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2021年湖北省黄石市中考英语试卷一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.France is ________ European country,and I visited ________ country three years ago.A.an;the B.a;the C.an;a D.the;the2.一 Which dress do you prefer,the red one or the green one?一 ________ .I like blue.A.Any B.Either C.Neither D.Both3.Over the past few months,Chinese COVID vaccines (疫苗) ________ in many other countries.A.have arrived B.arrivedC.will arrive D.had arrived4.一 I wonder if this glass is Tom’s.一 It ________ be his.His was broken just now.A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.shouldn’t5.一 I can’t get on well with my family.一 Why not talk with them?You should communicate ________ things become worse.A.until B.unless C.after D.before6.一 What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm yesterday?一 I ________ at the library after school.A.read B.was readingC.am reading D.was read7.It’s parents’ job to ________ a clean and comfortable environment at home ________ their children.A.support;with B.offer;withC.give;for D.provide;for8.一 How long may I ________ your magazine?一 For one week.But it mustn’t ________ to others.A.borrow;lend B.keep;be lentC.lend;be borrowed D.have;lend9.Dr.Yuan Longping had a dream that he could develop rice as ________ as peanuts (花生).A.large B.largestC.larger D.the largest10.一 How often do they stay up late?一 ________ .They always go to bed early.A.Three times a week B.Almost every dayC.Never D.Sometimes二、完形填空(每小题10分,共10分)阅读下面的材料,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。11.(10分)An old saying goes, "When in Rome (罗马),do as the Romans do." I learned the meaning of this when I studied in Russia.One day I(1) some of my Chinese friends to a famous local restaurant in Moscow.My guests and I were excited from visiting Red Square and happy about our meeting.We chatted(2) until the waiter told me that we were talking too loud.We turned our voices lower.But this didn’t last long.The waiter came over to us two more times with the same(3) .How bad an impression (印象) we must have left on the local people!In China,it’s natural and(4) for a host (主人) to make a lively atmosphere (气氛).However,in Russia and western countries,having a meal in a public place means you must(5) your voice low.You need to be polite to others.I felt(6) about this.Even though we tried our best,it’s very difficult to form a new habit.Russians have their own special habits.My Russian friend,Andrey always looks around and thinks for a while before leaving home.I asked him(7) he did this. "Aha," Andrey said, "In Russia,people always spend about a minute(8) things and plans in their minds before leaving.So they won’t leave(9) necessary behind.Finding the differences between(10) is very interesting.I’d like to keep my eyes and mind open.(1)A.made B.invited C.told D.taught(2)A.surprisingly B.friendly C.warmly D.carefully(3)A.message B.menu C.meal D.food(4)A.different B.serious C.important D.interesting(5)A.take B.remain C.have D.keep(6)A.bad B.strange C.angry D.nervous(7)A.how B.when C.why D.where(8)A.going around B.going over C.going on D.going for(9)A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything(10)A.friends B.knowledge C.people D.cultures三、阅读理解(每小题10分,共40分)阅读A、B、C和D四篇材料,按要求答题。12.(10分)An amazing theme park:Happy valleyLocation Gift shop and snack bar In Overseas Chinese Town,Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province.Lots of books,T﹣shirts and toys.You will love our ice cream and fresh fruit juice.Tickets How to get there All﹣day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person.Night ticket of Happy Valley: ¥60/person. valid (有效的) between 18:30 and 22:00.Ticket of Happy Train: ¥40/person.Tickets of Happy Valley + Happy Train:¥200/person.Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3.By tourist bus No.1 running between Luohu Railway Station and Happy Valley.By bus No.20,21,26,27,then get off at Window of the World Station and walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.By subway Line 1 (running between 06:30 ﹣ 23:30),get off at the stop of Window of the World Station and leave from Exit A,then walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.GroupsSchool groups are welcome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.The theme park is also available to rent (租用) for birthday parties.The park is totally accessible (可到达的) to people with disabilities.Visit us on the website to place your order for a group in advance.