首页 >  马普所研究生含金量  > 海外全奖博士招生信息汇总·第62期:马普所、CityU、曼彻斯特等






目录 Catalogue

1. 德国马克斯•普朗克研究所招收博士/博后

2. 佛罗里达州立大学招收全奖博士研究生

3. 香港城市大学招收博士研究生2023年1月入学

4. 曼彻斯特大学提供四年资助的博士生奖学金

5. 乌得勒支大学提供带薪博士职位




德国马克斯•普朗克研究所(Max Planck Institute)下属心肺研究所顾博士团队招收博士,博士后,访问学者和实习生,本招聘长期有效。


德国马克斯•普朗克科学促进协会(max planck society for the advancement of science,以下简称马普)成立于1948年,一直是德国科学技术的心脏,至今共有35位科学家获得诺贝尔奖。马普学会类似于中科院,下设研究所在各自的研究方向上都是成果显著,科研实力雄厚。马普作为德国最为成功的研究机构,培养出众多优秀科学家,并跻身于世界一流研究机构之列。







顾博士现为德国马克斯•普朗克科学促进协会下属心肺研究所独立PI,主要从事大数据分析,表观遗传学机制探索及其在疾病和生物发育过程中的作用。顾博士于2013年在德国癌症研究中心,海德堡大学获得博士学位,2014年至2018年在哈佛医学院进行博士后训练,并于2019年晋升为讲师。顾博士长期从事表观遗传学领域的研究,综合运用生物信息学,分子生物学,生物化学,细胞生物学等技术方法,在以下几个方面展开研究:(1)新技术的研发(nature protocols, 2013,bioinformatics, 2014 (引用超过1500))(2)表观遗传学机理在癌症发生和转移中的探索(nature genetics, 2015,nature communications, 2022)(3)表观遗传学机理在隔代遗传发育中的作用的探索 (molecular system biology, 2016, cell reports, 2021)(4)新型dna/rna甲基化 (cell, 2015)及其相关酶(cell discovery, 2020; cell research, 2020) 的鉴定由于顾博士多元化的学术背景,使其在团队合作上也是经验丰富,与国内和国际合作者开展多项高质量的科研工作,并且发表在nature,cell,nature genetics, nature medicine,cancer cell,cell stem sell等各种顶级学术期刊。截止2021年11月,顾博士的谷歌学术总引用次数将近6千,h-index达到25。由于出色的学术研究,顾博士也成功获得多项NIH和哈佛医学院的经费支持,以及国家层面的荣誉,具体包括:1. 由留学基金委(csc)颁发的中国杰出自费留学生奖学金(chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad),2013,(全球大约500人)

2. 哈佛大学杰出华人学者奖(生命科学)(2015 harvard chinese life science annual distinguished research award),2015

3. NIH T32 基金,2017-2019

4. 哈佛大学医学院表观遗传学种子基金,2018-2019

5. 德国马普学会青年科学家基金,2021-2026








佛罗里达州立大学 (Florida State University) 科学计算系(Dept. of Scientific Computing) 黄晨副教授招收全奖博士生(2022年秋季入学)。该系成立于2008年,隶属于理学院。黄老师的主要研究方向是原子尺度材料模拟。研究课题侧重于新方法的研究及其应用。目前组里的三个研究方向是:

(1)研发新的密度泛函方法(density functional theory) 用于高精度材料模拟

(2)研发新的无轨道密度泛函理论(orbital-free density functional theory)用于高熵合金(high entropy alloy)模拟。


佛罗里达州立大学成立于1823年。其最新的US News全美排名55。对计算化学,计算物理,和材料模拟感兴趣的同学,请与黄老师联系。Email:chuang3@fsu.edu。录取需要GRE和TOFEL(或者雅思)成绩。本科成绩GPA3.0以上。





