首页 >  高一英语真题试卷图片有听力和答案  > 2023年高考听力模拟训练13(附原文和答案)声音免费在线播放





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What is the man's dream job?

A. A project manager.      B. A football player.      C. A software designer.

2. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. Trees.      B. The weather.      C. A mountain.

3. Who probably needs a guide?

A. Mary.       B. Steven.      C. Hanson.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a hospital.      B. At home.       C. In an office.

5. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Boss and waiter.      B. Father and daughter.      C. Teacher and student.




6. Which time is suitable for the man to check in?

A. 6:25 p.m..      B. 7:35 p.m..      C. 7: 20 p.m..

7. What is the man doing?

A. Booking a flight.      B. Confirming a schedule.      C. Changing a ticket.


8. What makes Patong Beach popular according to Lucy?

A. Its beautiful sights.      B. Its easy reach.      C. Its various sports.

9. Which beach does Lucy like best?

A. Karon Beach.      B. Patong Beach.      C. Sunrise Beach.

10. What water sport did Lucy do at Karon Beach?

A. Diving.       B. Sailing.      C. Surfing.


11. How does the man feel?

A. Entertained.      B. Disturbed.       C. Surprised.

12. How does the woman usually keep focused?

A. By listening to music.     B. By going to quiet places.      C. By controlling her emotion.

13. What will the man do next?

A. Continue his job.      B. See a film.      C. Go to the library.


14. When did the woman begin to like dancing?

A. After watching a live show.  B. After winning a competition. C. After taking dancing courses.

15. Why does the woman learn a musical instrument?

A. To show her talent.      B. To support her skill.      C. To follow other dancers.

16. What problem did the woman meet when choosing dancing as her career?

A. Dancers were paid less.      B. Her parents didn't like it.      C. Her grandparents hated it.

17. How does the woman feel when dancing?

A. Moved.      B. Relaxed.      C. Satisfied.


18. What is served in the restaurant?

A. Milk.      B. Fish.      C. Butter.

19. Why has the restaurant changed the menu?

A. To protect animals.      B. To make more profits.      C. To better the environment.

20. What is Martell's attitude towards the restaurant's move?

A. Supportive.      B. Uninterested.      C. Doubtful.


Text 1

M: I work as a project manager in a software designing company.

W: Is that your dream job?

M: No. But I am too old to be a football player now.

Text 2

W: Look at the mountain. This morning it looks very clean.

M: Yes, not like usual.

W: The trees on it seem greener. Where is the thin cloud which used to cover it?

Text 3

W: Steven, have you any friend in London? My sister, Mary, is going there. But she knows nothing about it.

M: Don’t worry. I will call Hanson and I believe he’ll be a good guide.

Text 4  

W: What’s wrong with you? Are you suffering from high blood pressure?

M: No, I just didn’t sleep well last night. I feel dizzy.

W: Then rest for a while, and you can hand in your report later.

Text 5

W: Shall we have a heart-to-heart talk after washing the dishes? What do you want me to do when I grow up?

M: It’s up to you. I want you to like your job.

Text 6  

M: What time does the flight get into L. A.?

W: It leaves New York at 7:35 p.m. and arrives in L. A. at 11:20 p.m..

M: When do I have to check in?

W: You have to be there an hour before the departure. Your ticket is ready.

M: Thanks. Do I have to confirm my plane reservation?

W: Sure. You do have to. Remember the flight number is AA 304 at Gate 8, Kennedy International Airport.

M: Thank you.

Text 7

M: Hi, Lucy! I heard you just got back from a trip to Thailand. How was it?

W: It was great! I went to several of Thailand’s most beautiful beaches.

M: Did you go to Patong Beach?

W: Yes, I did. I think the beach is very popular because it’s easy to go there. It does have a nice view but it’s very busy because there are a big number of water attractions.

M: Did you try the water sports?

W: I did! I tried sailing and it was so thrilling!

M: Wow…! You’re really brave! What about other beaches?

W: Well, they are probably less popular. But Sunrise Beach is my favorite.  

M: What did you do there?

W: I went diving and experienced the underwater world. Karon Beach was also amazing. I tried surfing there.  

Text 8  

W: Hi, are you busy today?

M: Actually yes, but I don’t think I can do my job today.

W: What is the problem?

M: My neighbor keeps playing music all the time, and I can’t concentrate.

W: How about going to some quiet places? Like the library?

M: Well, I wish I could, but I can’t concentrate to do my work where people are around.

W: Oh I see, so how can you make yourself focused?

M: Depending on my mood, and also my condition. What about you?

W: I always have music on while I work. But in fact, I can do my job in any place, any situation.

M: Oh that’s good. I can’t stand noise or disturbance when I’m trying to concentrate.

W: Why not go to a movie to relax now? Tomorrow you can go on with your job with a good mood.

M: Well, I think it’s a good idea.  

Text 9  

M: Congratulations! It is quite an achievement!

W: Thank you very much.

M: How do you feel after winning this significant dancing competition?

W: Wow, unbelievable! I’m surprised, proud and touched.

M: When was the first time you were interested in dancing?

W: When I was 5 years old, my mom took me to a live dance show, and I started to love it.

M: Do you take special dancing courses or do you just do self-learning to sharpen your talent?

W: Well, I do both of them. I also learn from some outstanding dancers.

M: Do you also learn music?

W: I learn a traditional musical instrument to support my skill.

M: What was the hardest thing in your career?

W: When I decided to choose dancing as my career, my parents showed no support. They didn’t think it was easy to make a living as a dancer. Eventually, my grandparents helped me convince them.

M: OK. How important is dancing for you?

W: Dancing is my soul. I feel completely content when I dance.

M: Thank you very much for your time.  

Text 10

When the restaurant, Eleven Madison Park, reopened on June 10 after the year-long virus, it stopped serving fish and some animal products such as butter and cheese. Its menu is almost  “100 percent plant-based.” However, honey and milk will still be offered for tea and coffee.

The owner of the restaurant decided to change the menu to help the environment. According to a study, raising animals for meat led to more greenhouse gas than planting vegetables for food. Some researchers suggested that if people wouldn’t eat beef for just one meal per day, they could reduce pollution by about half.

Nevin Martell, a food writer, said that Eleven Madison Park had always done things a little bit differently. He considered it as a big risk for them to change. But he also thought that they were positioning themselves at the right time to be doing the right thing.

Most restaurants are just trying to stay in business in the special period. The question is, will other restaurants follow in the footsteps of Eleven Madison Park?



1. B   2. C   3. A   4. C   5. B   6. A   7. A   8.B   9. C   10.C 

11. B  12. A  13.B  14.A  15. B  16. B  17. C  18. A  19. C  20. A