(1)How many kinds of ways to get to the theme park are talked about in the passage? A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.(2)Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A.On Tuesdays and Thursdays,school groups are welcome.B.Birthday parties can be held in the theme park at 23:30.C.You can get to the park by tourist bus No.21.D.A person in a wheelchair can visit the park.(3)How much should a couple with a child under 3 pay for the All﹣day tickets? A. ¥ 540.B. ¥ 360.C. ¥ 600.D. ¥ 120.(4)What cannot be bought in the gift shop and snack bar? A.Books.B.T﹣shirts.C.Toys.D.Fruits.(5)Where can we possibly find this kind of information? A.In a story book.B.In a travel brochure (手册).C.In a language book.D.In a magazine.13.(10分)One day,a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas.The father said, "Look!There is a horseshoe.Pick it up and put it in your bag." Thomas said, "It isn’t worth the trouble." His father said nothing but picked it up himself.When they got to a nearby town,they had a rest.There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with a few pennies he bought some cherries (樱桃).The father and the son continued their way.The sun was well up in the sky.And there wasn’t a house or even a tree where they could have a rest.Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on.At this time,his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it.After a while,his father dropped another cherry and once again,his son lost some time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.And so they went on.The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up.When Thomas had eaten all the cherries,his father said to him, "My dear son,if you had bent(弯曲)down earlier to pick up that horseshoe,it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries.Always remember the lesson that anyone who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things."(1)Why didn’t Thomas pick up the horseshoe ? A.He didn’t want to waste time on the small thing.B.He didn’t want to listen to his father.C.He was too lazy to bend down.D.He had trouble in picking it up.(2)What can we infer (推测) from the father’s behavior of buying cherries? A.He thought cherries were easy to take.B.He thought they might be thirsty on the way.C.He had no money to buy anything else.D.He liked cherries very much.(3)What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean? A.The sun was rising.B.The sun went behind a cloud.C.The sun was setting.D.The sun was shining brightly.(4)Thomas bent down so many times on their way to .A.pick up horseshoesB.pick up cherriesC.pick up penniesD.have a rest(5)What can we learn from the passage? A.Practice makes perfect.B.Where there’s a will,there’s a way.C.Detail(细节) is the key to success.D.No pain,no gain(收获).14.(5分)Everyone has his or her own living habits.Building good living habits is important.Why are some habits better than others?Let’s find out.(1) Corn,sweet potato,soybean and oats are all coarse food grains (粗粮).Eating coarse food grains is good for your health.They have a lot of dietary fiber (食用纤维).It’s good for your stomach.You can cook them in porridge or make drinks with them.Why shouldn’t we bend our heads for a long time?Keeping your head bent down for long is not good for your neck.Why is that?It’s because you put too much pressure on your neck.It’s like putting two watermelons(about 27 kilograms)on your neck.(2) Why shouldn’t we rub (揉) our eyes?Your hands are much dirtier than you think.When you rub your eyes,the bacteria (细菌) on your hands might go into your eyes.(3) Clean them with running water instead.(4) After exercising,your skin is sweating (流汗) and your heart is beating fast.A cold ﹣ water bath will stimulate (刺激) them too much.