香港城市大学软物质课题组现招收博士研究生。柴愚博士现为香港城市大学物理系助理教授,主要从事软物质表界面的原位性质研究及其应用。近年来,在science, nature communications , science advances, pnas, chem, nano letters, acs nano, angew chem, physical review materials, macromolecules, soft matter等杂志发表多篇文章。课题组立足香港城市大学,长期与加州大学伯克利分校,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,巴黎高等物理化工学院,加拿大perimeter 理论物理研究所,清华大学,华中科技大学,北京化工大学等国内外知名科研机构保持密切合作。polymers under confinement    science, 2014    macromolecules, 2020    macromolecules, 2017soft matter self-assembly    science, 2019    pnas, 2021    science advances, 2018, 2020    nano letters, 2017, 2018, 2021    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 2021(*2)    nature communications, 2019    chem, 2019

课题组网站: https://www.chailab.net/



【招收要求】博士研究生要求:本科学位或者硕士学位,物理、力学、化学化工、高分子,ee等专业。具有高分子以及有机合成,固体、流体力学,原子力显微镜使用经验者优先。托福(ibt) 79分以上,或者雅思6.5分以上。博士后须有相关研究经历及文章支持。





PhD Scholarship: Secondary Data analysis, Employment and the Labour Market

The University of Manchester

Alliance Manchester Business School is committed to recruiting the highest calibre PhD students from across the globe. With an excellent international reputation, we strive to produce graduates and researchers of distinction who attain the highest standards of academic excellence, contribute to their disciplines and typify Original Thinking applied. 

This PhD scholarship offers four years’ funding, including doctoral programme tuition fees and a stipend of approximately £16,062 per year for candidates wishing to commence their studies in September 2022. The successful candidate will also receive a generous research support and conference allowance. You will also have access to a robust doctoral research training programme, dedicated research resources, training in transferable skills, visiting speaker seminar programme, and associate with existing research centres and groups.

The candidate may contribute to data collection for, and receive technical support from the Productivity Institute’s Data Lab.

In addition, all students are encouraged to undertake training and development in teaching and deliver teaching and/or research assistantship duties on a paid basis to further enhance their experience in preparation for their future careers.

The Project:

Proposals are invited on the broad topic of employment and the labour market aligned to the research themes of the Work & Equalities Institute (WEI) and/or The Productivity Institute (TPI). Methodologically, a specific focus on the secondary quantitative data analysis of national and/or international datasets is required for eligibility to this scholarship.

Proposals may consider cross-national comparisons, national level studies, or sub-national (e.g, regional) analyses. applicants are encouraged to consider the research themes of the WEI (https://www.wei.manchester.ac.uk/) and/or TPI (https://www.productivity.ac.uk/) before applying.

Entry Requirements:

applications for this project are sought from exceptional UK, EU and international students with an outstanding academic background.

A demonstrable understanding and interest in employment and labour market research issues related to the chosen topic and the capacity or potential to independently conduct secondary analysis on large micro-datasets under research supervision are required.

applicants must have a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree (or equivalent) and hold or expect to obtain a Masters level qualification with Distinction. English Language requirements  https://www.alliancembs.manchester.ac.uk/study/phd/entry-requirements/ (where required) are IELTS 7.0, TOEFL 623 (100 ibt), PTE 76.

How to apply:

Candidates should submit a PhD application(https://www.alliancembs.manchester.ac.uk/study/phd/how-to-apply-for-a-phd/) for PhD Business & Management and indicate that they wish to be considered for this particular scholarship.

Your application must contain a 3000-word research proposal related to the topic.

Candidates are strongly advised to submit their application as early as possible. Candidates who do not submit the required supporting documents by the specific deadline will not be considered.

application deadline:  31 May 2022


For further details about the scholarship, please contact Prof. Anthony Rafferty at anthony.rafferty@manchester.ac.uk.

For questions related to making your application, please contact Lynne Barlow-Cheetham in the Doctoral Programmes Office: ambs-pgresearch@manchester.ac.uk.   

apply button: https://www.alliancembs.manchester.ac.uk/study/phd/how-to-apply-for-a-phd/




PhD position in Education/Data Science studying teacher-student classroom interaction (0,8 - 1,0 fte)

Job description:

Are you interested in teacher-student classroom interaction and do you have the ambition to contribute to scientific progress as well as perform socially relevant research? Then a PhD position at the Department of Education might be just the right job for you.

