Then there's world class shopping: Vegas retailer rival anythingoffered by their counterparts on ritzy Fifth Avenue or Rodeo Drive.