(5) .You’d better wait for a while until your body cools down.Then you can take a warm﹣water bath to relax.A.Why is a cold﹣water bath after exercising bad? B.You might have neck and shoulder pain by doing that. C.It might make you sick. D.If something gets in your eyes,do not rub them. E.Why do we need to eat coarse food grains ?15.(10分)Since the outbreak (爆发) of the pandemic(疫情),it has made its way around the world.It has a strong influence on our daily life.People have found a way to protect themselves by wearing face masks (口罩).We must wear masks anywhere in public.But the masks are one ﹣ time items.This means that we need to discard them after one or two uses.The world has seen wasted masks strewn (散布在) all over the streets and filling up garbage bins (垃圾箱).Experts have pointed out that the materials used in masks are difficult to degrade (降解).It will take at least 100 years for them to degrade naturally.Environmentalists become quite worried because a countless number of wasted masks have ended up in the sea!They are polluting the sea!The sea animals suffer (遭受) a lot and so do we humans.If the sea animals eat them by mistake,the rubbish will be hard to digest (消化) and stay in their stomachs forever.The bacteria on the masks may.kill them too.They will not only largely influence the ecological balance (生态平衡) of the sea,but also can spread some more dangerous illnesses.People will also leave these harmful things in their own bodies and may become ill when eating these sea animals.In general,the harm of wasted masks to the sea is serious,so we must take action to stop it right now.We should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them.(1)How do people protect themselves in the pandemic?(2)What does the underlined word"discard"mean in Chinese?(3)How long will it take for the wasted masks to degrade naturally?(4)What should we do with these wasted masks?(5)What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?四、短文填空(每小题10分,共10分)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每空只填一词。16.(10分)as develop during really move music sad think treasure writeLast night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music with my Chinese friends.A piece of music named Erquan Yingyue(Moon Reflected on Second Spring)deeply moved me.It was one of the most(1) pieces of music I’ve ever heard.It sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it(2) I listened.Later I got to know the music was(3) by a folk musician Abing.Today it has become one of China’s national(4) .However,the road to his success was not easy.His mother died when he was young.His father taught him to play many(5) instruments.By age 17,he was known for his talent in music.Unluckily,his father died.What was worse,he(6) a serious illness and became blind.He had no choice but to perform on the streets to make money.His excellent skills made him popular(7)his lifetime.He played and wrote many pieces of music.When we listen to his music,we can sense the beauty and(8) in it.It makes us(9) about the wounds and pain we have experienced.For this reason,many people praise him as the musician who has greatly influenced erhu music.So it’s(10) a pity that not many pieces of his music were recorded.五、情景反应(每小题5分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中A ~ G七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项(有两项多余)。17.(5分)Kathy:Hi,Molly.Where’s your brother Larry?(1) Molly:Hi,Kathy.I’m sorry.Larry can’t join us after all.(2) Kathy:I see.I really don’t think sixteen﹣year﹣olds should be allowed to work at night.(3) Molly:Oh,I disagree with you.Teenage boys never get tired.Kathy:Well,maybe.(4) Molly:That’s true.He needs time to do homework.Kathy:You know another thing that worries me?(5) Molly:Yeah,I know.I think he shouldn’t work on weekends.Kathy:That’s right.He needs to spend time with friends.A.Young people are full of energy. B.He’s working late tonight. C.Young people need to sleep. D.I thought he was joining us. E.Larry doesn’t seem to have many friends. F.But Larry shouldn’t work every night. G.Teenagers should help parents do housework.六. 翻译题(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语提示,补全句子。每小题四个空,每空限填一词。18.