You will work on the project, “better Together: Disentangling the dynamics of pedagogical translanguaging to improve adaptive teacher-student interaction in the language classroom” which aims to investigate how teachers use more than one language for teaching and learning to optimize students’ responsiveness during classroom interaction. This is a research project at the faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, supervised by an interdisciplinary research team from the departments of Education and the Department of Methodology and Statistics (the Human Data Science Group). You will collect and analyze classroom observational data in Dutch secondary education, learn how to apply innovative quantitative research methods to analyze the social network of a classroom from a complex dynamic systems perspective. In the project, we aim to disentangle drivers in teacher-student interaction in order to improve our understanding of how teenagers in a multilingual society like the Netherlands develop their interactional competence during language lessons. Results of this project may inform teacher education and educational policy in terms of how multilingual teachers who are skilled in interacting “better together” might educate resilient multilingual learners who can face global challenges “better together”.


We are looking for an enthusiastic colleague (m/f/x) who meets the requirements below:

a (completed or almost completed Master’s degree in a domain relevant to the project, for instance, Educational Sciences, (applied) Linguistics, and (developmental) Psychology, (social) Data Science, Quantitative Social Sciences or a related field;

well-developed analytical and statistical skills, experience in programming (e.g. R, Python, Matlab or any other programming language) and willingness to follow additional statistics courses; 

willing to collaborate across scientific fields;

a motivated and communicative team member;

able to work independently and have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and understand Dutch. We offer free Dutch language courses.


We offer a position for 4 years (1.0 FTE) or 5 years (0.8 FTE). Salary will range from €2,443 in the first year to €3,122 in the fourth year in the P-scale (Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) per month based on a full-time employment. We encourage you to grow professionally, and we support a healthy work-life balance. That’s why we offer employment benefits such as professional development, leave arrangements, partially paid parental leave and sports. We also give you the opportunity to expand your terms of employment via the Employment Conditions Selection Model. 

You will receive training and various opportunities for professional development. Your work will also include teaching activities. You will collaborate with and be supported by two daily supervisors, one from Education and one from Methodology and Statistics (M&S), as well as two senior supervisors (one from Education and one from Methodology and Statistics). You will work in a collaborative, social and dedicated team. We will guide you in your research and teaching tasks, which will help you develop your academic career.

And that's not all. We are happy with you as a new employee and are happy to give you a warm welcome. We host a good introduction process for our new colleagues where we will introduce you and show you around our Faculty and University.

About the organization:

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University(https://www.uu.nl/), the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences(https://www.uu.nl/organisatie/faculteit-sociale-wetenschappen) is one of the leading faculties in Europe for research and academic teaching in Cultural Anthropology, Educational Sciences, Interdisciplinary Social Science, Pedagogical Sciences, Psychology and Sociology. We are a faculty at the heart of society and one which cooperates closely with others. Our almost 6,000 students are enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programmes. We have approximately 900 faculty and staff members, who all work closely together to educate and train young talent and to research and find solutions to scientific and societal issues. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth and Institutions for Open Societies.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences aspires to have a diverse body of staff and students and strives to create and sustain a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, in line with Utrecht University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policys(https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/equality-diversity-inclusion).

Additional information:

For additional information, please contact Nienke Smit (n.smit@uu.nl) or Mahdi Shafiee Kamalabad (m.shafieekamalabad@uu.nl).


Utrecht University aims to make a visible contribution to an inclusive university community, a just society and equal rights and opportunities for all. Everyone deserves to feel at home at our university, which is why we welcome employees from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, including a letter of motivation, via the ‘apply’  (https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/applicationForm.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1190260)button below. Online interviews through MS Teams will be held between 17th june.

The application deadline is








 “硕士申请” 或  “博士申请”