(2分)快点,否则我们上课要迟到的。 , we will be for class.19.(2分)你最好不要在工作日去看他。You to visit him on weekdays.20.(2分)孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来越好。 kids learn to be independent, it is for their future.21.(2分)这三年里你们取得了多么大的进步啊! you have in the past three years!22.(2分)你知道他什么时候带我去参观他的工厂吗?Do you know when me his factory?七. 书面表达(10分)23.(10分)As an old saying goes, "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart." 假如你叫李华,在你的初中学习生涯中,一定有许多朋友给了你不少帮助。在毕业之际,请给你的好友李雷写一封感谢信。要点:(1)感谢他(她)对你的帮助。(2)他(她)是如何帮助你的。要求:(1)请结合具体事例,适当发挥;语言通顺,意思连贯。(2)文中不能出现与本人相关信息。(3)80词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Li Lei,How time flies!We are going to graduate from junior high school.Wish you all the best!Yours,Li Hua参考答案和详解一、1.【答案详解】B 考查冠词。句意:法国是一个欧洲国家,我三年前访问过这个国家。由题干“France is ________ European country”可知,法车是一个欧洲国家,European为辅音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词a即可;再由题干“I visited ________ country ”可知,我参观了这个国家,是特指,所以用定冠词the。所以选B。2.【答案详解】C 考查不定代词的用法。句意:--你喜欢哪件衣服,红色的还是绿色的?--两个都不喜欢。我喜欢蓝色。A.both两者都,后面的谓语动词用复数形式;B.any任何的;C.either两者中任何一个,后面的谓语动词用单数形式;D.neither两个都不。根据the red one or the green one可知是两者,再从I like blue判断是两个都不选。所以选C。3.【答案详解】A 考查现在完成时态。句意:在过去的几个月里,中国的冠状病毒疫苗到达了许多其他国家。Over the past few months,在过去的几个月里,要用于现在完成时态,用have/has+过去分词。vaccines 要用have。所以选A。4.【答案详解】C 考查情态动词用法。 句意:--我想知道这个玻璃杯是不是汤姆的。--不可能是他的。他的刚才被摔坏了。A. mustn't禁止;B. may not可能不;C. can't不可能;D. shouldn't不应该。根据“His was broken just now 他的刚才被摔坏了”可知,这个玻璃杯“不可能”是汤姆的。表示否定推测用can't。所以选C。5.【答案详解】D 考查连词词义的辨析。句意:—我和家人相处不好。—为什么不跟他们谈谈?在事情会变得更糟以前,你应该和他们沟通。A.直到,B.除非,C.在...以后,D.在...以前,根据汉语意思:为什么不跟他们谈谈?在事情会变得更糟以前,你应该和他们沟通。可知选before在...以前,所以选D。【点评】主要考查的是对句子意思的理解和对。平时要注意积累词汇和短语。6.【答案详解】B 考查过去进行时态。句意:—昨天暴雨的时候你在干什么?—放学后我正在图书馆看书。根据问答时态一致原则,问句是过去进行时。答语也要用过去进行时,用was/were+动词ing,I要用was,所以选B。7.【答案详解】D 考查provide 作动词,意为“ 提供;供应”。provide sb.with sth 或provide sth for sb.意为“为某人提供某物”。所以选D。8.【答案详解】B 考查动词及时态辨析。句意:—我可以保留你的杂志多久?—一个礼拜。但是它不可以借出给其他人。结合第一句的回答是For one week,可知需要用一个延续性动词,结合句意,要用keep表示“保留”。have拥有,与题意不符。而borrow和lend是短暂性动词,要排除。第一空用keep,而第二空中,主语it指的是your magazine,与动词之间的关系,可知需要用被动语态,结合语境,可知这里动词要用lend表示“借出”,borrow表示“借”,是指自己向别人借东西,与题意不符,所以用lend,结合被动语态,前面有mustn't,所以用be lent。所以选B。9.【答案详解】A 考查形容词原级比较。句意:袁隆平院士有一个梦想,他可以培育出和花生一样大的大米。large表示大,形容词,其比较级是larger,最高级是largest。as+形容词/副词原形+as,表示和……一样,形容词副词原级比较,则A选项符合题意。所以选A。10.【答案详解】C 考查频度副词辨析。句意:—他们多久熬夜一次?—从不。他们总是很早上床睡觉。A.Three times a week一周三次;B.Almost every day几乎每天;C.Never从不;D.Sometimes有时。问句询问“他们多久熬夜一次”,根据答语的"他们总是很早上床睡觉"可知选择"从不"。所以选C。11.(1)【答案详解】B 考查动词辨析。A.使;B.邀请;C.告诉;D.教。根据后面“some of my Chinese friends to a famous local restaurant in Moscow”应该是邀请一些朋友在一家著名的餐馆,所以答案是B。(2)【答案详解】B 考查副词辨析。A.惊讶地;B.友好的;C.温暖地;D.小心地。根据We chatted应该是友好的交谈,所以答案是B。(3)A【答案详解】考查名词辨析。A.消息;B.菜谱;C.饭;D食物。根据上文“the waiter told me that we were talking too loud”服务员告诉我我们说话声音太大了,可知服务员又两次带着同样的口信来找我们。所以答案是A。(4)C 【答案详解】考查形容词辨析。A.不同的;B.严重的;C.重要的;D.有趣的。根据“In China,it's natural and(4)for a host (主人) to make a lively atmosphere ”可知应该是在中国,主人营造一种活泼的气氛是很自然和重要的,所以答案是C。(5)D 【答案详解】考查动词辨析。A.拿;B.仍然;C.有;D.保持。根据上文在中国,主人营造一种活泼的气氛是很自然和重要的,这里应该是然而,在俄罗斯和西方国家,在公共场所用餐意味着你必须压低声音,所以答案是D。(6)B 【答案详解】考查形容词辨析。A.坏的;B.奇怪的;C.生气的;D.紧张的。根据上文在中国,主人营造一种活泼的气氛是很自然和重要的,然而,在俄罗斯和西方国家,在公共场所用餐意味着你必须压低声音,这个应该是让作者很奇怪,所以答案是B。(7)C 【答案详解】考查副词辨析。A.怎样;B.何时;C.为什么;D.哪儿。根据语境,应该是问为什么这么做,所以答案是C。(8)B 【答案详解】考查短语辨析。A.造访,拜访;B.检查,仔细考虑;C.继续;D.选择。根据语境,应该是在俄罗斯,人们在离开前总要花一分钟左右的时间仔细考虑一下自己心中的事情和计划,所以答案是B。(9)D 【答案详解】考查代词辨析。A.没有;B.一些;C.所有的;D.任何的,用于否定句或问句。根据won't否定句,应该是不能把一些重要的东西落下,所以答案是D。(10)D 【答案详解】考查名词辨析。A.朋友;B.知识;C.人;D.文化。根据上文可知发现不同文化之间的差异是非常有趣的,所以答案是D。12.(1)【答案详解】A 细节理解题。根据“By tourist bus No.1”,“By bus No.20,21,26,27”,“By subway Line 1 ”可知,提到了三种方式。所以选A。(2)【答案详解】D 推理判断题。根据“The park is totally accessible (可到达的) to people with disabilities”可知,这个公园对残疾人完全开放。所以选D。(3)【答案详解】B 细节理解题。根据“All﹣day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person.”全天的欢乐谷门票:¥180 /人。以及“Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3.”七十岁以上和三岁以下的人可免费入场。可知,一对夫妻带着一个不到三岁的孩子购买全日票需要360元,所以选B。(4)【答案详解】D 细节理解题。根据“ Lots of books,T﹣shirts and toys.You will love our ice cream and fresh fruit juice.”很多书,t恤和玩具。您一定会喜欢我们的冰淇淋和新鲜果汁。可知,可以买到书、T恤、玩具、冰淇淋和新鲜果汁,不能买到水果,所以选D。(5)【答案详解】B 推理判断题。根据标题“An amazing theme park:Happy valley”一个令人惊叹的主题公园:欢乐谷。以及通读全文内容可知,
